Title: Staff member
1Performance Management Life Cycle Academic
Staff member commences
Month 1 Months 6 12 Months 18
24 Month 30 Month 33 Month
36 Month 42
Performance plan developed in line with Position
Description, UniSA Strategic, Divisional and
School Plans
If performance levels are not met refer to the
Managing for Performance Improvement
Formal review and feedback occurs, highlighting
all aspects of performance and any
additional support/resources required.
Formal review and feedback occurs, highlighting
all aspects of performance and any
additional support/resources required.
Regular Informal Feedback Occurs
Formal review and feedback occurs, highlighting
all aspects of performance and any
additional support/resources required.
PROBATION does not apply to Casual Staff. For
probation period information on Fixed Term
Contract Staff, refer to the Probation Policy and
Formal probation review occurs before employees
probation end date. Longer term performance plan
agreed carrying over outstanding and/or ongoing
Make decision to confirm appointment, extend
probation or terminate employment (intention
to terminate must be notified at least three
months prior to end of Probation). Refer to the
Probation Guidelines for further information.
Appointment confirmed. performance planning
process continues with 6 monthly formal reviews
and informal reviews in between.
Formal review and feedback occurs, highlighting
all aspects of performance and any
additional support/resources required.
Human Resources Unit - August 2006
Does not include senior academic staff