Chapter 21 Monopoly

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Chapter 21 Monopoly


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 21 Monopoly

Chapter 21Monopoly
  1. Auctions and Monopoly
  2. Prices and Quantities
  3. Segmenting the Market

1. Auctions and Monopoly
We begin this chapter by putting auctions in a
more general context to highlight the
similarities and differences between auctions and
monopolies. In this spirit we investigate the
sale of multiple units by auction, to see when
the selling mechanism affects the outcome, and
how. Within the context of a multiple unit
auction we derive our first result in finance,
the efficient markets hypothesis, that in its
simplest form, states prices of stocks follow a
random walk.
Are auctions just like monopolies?
  • Monopoly is defined by the phrase single
    seller, but that would seem to characterize an
    auctioneer too.
  • Is there a difference, or can we apply everything
    we know about a monopolist to an auctioneer, and
    vice versa?
  • We now begin to make the transition between
    auctions and markets by noting the similarities
    and differences.

Two main differences between most auction and
monopoly models
  • The two main differences distinguishing models
    of monopoly from a auction models are related to
    the quantity of the good sold
  • Monopolists typically sell multiple units, but
    most auction models analyze the sale of a single
    unit. In practice, though, auctioneers often sell
    multiple units of the same item.
  • Monopolists choose the quantity to supply, but
    most models of auctions focus on the sale of a
    fixed number of units. But in reality the use of
    reservation prices in auctions endogenously
    determines the number the units sold.

Other differences between most auction and
monopoly models
  1. Monopolists price discriminate through market
    segmentation, but auction rules do not make the
    winners payment depend on his type. However
    holding auctions with multiple rounds (for
    example restricting entry to qualified bidders in
    certain auctions) segments the market and thus
    enables price discrimination.
  2. A firm with a monopoly in two or more markets can
    sometimes increase its value by bundling goods
    together rather than selling each one
    individually. While auction models do not
    typically explore these effects, auctioneers also
    bundle goods together into lots to be sold as
    indivisible units.

An agenda for the first portion ofour work on
  • We will focus on two issues
  • How does a multiunit auction differ from a single
    unit auction?
  • What can we learn about market behavior from
    multiunit auctions?

Auctioning multiple units to single unit
  • Suppose there are exactly Q identical units of a
    good up for auction, all of which must be sold.
  • As before we shall suppose there are N bidders or
    potential demanders of the product and that N gt
  • Also following previous notation, denote their
    valuations by v1 through vN.
  • We begin by considering situations where each
    buyer wishes to purchase at most one unit of the

Decisions for the seller to makein multiunit
  • The seller must decide whether to sell the
    objects separately in multiple auctions or
    jointly in a single auction.
  • The seller must choose among different auction

Open auctions for selling identical units
  • Descending Dutch auction
  • Suppose the auctioneer has five units for sale.
    As the price falls, the first five bidders to
    submit market orders purchase a unit of the good
    at the price the auctioneer offered to them.
  • Ascending Japanese auction
  • The auctioneer holds an ascending auction and
    awards the objects to the five highest bidders at
    the price the sixth bidder drop out.

Multiunit Japanese auction
  • In a Japanese auction, bidders drops out until
    there are only as many remaining bidders in the
    auction as there are items.
  • The winning bidders pay the price at which the
    last bidder dropped out of the auction.
  • In this auction it is easy to see that the
    bidders with the highest valuation win the

Multiunit sealed bid auctions
  • Sealed bid auctions for multiple units can be
    conducted by inviting bidders to submit limit
    order offers, and allocating the available units
    to the highest bidders.
  • In discriminatory auctions the winning bidders
    pay different prices. For example they might pay
    at the respective prices they posted.
  • In a uniform price auction the winners pay the
    same price, such as a kth price auction (where k
    could range from 1 to N.)

Revenue equivalence revisited
  • Suppose each bidder
  • - knows her own valuation
  • - only want one of the identical items up for
  • - is risk neutral
  • Consider two auctions which both award the
    auctioned items to the highest valuation bidders
    in equilibrium.
  • Then the revenue equivalence theorem applies,
    implying that the mechanism chosen for trading is
    immaterial (unless the auctioneer is concerned
    about entry deterrence or collusive behavior).

