Title: Welcome all to
1Welcome all to Arbab Rustam Guiv Darbe
Mehr Zoroastrian House of British Columbia Hamaa
Anjuman Jashan! Hamaspathmaedem Gahambar,
Vahishtoisht Gatha,1376 Y.Z. (Shehenshahi) Roj
Bahman, Maah Shahrivar 1386 (Fasli) Roj Aneran,
Mah Farvardin, 1377 (Kadmi)
2Maadar-e-Vatan Iran
- A Zarathushtri Pilgrimage
- By
- Ervad Sohrab Pirojshah Dastur
3(No Transcript)
4What does word Jashan mean? The word Jashan
is another form of Yazashna or Ijashna meaning a
homage of praise, from the root yaz to
praise, to worship.
5- The Object of the Public Jashans
- is twofold
- To offer thanks to the Almighty (Ahura Mazda)
- for His bountiful blessings
- and to pray for a continuance of the same.
- To a great extent they are Thanks-giving
62. The public Jashans are intended to cement the
tie of brotherhood. Not only physical
brotherhood, but spiritual brotherhood.
7The celebrant says in the recital of the
Dibaache that the reward of all his prayers
may go to the treasury of Ahura Mazda i.e., for
the good of all His fellow-creatures.
8- In this spirit, let us all gather together in
this - Beautiful Arbab Rustam Guiv Darbe Mehr
- Zoroastrian House of British Columbia Celebration
- to say thanks to Ahura Mazda and
- to increase His treasury
- with Humata (Good Thoughts),
- Hukhta (Good Words)
- and Hvarshta (Good Deeds)
- for the good of all mankind!
9The Farohar Picture you see on all slides is the
art of two people The original picture was
created by late ERUCH HORMUSJI PATEL in 1998,
my nephews father-in-law, incorporating 101
Ahura Mazda Names in Gujarati, a very novel idea!
10(No Transcript)
11I publicized it in Z-Lists in September 2000 and
appealed to some young Zs to convert the 101
Ahura Mazda Names from Gujarati into English
and/or Persian. In October 2000, I was so
thrilled to receive the above picture from young
Ervad Pashin Madan, Dubai, UAE, who converted
it into English 101 Ahura Mazda Names. I am
privileged to use this unique Farohar picture as
the background on all the slides!
12(No Transcript)
13This Hamaa Anjuman Jashan A Unique Participatory
Experience! This will not be a Traditional
Jashan! My apologies to all who are expecting
such a Jashan!
14Instead, we will have a unique experience of
Mobed(s) and you all participating in the Jashan
prayers and understanding a little about what
these beautiful prayers mean!
15Please note that all the implements and
offerings for this Jashan are the same as those
used in a Traditional Jashan,
16Including Atash burning in the Afargaanyu with
Sukhad (sandal wood) and Lobaan (incense) And
Parsi Deevas (Floating Candles).
17we have 7 Traditional Parsi Deevaas (floating
candles) to represent Daadaar Ahura Mazda and
His six Ameshaashpands who are invoked many
times to be present in the Jashan ceremony in
the prayers we usually recite.
Ahura Mazda Vohu Mana Ardibehesht Sheherevar Asfan
daard Kordaad Amardaad
Ahura Mazda And His Six Ameshaashpands
18Proposed Agenda for this Jashan Total Time ONE
HOUR alarms will sound after that! We will
have 26 Behdins (Good Religion followers) from
you all who have volunteered to assist us in
this Jashan.
19Proposed Agenda for this Jashan Total Time ONE
HOUR alarms will sound after that! They will
recite selected paras of the Jashan prayers in
English translations alternately with the
Mobed(s) who in turn will recite the selected
paras of the original Jashan prayers.
20In order to replicate the spiritual environment
of a traditional Parsi/Irani Agiary or Atash
Behram we experience during our visits, it is a
sign of respect to cover our heads during this
Jashan ceremony.
21Let us start our Jashan Prayers. Hamaa Zor (Let
us be united!) Greeting This is the age old
traditional greeting among Mobeds performing
Jashan ceremony.
22Hamaa Zor (Let us be united!) Greeting Two of
them face one another, hold out their two hands
in vertical position, and first insert their
right hands between the two hands of the other
reciting Hamaa Zor meaning May we be united
23and then sliding out their hands, they reinsert
their left hands between the two hands of the
other reciting Hamaa Asho Bade meaning May
we be united in righteousness!
