Title: Foreign and Defense Policy
1Foreign and Defense Policy
2The vast majority of foreign policy decisions are
made by the president and his advisors
- Other actors can influence foreign policy
- The public
- Can voice support for or opposition to specific
policies (Vietnam, Persian Gulf War) - Certain groups play a strong role in relations
with a specific country or region (Cuba, Israel) -
3Other actors can influence foreign policy
- Congress
- Budget, incl. military, foreign aid, etc.
- Tries to get the president to include it in
important decisions - Individual members of Congress can get involved
in specific foreign policy issues (Richard Lugar,
4Other actors can influence foreign policy
- Businesses have often convinced the government to
intervene in other countries to protect the
interests of that specific company - Chile/ALCOA
- Guatemala/Dole
5Other actors can influence foreign policy
- Military-industrial complex
- Military establishment, weapons manufacturers,
some members of Congress - Support high level of defense spending,
regardless of the objective security needs of the
US - Claim that spending on the military creates jobs
(but it actually hurts the economy)
6Defense PolicyThe US military is prepared for 6
types of military actions
- Unlimited nuclear warfare (Cold War) - US and
Russia have reduced their nuclear stockpiles and
their level of readiness - Limited nuclear war use of a small number of
nukes in an otherwise conventional war, or the
use of a small number of nukes by themselves
7Defense PolicyThe US military is prepared for 6
types of military actions
- Unlimited conventional warfare prolonged,
large-scale war on several fronts - Limited conventional warfare designed to be
quick and decisive - US military plans to fight and win two
simultaneous regional conflicts
8Defense PolicyThe US military is prepared for 6
types of military actions
- Guerilla warfare (counterinsurgency)
- Police-type actions peacekeeping, fighting drug
trafficking, maintaining order, providing
9Types of Weaponry
- Conventional
- Nuclear
- Large land-based missiles, submarine-based
missiles, delivered by airplane - Small land-mines, artillery shells, etc.
- Chemical biological weapons