Title: An innovative structure of the MTdictionary
1An innovative structure of the MT-dictionary
PROMT eXcellent Translation (XT)
2 Owing to a new morphological model the
MT-dictionary contains only canonical forms.
3 As a result, three important goals are reached
a considerable reduction of the dictionary size,
concerning entries with the identical linguistic
a greater precision of coding the linguistic
information in the MT-dictionary
a higher speed of translation
4 A new dimension is introduced into the dictionary
inactive translations
5 Inactive translations
can be used as reference, in this case they are
not involved in process of translation
can be activated easily by clicking the mouse so
that the translation appears immediately in the
translation text
6 Active and inactive translations can be
accompanied by comments of different kinds
(lexical, grammatical, etc.), which can be used
as reference or changed by the user.
7The comments make your work with the potential
variants of translation easier both in process of
translation and when working with the
8The linguistic interface has become even more
open. More opportunities for high-quality
translation are offered.
9 Professional linguists can set their own
priorities for machine translation when working
with words belonging to different parts of speech
in the source language
Decide yourself, whether the selected English word
occurs more often as a verb or as a noun
occurs more often as an adjective or as a noun
10In complicated cases, this is an opportunity to
help the machine analysis, in some way
participating in machine translation.
11Use different translation settings
Adjust the system to the topic of the text to be
translated. It will save your time and make your
editing more creative.
12Work freely with complicated syntactic structures!
use the opportunity to enter collocations, such
as make (a) bet, keep (a) promise, pay (a) bill,
take () up, keep () away, in your own dictionary,
so as to improve translation quality
13Use a new function in the PROMT-application to
get access to information relating to all the
entries of the MT-dictionary, even to such
special entries like prepositions, conjunctons,
etc., which are not open for editing in the
Dictionary Editor application.
14PROMT company
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