24This Hamaa Zor greeting is to cement the
physical and spiritual brotherhood among the
Jashan participants. So, let us all do the Hamaa
Zor with our neighbors.
25Hum Bandagi 2 Yathas and 1 Ashem Vohu Let us
now join hands in a big chain with all
participants starting with Mobed(s) and let us
pray together (Hum Bandagi) two Yathaas and one
Ashem Vohu prayers.
First, Behdin 1 will recite Yathaa Ahu Vairyo
translation, followed by Behdin 2 reciting Ashem
Vohu translation
26Behdin 1 Ahura Mazda adzam aruha
Yathaa Ahu Vairyo Translation Just as an elected
President acts according to his will, so does
the Dasturaan Dastur by means of righteousness
acts according to his own will.
27Behdin 1 Ahura Mazda adzam aruha
The gift of Vohu-manah (i.e. Good mind) is for
those working for Ahura Mazda of this world
28Behdin 1 Ahura Mazda adzam aruha
He who constitutes himself to be the protector
or the nourisher of the poor accepts the
sovereign rule of the entire world of Hormazd.
29Behdin 2 Vohu Mana anam uhoW
Ashem Vohu Translation Righteousness is the best
good and it is happiness.
30Behdin 2 Vohu Mana anam uhoW
Happiness is to him who is righteous for the
sake of the best righteousness.
31Yathaa Ahu Vairyo Prayer (All Recite) Yathaa Ahu
Vairyo athaa ratush ashaat chit
hachaa, Vangheush dazdaa manangho shyaothananaam
angheush Mazdaai, Khshathremchaa Ahuraai aa yim
dregubyo dadat vaastaarem.
(Recite twice)
32Ashem Vohu Prayer (All Recite) Ashem Vohu
Vashistem asti Ushtaa asti, Ushtaa
ahmaai, Hyat ashaai Vahishtaai ashem.
33Hamaa Zor Greeting And let us now perform the
Hamaa Zor Greetings again with our neighbors.
Hamaa Zor Hamaa Asho Bade
34- A Jashan has three parts
- Jashan Dibaache (Introduction/forward)
- 3 or more Kardaas for Ahura Mazda and other
Yazatas - Three Aafrins (Blessings)
- We will perform each of these three parts.
35- A. Jashan Dibaache (Introduction/forward)
- Let us now start
- with Jashan Prayers
- with its Dibaache.
- Behdin 3 will now recite
- translations of some paras from Dibaache
36Behdin 3 Ardibehesht tSvhabIdra
In the name of God, the benevolent, the
merciful, the loving. May this dedication reach
the righteous Fravashi of Daadaar Ahura
Mazda. May the ritual be successfully
accomplished. May the glory of the good
religion of the Mazda-worshippers spread
throughout the seven continents (of the earth).
37Behdin 3 Ardibehesht tSvhabIdra
May the inhabitants of the cities of Burnaby,
and greater Vancouver and British Columbia,
have prosperity and success, and their souls
delight and joy.
38Behdin 4 Shehrevar rawErvhvC
b) Behdin 4 will now recite translations of some
paras from Dibaache On behalf of whom, I have
performed the yasna, consecrated the darun
(sacred bread) and regularly conducted the
offering under the sovereignty of its own watch
and day.
39Behdin 4 Shehrevar rawErvhvC
May the ceremony collectively go into the
treasury of the radiant and glorious Creator
Ahura Mazda and Ameshaaspands (the Bountiful
40Behdin 4 Shehrevar rawErvhvC
May this ceremony, from all of us, be acceptable
to the righteous fravashis and may it be our
protector, benefactor, keeper-at-bay of harm and
affliction, and the fulfiller of boons.
41c) Pazand Prayers of Dibaache Chief Priest,
Zaotar, will now pray the first 6 paras of
42d) Invoking the names of the Departed Ones,
of Zarathushtra and Zarathushtri stalwarts
from Gayomard to the present day. This Jashan
is for and requested by Arbab Rustam Guiv Darbe
Mehr Zoroastrian House of British Columbia Hamaa
Anjuman (the whole community) and so they are
all invoked in this Jashan.
43Behdin 5 Aspandaard drAdnapsa
e) Behdin 5 will now recite translations of some
paras from Dibaache Especially among the
immortal souls, may the soul of Zarathushtra
Spitaman, of righteous Fravashi, be remembered
here. ...
44Behdin 5 Aspandaard drAdnapsa
Among the immortal souls, may the souls of the
members of ZSBC Hamaa Anjuman Families be
especially remembered here. May all righteous
fravashis be remembered here.
