Title: Defense Industrial Policy
1Defense Industrial Policy and Business
Combinations Some Observations ABA Strategic
Alliances, Teaming and Subcontracting Committee
Suzanne D. Patrick DUSD (Industrial Policy) June
6, 2005
2Major Levers of Defense Industrial Policy
The Defense Industrial Base
3Defense Industrial Base Business Combination
- Corporate Culture
- Strategic Alignment
- Sufficient Sources of Innovation
- Warfighting Leadership Goals as Framing Device
- Issues Relating to Small Company Innovation
- Process Fusion Exon-Florio and Hart-Scott-Rodino
ODUSD(IP)s Study, Adequacy of Regulatory
Frameworks for DoD Assessment of
Business Combinations, aims to identify potential
process improvements to address DoD concerns
similar concerns with regulatory framework are
being examined by GAO and the Congressional Antitr
ust Modernization Commission.
4To Achieve IP Objectives Disparate Processes
with Differing Objectives
The Defense Industrial Base
Objectives are the same among all actors
processes are disparate difficult and
cumbersome to fit common objectives into
discrete processes.
5To Achieve IP Objectives Disparate Processes
with Differing Objectives (continued)
- Precepts
- Capability and capacity of domestic industry to
meet national defense requirements - Potential effects of transaction on U.S.
international technology leadership - Potential effects of transaction on sales of
military goods to any country identified that - Supports terrorism
- Raises concern regarding WMD proliferation
- Precepts
- Does merger significantly increase concentration
and result in a concentrated market? - Does merger raise concern about potential adverse
competitive effects? - Can competitors enter (timely, likely and
sufficient)? - Does merger result in efficiencies?
- Will either party fail without merger?
- Remedies
- Corporate governance controls
- Outside directors, Technology Control Plans
- MOUs with the parties
- Technology controls, investment commitments
- Divestitures
- Sensitive business units
- Export licensing restrictions
- Presidential Investigation
- Potential block of the transaction
- Remedies
- Corporate governance controls
- Require information firewalls
- Memorandums of Understanding with the parties
- Direct sharing of capabilities
- Merchant supplier agreements
- Consent Decree
- DoD oversight of company decisions
- Require divestitures of horizontal capability
- Oppose
- File suit
Differing precepts and remedies available
challenge the Departments assessment
processand may be cumbersome for parties as well.
6Warfighting Leadership Goals as a Framing Device
7Business Combinations Decision Tree
8Issues Relating to Small Company Innovation
10 small companies
1 large and 10 small companies
2 large and 7 small companies
3 large and 2 small companies
3 large companies and 2 exit
9Adequacy of Regulatory Frameworks for DoD
Assessment of Business Combinations Study
ODUSD(IP)s Adequacy of Regulatory Frameworks for
DoD Assessment of Business Combinations Study
scheduled to publish late Summer 2005.