Title: Typing Graph Manipulation Operations
1Typing Graph Manipulation Operations
- Jan Hidders
- University of Antwerp
- Data Model
- Instance Graph / Schema Graph / Extension
Relation - Language
- Pattern / Addition / Deletion / Reduction
- Typing the Operations
- Patterns / Additons / Deletions / Reduction
- Further Research
3Instance Graph
Data Graph
Well-formed Data Graph
- Nodes are labeled or reachable from labeled nodes.
- No sharing of composite-value nodes
Instance Graph
- No duplicates of basic values
- No local duplicates of composite values
4Schema Graph
- Like Data Graph, but
- At most one class label
- No basic-value labels
- ISA edges
- No well-formedness
- E.g. sharing of comp. val.
- No constraints on attributes
5Extension Relation
Data Graph
Schema Graph
Def. An extension relation satisfies
class-name rule related if labeled with the same
class name.
attribute rule related if required by attr. type
in schema graph
isa rule related if required by attr. type in
schema graph
Def. A data graph D belongs to schema graph S if
the minimal extension relation - relates only
nodes with the same sort, - implies no extra
class names and - lets S cover D.
- Like Well-formed Data Graph, but
- Allow basic-value nodes w/o basic value label
- is edges
but no cycles of comp. val. nodes.
An addition consists of a base pattern
and an extension pattern.
- Semantics For each embedding of the base pattern
the data graph is extended such that the
extension pattern also embeds with - distinct extensions for each embedding
- distinct nodes for each additional node in ext.
- Well-formed addition
- only is edges from old to new nodes
- no is edges that merge old or new values
- no potentially recursive is edges
A deletion consists of a base pattern
with marked class names, nodes and edges.
Semantics For each embedding of the base pattern
the marked class names, nodes and edges are
removed.If nodes become unreachable they are
also removed.
Purpose Turn well-formed data graphs into
instance graphs. (no duplicates of basic values,
no local duplicates of composite values).
- Semantics Merge nodes if they
- represent the same basic value or
- represent the same composite value and are
siblings (i.e., in the same attribute or named
class), - until no more nodes are merged.
10Typing Patterns
Problem Is there a well-formed data graph that
belongs to schema graph S in which the pattern J
Note In the following object-class nodes are
assumed to be labeled.
- Without is edges
- Def. An extension relation from S to J supports J
if - - it relates only nodes with the same sort,
- - it is minimal on composed-value nodes and
- - it lets S cover J.
- Th. Existence of this is sufficient and necessary
condition. - Th. Problem in PTIME
- With is edges
- Extra requirements necessary for supp. ext. rel.
- Th. Problem coNP-complete
11Typing Additions (1/2)
- Problem Addition stays within schema graph?
- Without is edges
- Def. An addition is well-typed if for all the
extension relations that support the base pattern
it holds for their minimal extension to the
extension pattern that it - respects the sorts of the nodes,
- lets the schema graph cover the extension pattern
and - prevents the above three problems.
Th. Sufficient (but not necessary). Th. Deciding
well-typedness PSPACE complete.
12Typing Additions (2/2)
With is edges
Extensions caused by is edges cause similar
problems. These can be solved by adding extra
constraints for well-typedness. Th. Deciding
well-typedness still PSPACE complete.
Without composite-value nodes
Th. Deciding well-typedness in PTIME.
13Typing Deletions
Problem Deletion stays within schema graph?
Schema Graph
- Def. A deletion is well-typed if for all
combinations of deletions of class names for a
single node - the node is never forced back into a deleted
class and - the composite-value tree under this node remains
Th. Sufficient (but not necessary). Th. Deciding
well-typedness PSPACE complete.
14Typing Reductions
Problem Reduction stays within schema graph?
15Further Research
- Find necessary well-typedness conditions.
- Investigate role of isa edges between
composite-value class nodes. - Extend for XML.