45Behdin 5 Aspandaard drAdnapsa
By the request of the ZSBC Hama Anjuman at whose
instance the ceremony is being performed, may
its merit reach this Hamaa Anjuman.
46f) Pazand Prayers of Dibaache Chief Priest,
Zaotar, will now invoke the names of
Zarathushtri stalwarts.
47Behdin 6 Khordaad dAdrox
g) Behdin 6 will now recite translations of some
paras from Dibaache May all fravashis of the
righteous, from Gayomard (the First Man) to
Soshyos (the Maker of the Renovation), be
collectively remembered here on the fourth,
tenth, thirtieth and anniversary day.
48Behdin 6 Khordaad dAdrox
May all fravashis of the righteous, from
Gayomard to Soshyos, be collectively remembered
here the fravashis of those who are, who have
been, and who will be, of the born and unborn
49Behdin 6 Khordaad dAdrox
of this country and foreign lands, of the
initiate males and females, of the minors and
grown-ups, of any one who has passed away
from this earth belonging to the Good Religion..
50Behdin 7 Amardaad dAdrama
h) Behdin 7 will now recite translations of some
paras from Dibaache May the fravashis of the
righteous, the fravashis of the brave, the
fravashis of the victorious, the fravashis of
the successful,
51Behdin 7 Amardaad dAdrama
the fravashis of the ancient sages, the
fravashis of the next-of-kin, and all fravashis
from Gayomard to Soshyos, be collectively
remembered here.
52Behdin 7 Amardaad dAdrama
May the souls of fathers, mothers, grandfathers,
ancestors, offspring, relatives, associates and
the next-of-kin be remembered here, together
with the fravashis of the righteous, from
Gayomard to Soshyos.
53Behdin 8 Dae-Pa-Daadaar rAdAd ap vad
i) Behdin 8 will now recite translations of some
paras from Dibaache May all fravashis of the
righteous in the seven continents of the earth,
(viz.) Arezah, Sawah, Fradadafsh, Widadafsh,
Wourubareshta, Wourujareshta, and the shining
54Behdin 8 Dae-Pa-Daadaar rAdAd ap vad
and all fravashis of the righteous in the holy
Kangdez the cavern which Jam ( Yima) built
and the repository of the scriptures, from
Gayomard to Soshyos, all be remembered here
55Behdin 8 Dae-Pa-Daadaar rAdAd ap vad
May the radiance and glory increase. May this
dedication reach the righteous fravashis.
Especially among the immortal souls, may the
souls of Hamaa Anjuman be remembered here. ...
56Behdin 8 Dae-Pa-Daadaar rAdAd ap vad
May all righteous fravashis be remembered here.
By the request of the ZSBC Hama Anjuman at
whose instance the ceremony is being performed,
may its merit reach them.
57j) Pazand Prayers of Dibaache Chief Priest,
Zaotar, will now pray the last paras of Dibaache.
58- B. Jashan Kardaas 3 or more
- Ahuramazda Kardaa
- All Mobeds recite symbolic
- 1 Yathaa and 1 Ashem
- and Fravaraane para
- for Daadaar Ahuramazda
- upto frasastayecha.
59Affirmation of Zaotar (as Ahu) and Raathwi (as
Ratu) b) Zaotar ONLY Recite Yathaa Ahu Vairyo
Zaotaa Fraa may mrutay Translation The
Zaotar should say to me Yathaa Ahu Vairyo
60c) Raathwi and all Others Recite Yathaa Ahu
Vairyo YO Zaotaa Fraa may mrutay Translation
He who is the Zaotar should say to me Yathaa Ahu
61d) Zaotar ONLY Recite Athaa Ratush Ashaat Chit
Hachaa Fraa Ashava Vidhwaao Mraotu Translation
The Asha-sanctified knowing one should say
Athaa Ratush Ashaat Chit Hachaa
62e) Doa Tandoorasti in Avesta This is the famous
Avesta prayer of Taao Ahmi Nmaane, popularly
referred to as the Avesta Doa Tandoorasti.
63Behdin 9 Aadar radA
will now recite translations of some paras from
Avestan Doa Tandoorasti May these virtues
mentioned which are the satisfaction of the
righteous people, their blessings, guileless
nature and thanksgiving, come into this house!
Now for this village may there
arise righteousness, sovereignty, prosperity,
glory and happiness!
64Behdin 9 Aadar radA
May there be long enduring predominance of this
Religion of Ahura revealed by Zarathushtra!
