Title: Institutional Effectiveness IE Model Reviews
1Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Model Reviews
- Tips and Tools for an Exceptional Review
- YCCD Office of Institutional Effectiveness
- Presented by Beatriz Espinoza, Vice Chancellor
- Educational Planning and
Services - bespinoza_at_yccd.edu (530-741-6793)
2 Procedures and Processes
- Ownership of QI
- 2004-2006 SCD
- 2006 MCD
- Id Services
- Schedule
- Team
- Self-study Research
- Handbooks
- Write Report/Review
- Oral Pres/Review-Team
- Report Submission
- Recommendations and Follow-up
- Feedback Loop
3Models CQI/TQM/Six Sigma/Baldridge/ASQ,
etcPlan, Do, Check, Act Continuous Improvement
Cycle (CIC)
4(No Transcript)
5WCC IE Model Reviews/Annual Updates
- 2009-2010
- Component Reviews Annual
Updates - Academic Programs 11 24
- Student Services 7 1
- Planning Shared
- Decision-Making Process 3 4
- Administrative Services 4 0
- District Image-
- Marketing Review 0
6VI Phases of IE Model Reviews
- Study Questions (Research)
- Plan (Outline)
- Implement (Define Recommendations)
- Review (Write Report)
- Feedback Loop (Stay Informed)
- Annual Updates (Stay Current)
7Phase I Study Questions
- 1. Where do we want to go?
- Alignment with Systems (CCCCO/Federal)
- Strategic Directions
- Alignment with Board Strategic Directions
- 2007-2011
- Alignment with Department
- Program and Course SLOs
- Aligned with current (ever changing) regulations
8Phase I Study Qs Continued
- Review current research/Successful Programs
- Gather info on other exemplary programs/schools
- Update/revise vision/goals for own program
- Determine diverse student needs (include
consideration for all types of diversity)
9Phase I Study Qs Continued
- 2. Where are we now w/ our Programs/Services?
- How do our services currently function?
- Gather information to help determine current
functionality (student/staff surveys, focus grps) - Inventory/Assess
- Program Personnel/Professional Development Needs
- Budget
- Variation/Distinct Features
- Review Data
10Phase I Study Qs Continued
- 3. What gaps exist between where we would like to
be and where we currently are? - Differences in actual and desired vision/goals
- Strengths and weaknesses in key areas
- Indentify areas of inquiry that will help lead to
effective plans to close the gap - Next steps for Phase II work
11Phase II Plan (Outline)
- 1. Develop plans to address areas for improvement
described in phase I - For each vision/goal category in phase I develop
a list of action items that will create program
improvement - For each vision/goal category in phase I
determine a measure of success/outcome that would
serve as evidence of improvement - Student Learning Outcomes
Institutional , Program, Course - Determine resources needed to fully implement
action plan
12Phase III Implementation (Define
- 1. Preparation
- Determine funding allocation for phase II plans
- Refine plan to match funding, prioritize as
needed - 2. Action
- Professional development
- New program components
- Staffing/Personnel
- Acquire alternative funding
13Phase IV Review (Write Report)
- 1. Was this an effective process for review?
- Committee reviews process and outcomes
- Did process identify/address program needs
- How satisfied is the end user (stakeholders)
- What changes in review process is recommended for
the next cycle - 2. How is the action plan working?
- Progress monitored
- Barriers to accomplishing vision/goals
- Report back on improvement/changes
14Phase V Feedback Loop (Stay Informed)
- Board Action Item
- Sept-2009
- June 2010
- Report back to the units outcomes
- Units utilize information for upcoming Annual
Updates next 3 years - Integrate into Accreditation (ACCJC) Self-Study
role, participation, contribution
15Phase VI Annual Updates (Stay Current)
- Effective following the year after self-study is
complete - 3 Years - Relate to self-study recommendations
- Provide enough information/detail to describe
advances, limitations, changes - Curriculum
- Staffing
- Equipment/Technology
- Facilities
- CCCCO data mart
- WCC Office of Planning, Research, and Student
Success Surveys, Focus Groups, etc. - Colleagues w/in out of YCCD/CA
- Professional Organizations/Memberships
- University Partners/Research Studies
- Literature/Journals-Professional Magazines
17WCC/YCCD Support
- WCC Office of Planning, Research and Student
Success - Molly Khatami mkhatami_at_yccd.edu
- Vice Chancellor Ed Planning Services
- Matriculation/Articulation
- Grants (Tech Prep, Perkins, SB70)
- Academic Services
- Public Relations Marketing
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Information Technologies
- YCCD Foundation
- SBDC and Contract Education