Prices follow a random walk
  • In repeated auctions that satisfy the revenue
    equivalence theorem, we can show that the price
    of successive units follows a random walk.
  • Intuitively, each bidder is estimating the bid he
    must make to beat the demander with (Q1)st
    highest valuation, that is conditional on his own
    valuation being one of the Q highest.
  • If the expected price from the qs1 item exceeds
    that of the qs item before either is auctioned,
    then we would expect this to cause more (less)
    aggressive bidding for qs item (qs1 item) to
    get a better deal, thus driving up (down) its

Multiunit Dutch auction
  • To conduct a Dutch auction the auctioneer
    successively posts limit orders, reducing the
    limit order price of the good until all the units
    have been bought by bidders making market orders.
  • Note that in a descending auction, objects for
    sale might not be identical. The bidder willing
    to pay the highest price chooses the object he
    ranks most highly, and the price continues to
    fall until all the objects are sold.

Clusters of trades
  • As the price falls in a Dutch auction for Q
    units, no one adjusts her reservation bid, until
    it reaches the highest bid.
  • At that point the chance of winning one of the
    remaining units falls. Players left in the
    auction reduce the amount of surplus they would
    obtain in the event of a win, and increase their
    reservation bids.
  • Consequently the remaining successful bids are
    clustered (and trading is brisk) relative to the
    empirical probability distribution of the
    valuations themselves.
  • Hence the Nash equilibrium solution to this
    auction creates the impression of a frenzied grab
    for the asset, as herd like instincts prevail.

Why the Dutch auction does not satisfy the
conditions for revenue equivalence
  • We found that the revenue equivalence theorem
    applies to multiunit auctions if each bidder only
    wants one item, providing the mechanism ensures
    the items are sold to the bidders who have the
    highest valuations.
  • In contrast to a single unit auction, the
    multiunit Dutch auction does not meet the
    conditions for revenue equivalence, because of
    the possibility of rational herding.
  • If there is herding we cannot guarantee the
    highest valuation bidders will be auction

Multiunit demanders
  • By a multiunit demander we mean that each bidder
    might desire (and bid on) all Q units for
    himself. We now drop the assumption that N gt Q.
  • Relaxing the assumption that each bidder demands
    one unit at most seriously compromises the
    applicability of the Revenue Equivalence theorem.
  • Typically auctions will not yield the same
    resource allocation even if the usual conditions
    are met (private valuations, risk neutrality,
    lowest feasible expects no rent from

Example Two unit demanders in a third price
sealed bid auction
  • Consider a third price sealed bid auction for two
    units where there are two bidders, each of whom
    wants two units. Thus N Q 2. Each bidder
    submits two prices.
  • We suppose the first bidder has a valuation of
    v11 for his first unit and v12 for for his
    second, where v11 gt v12 say. Similarly the
    valuations of the second bidder are v21 and v22
    respectively, where v21 gt v22.

Example continued
  • The arguments given for single unit second price
    sealed bid auctions apply to the highest price of
    each bidder. One of his prices is highest
  • There is some probability that each bidder will
    win one unit, and in this case the price paid by
    one of the bidders will be determined by his
    second highest bid. Recognizing this in advance,
    he shades his valuation on his second highest

Vickery auctions defined
  • A Vickery auction is a sealed bid auction, and
    units are assigned according to the highest bids
    (as usual).
  • Each bidder pays for the (sum of the) price(s)
    for the losing bid(s) his own bids displaced. By
    definition the losing bids he displaced would
    have been included within the winning set of bids
    if the bidder had not participated in the
    auction, and everybody else had submitted the
    same bids. In a single unit auction this
    corresponds to the second highest bidder.
  • The total price a bidder pays in a Vickery
    auction for all the units he has won is the sum
    of the bids on the units he displaced.

Vickery auctions are efficient
  • A Vickery auction is the multiunit analogue to a
    second price auction, in that the unique solution
    (derived from weak dominance) is for each bidder
    to truthfully report his valuations.
  • This implies that a Vickery auction allocates
    units efficiently, in contrast to many multiunit
    auction mechanisms.

  • This session compared auctions with monopoly, and
    thus established the close connections between
  • We found the revenue equivalence theorem applies
    to multiunit auctions if each bidder only wants
    one item.
  • Prices in first and second price sealed bid
    repeated multiunit auctions follow a random walk.
  • When bidders demand more than one unit each, the
    revenue equivalence theorem breaks down.
  • The Vickery auction is efficient, in contrast to
    many other auction mechanisms.