May the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis
of the righteous people bringing with them the
means of holiness,
65Behdin 9 Aadar radA
as wide as the earth, as extensive as river and
as exalted as the sun, come in this abode
for the fulfillment of desires of better men,
for withstanding wicked men and for the greater
increase of wealth and fame!
66All Mobeds recite paras 1-3 of Avestan DOA
TANDAROSTI Taao ahmi nmaane jamyaaresh, yaao
ashaonaam khshnutascha, ashayascha,
vyaadaibishcha, paiti-zantayascha oos nu
anghaai visay jamyaat ashemcha, khshathremcha,
savascha, khvarenascha, khvaathremcha.
67Daregho-fratemathwemcha anghaao daenayaao yat
Aahuroish Zarathushtroish. Asishta nu anghat
hacha visat gaaush buyaat asishtem ashem,
asishtem narsh ashaono aojo, asishto Aahuirish
68Jamyaan ithra ashaaunaam vanguhish suraao
spentaao fravashayo, ashoish baeshaza
hachimnaao zem-frathangha daanu-draajangha,
hvare-barezangha ishtee vanghanghaam,
paitishtaatay aataranaam, frasha-vakhshyaai rayaa
mcha khvarenanghaamcha.
69Let us ALL now recite the famous Vainit Ahmi
Nmaane para 4 from Avestan Doa
Tandoorasti First its English translation
70In this house, May obedience overcome
disobedience! May peace overcome discord! May
generosity overcome avarice for wealth! May
reverence overcome pride! May the true-spoken
word overcome the false-spoken word distorting
71And now the Avestan para Vainit ahmi nmaanay
Sraosho asrushtim,aakhshtish anaakhshtim,
raaitish araaitim, aarmaitish taromaitim,
arshukhdha vaakhsh mithaokhtem vaachim asha
72Behdin 10 Aavaan nwA
Behdin 10 will recite translations of last paras
from Doa Tandoorasti So that in this abode,
through the Holy Sraosha yazata, the Bountiful
Immortals Ameshaaspands desire eagerly good
yasnas and invocations, good gift, health-giving
gift and friendly offering.
73Behdin 10 Aavaan nwA
May this clan protect itself for a long time!
May the glory giving comfort and ease,
happiness, offspring, and innate wisdom never
leave this house!
74Mobed(s) will recite the last paras of Avestan
Doa Tandoorasti Yatha ahmya AmeshaaoSpenta
Sraoshaadha ashyaadha paitishaan vanghush
yasnaascha vahmaascha, vohu yasnemcha vahmemcha,
huberetimcha, ushta-beretimcha,
vanta-beretimcha aadareghaat khvaabairyaat. Maa
yavay imat nmaanem khvaathravat khvareno
frazahit maa khvaathravaiti ishtish, maa
khvaathravaiti aasna frazaintish
khvaathro-disyehe paiti ashoishcha vanghuyaao
dareghem hakhma.
75 God Bless Our Leaders in Avesta The
following paras have been fondly referred to as
God Bless Our Leaders by our eminent scholar,
late Ervad Dr. J. J. Modi.
76Behdin 11 Khorshed dvSrox
Behdin 11 will now recite translations of these
paras Blessings on the leaders of the land, for
greater strength, greater victory, greater
sovereignty, compassion, enduring physical
vitality, and health.
77Behdin 11 Khorshed dvSrox
Blessings that they may be victorious through
timely thoughts, words, and deeds to suppress
all the evil-minded, and all evil-worshippers,
so as to attain to good reward, and to good
renown, and to long happiness of the soul. Thus
may it come as I wish!
78ii) Mobeds will now recite these
paras Aafrinaami khathrayaan danghu
paiti atha jamyaat, yatha aafrinaami.
79Let us end this prayer by ALL reciting the
beautiful Humatanaam para First its
translation We praise good thoughts, good
words, and good deeds, performed here and
elsewhere, now and in the past. Thus we glorify
and invoke all that is good.
80And now its prayer Humatanaam, Hukhtanaam,
Hvarshtanaam, Yadachaa, Anyadachaa, Verezyamnanaam
chaa, Vaaverezyamnanaamchaa, Mahi
aibee-jaretaaro, naenashtaaro, Yathanaa vohunaam
81Let us now conclude the second part of Jashan by
performing the Hamaa Zor Greetings again with
our neighbors.
Hamaa Zor Hamaa Asho Bade
82C. Aafrins In a traditional Jashan, three
Aafrins (Blessings) are recited. We will have
recitation of the translations of a few
paras First Afrin of Ardafrawash
83Behdin 12 Mohor rohom
Behdin 12 will now recite translations of some
paras May we be united. May we be united with
all the righteous, with all the virtuous, with
all the goodness in the world, with those of
bountiful good deeds, with those of fewer sins.
84Behdin 12 Mohor rohom
May we be united with the religion of
Zarathushtra, and attain salvation through
righteousness. May we attain correct knowledge
of the Mazdayasnian religion.
85Behdin 12 Mohor rohom
May we be united with the creator Ahura Mazda
the brilliant and glorious, with the Amesha
Spentas, and with the glory of the good and
righteous Mazdayasnian religion.
86Behdin 13 Tir rIt
Behdin 13 will now recite translations of some
paras May we be united with the victorious
fravashis for whom I have offered praise, I
have offered the darun and I begin the myazda
which together may reach the treasure-house of
the brilliant and glorious lord Ahura Mazda and
the Amesha Spentas.
87Behdin 13 Tir rIt
Of the existing ones, of those who have existed
and of those who will be, of those born and of
those unborn, of those belonging to the country
and to a foreign country,
88Behdin 13 Tir rIt
and the pious males and females, of children and
of adults of anyone who has departed from this
earth as one of the Good Religion all these
fravashis and their souls are worthy of being
89Zaotar will now recite some paras of this
Afrin First 8 paras upto Gathas.
90Afrin of the Bozorgs (Religious Stalwarts) In
this Afrin, many of our historical Religious
stalwarts are remembered with one of their best
91Behdin 14 Gosh Cog
Behdin 14 will now recite translations of some
paras May your wishes be fulfilled like those
of Lord Ormazd with regard to his own creation.
Be fortunate and more excellent like Kaikhusro.
Be victorious over enemies like Zarir.
92Behdin 14 Gosh Cog
Be righteous like King Vishtaspa. Be equipped
with arms like Rustam. Be a lancer like
Aspendyaar, the supporter of religion. Be a
wise man like the valiant Jaamaasp, the chief of
the realm.
93Behdin 15 Dae-Pa-Meher rvhvm ap vad
Behdin 15 will now recite translations of some
paras May these blessings be so as the moon,
the sun, waters, and the fire and just like
wine, the myrtle, musk, the jasmine, the rose
and the mouse-ear, and for a thousand years may
their various perfumes be charming and
exhilarating, together with pure food, pleasant
wine and the sweet-scented basil.
94Behdin 15 Dae-Pa-Meher rvhvm ap vad
And with a wife/(husband) having the same vision
as yourself, may there be born a righteous
offspring to you who may protect his community,
who may attain name and fame, who may be
victorious over enemies and may be a multiplier
of his family.
95Zaotar will now recite some paras of this
Afrin First paras upto Jaamaaspa. Continue
with last paras starting with In Aafrin Oye
tane shumaa upto the end.
96Afrin of Dahman (Afrin of the seven Amesha
Spentas) This is the last Aafrin which invokes
Ahura Mazda and His six Ameshaaspands together
with their Hamkaaraas (co-workers). It has
some beautiful blessings for all good people of
the world.
97Behdin 16 Meher rvhvm
Behdin 16 will now recite translations of some
paras Anyone who needs more, may he/she have
more. Anyone who needs goodness, may she/he have
goodness. Anyone who needs a wife/husband, may
he/she find a wife/husband. Anyone who needs a
child, may she/he have a child.
98Behdin 16 Meher rvhvm
May the Mazdayasnian religion spread and be ever
living in the seven regions of the earth.
99Behdin 17 Srosh COrs
Behdin 17 will now recite translations of some
paras May the immortal soul of Spitama
Zarathushtra of holy Fravashi, as well as the
souls of Athravans, warriors, farmers, and
artisans be immortal.
100Behdin 17 Srosh COrs
May merit increase due to your arrival and may
sins be eradicated on your departure. May the
terrestrial world be good and the spiritual
world excellent.
101Behdin 17 Srosh COrs
Finally may righteousness increase and may the
souls be fit for paradise. May the righteous
live long. So I wish, may it be so.
102Zaotar will now conclude the prayers of this
Jashan with the mobeds Para starting with
Hech kas az miyaan pa divyaaz kardan to the
103Let us end this Jashan by ALL reciting the
beautiful Humatanaam para First its
translation We praise good thoughts, good
words, and good deeds, performed here and
elsewhere, now and in the past. Thus we glorify
and invoke all that is good.
104And now its prayer Humatanaam, Hukhtanaam,
Hvarshtanaam, Yadachaa, Anyadachaa, Verezyamnanaam
chaa, Vaaverezyamnanaamchaa, Mahi
aibee-jaretaaro, naenashtaaro, Yathanaa vohunaam
105Doa Tandoorasti Let us end this Jashan with the
very popular Doa tandoorasti prayer. Many of you
may know this by heart but for others, we have
its actual words. Nine Behdins will now recite
its English translation. After that, we ALL will
join hands and pray together the actual prayer.
106Behdin 18 Rashne enSar
In the name of God, the benevolent, the
merciful, the loving. In order to live for a
long time, health of the body is necessary.
May the glory remain permanent in association
with righteousness!
107Behdin 19 Fravardin nidrawarf
May all these heavenly yazatas and the yazatas
of this world and the seven Amshaspands come to
this excellent votive offering!
108Behdin 20 Behraam mArhvb
May this benediction of mine be approved! May
this wish of mine be fulfilled! May the
Religion of Zarathushtra be chosen amongst all
men! May it be so!
109Behdin 21 Raam mAr
O God! the Creator! May you keep forever,
cheerful, healthy the Leaders of this world,
and Hamaa Anjuman (whole community) together
with their descendents may you keep them thus.
110Behdin 22 Govaad dAWOg
Over the leadership of the worthy men may you
keep permanent Leaders for many years and for
boundless period.
111Behdin 23 Dae-Pa-Din nid ap vad
May there be a thousand blessings! May the year
be auspicious! May the day be fortunate and may
the month be auspicious!
112Behdin 24 Din nid
May you keep us worthy in performing the worship
and invocation and charity and in offering
libations for several years, several days, and
several months for many years!
113Behdin 25 - Ashishvangh GNwSISa
May you keep righteousness over all actions and
meritorious deeds! May there be health and
goodness unto us! May there be excellence unto
114Behdin 26 Aastaad dAtsA
May it be so! May it be more so! May our wish
be in accordance with the wishes of the yazatas
and the Amshaspands!
115Roj (Day) 27 Aasmaan nmsA
bakhshaayandayhay bakhshaayashgaray
116Yathaa Ahu Vairyo athaa ratush ashaat chit
hachaa, Vangheush dazdaa manangho shyaothananaam
angheush Mazdaai, Khshathremchaa Ahuraai aa yim
dregubyo dadat vaastaarem.
(Recite twice)
117Roj (Day) 28 Jamyaad dAymaj
Tan-dorosti der-zivashni aavaayad khoreh anghad
ashahidaar yazdaanay minoaan, yazdaanay
getiaan, hafta Ameshaaspandaan myazda roshan
hamay bayrasaad.
118Roj (Day) 29 Maarespand dNapsvrAm
In doaayaa baad, in khoaahaa baad hamay andar
kasaaraa Zarathushti din shaad baad aedun
baad. Ya baari khodaa! Khodaavande aalamraa,
hamaa anjumanraa
119Roj (Day) 30 Aneraan nrvna
Ba farzandaan, hazaar saal der bedaar, shaad
bedaar, tan-dorost bedaar aedun bedaar. Bar
saray arzaaniaa, saalhaae bisyaar
120Maah (Month) 1 Fravardin nidrawarf
va karanhaae bishumaar baaki va paayandeh daar
hazaaraan hazaar aafrin baad, saal-khozasteh
baad, roz farrokh baad, maah mubaarak baad.
121Maah (Month) 2 Ardibehesht tSvhabIdra
Chand saal, chand roz, chand maah, bisyaar sal
arzaanidaar, yazashnay va niaaeshnay va raadi
va zor barashnay.
122Maah (Month) 3 Khordaad dAdrox
Ashahidaar avaray hamaa kaaro kerfehaa
tandorosti baad, neki baad, khub baad aedun
baad, aeduntaraz baad,
pa yazdaan va Ameshaaspandaan kaamay baad.
123 Ashem Vohu Vashistem asti Ushtaa asti, Ushtaa
ahmaai, Hyat ashaai Vahishtaai ashem.
124Maah (Month) 4 Tir rIt
Thank you all for your Participation, patience
and time! Thank you once again ZSBC Hama
Anjuman For inviting all of us, Jo Ann and me, To
your beautiful Arbab Rustam Guiv Darbe
Mehr Zoroastrian House of British Columbia! We
hope that this HAMAA ANJUMAN EXPERIMENT Goes to
all Seven Corners Of Our World!