2. Prices and Quantities
  • This section of the chapter analyzes how the
    determination of quantity impacts on the
    monopolists optimization problem. We begin with
    a discussion of the reservation price in an
    auction, before moving on to monopoly supply.
    Although traditional arguments suggest that
    monopolists are inefficient, we argue the
    monopolist has an incentive to be as efficient as
    a competitive industry.

Choosing quantity
  • When analyzing monopoly, an important issue is
    the quantity the monopolist chooses to supply and
  • Regulators argue that compared to a competitively
    organized industry where there are many firms
    supplying the product, a monopolist restricts
    the supply of the good and charges higher prices
    to high valuation demanders in order to make
    rents out of his position of sole source.
  • Is this true in practice?

Reservation prices for auctions
  • One reason for an auctioneer to set a reservation
    price is because of the value of the auctioned
    item to him if it is not sold. This value
    represents the opportunity cost of auctioning the
    item. For example he might sell it at another
    auction at some later time, and maybe use the
    item in the meantime.
  • Should the auctioneer set a reservation above its
    opportunity cost?
  • A related question is whether the auctioneer has
    the power to commit himself to setting a
    reservation price above its opportunity cost.

Auction Revenue
  • What is the optimal reservation price in a
    private value, second price sealed bid auction,
    where bidders are risk neutral and their
    valuations are drawn from the same probability
    distribution function?
  • Let r denote the reservation price, let v0 denote
    the opportunity cost, let F(v) denote the
    distribution of private values and N the number
    of bidders. Then the revenue from the auction is

Solving for the optimal reservation price
  • Differentiating with respect to r, we obtain the
    first order condition for optimality below, where
    r0 denotes the optimal reservation price.
  • Note that the optimal reservation price does not
    depend on N.
  • Intuitively the marginal cost of the top
    valuation falling below r, so that the auction
    only nets v0 instead of r0, equals the marginal
    benefit from extracting a little more from the
    top bidder when he is the only one to bidder to
    beat the reservation price.

The uniform distribution
  • When the valuations are distributed uniformly
  • then

Designing a monopoly game with a quantity choice
  • In the game below, the valuations of buyers are
    uniformly distributed between 10 and 20 for one
    unit, and have no desire to purchase multiple
  • Each buyer is endowed with 20.
  • The monopolists production capacity is 100 units
    of the good. The marginal cost of producing each
    unit up to capacity is constant at 10.
  • What is the equilibrium quantity bought and sold?

Eleven buyers and one seller
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
- - - - - - - - - - -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11
Demand schedule
In this example the marginal cost is 10.

Price Quantity Revenue Marginal revenue Total costs Profit
20 1 20 10 10
19 2 38 20 18
18 3 54 30 24
17 4 68 40 28
16 5 80 50 30
15 6 90 60 30
14 7 98 70 28
13 8 104 80 24
12 9 108 90 18
11 10 110 100 10
10 11 110 110 0
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Static Solution to game
  • There are two outputs that yield the maximum
    profit, which is 30.
  • If the monopolist offers 6 units for sale, the
    market will clear at a price of 15.
  • If the monopolist offers 5 units for sale, the
    market will clear at a price of 16.

A differential approach
  • The traditional argument can be framed as
    follows. Let c denote the cost per unit produced,
    and suppose consumers demand quantity q(p) when
    the price is p.
  • Assume q(p) is differentiable and declining in p,
    and write p(q) as its inverse function. That is
  • q(p(q)) q.
  • The monopolist chooses q to maximize
  • (p(q) c) q

Marginal revenue equals marginal cost
  • Let qm denote the profit maximizing quantity
    supplied by the monopolist. Then qm satisfies the
    first order condition for the optimization
    problem, which is
  • p(qm) p(qm) qm c
  • The two terms on the left side of the equation
    comprise the marginal revenue from increasing the
    quantity sold. When an additional unit is sold it
    fetches p(q) if we ignore any downward pressure
    on prices.
  • The traditional argument is that the monopolist
    will only produce sell an extra unit if the
    marginal revenue from doing so exceeds the
    marginal cost.

Uniform distribution
  • In the uniform distribution example. if there is
    a large number of potential customers with mass
    of one unit
  • q(p) 20 p (if 10 lt p lt 20)
  • so p(q) 20 20q (if 0 lt q lt 1)
  • and marginal revenue is 20 40q
  • Setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost
    yields the equation
  • 20 40q 10q
  • and solving we obtain q ¼ and p 15.

Intermediaries with market power
  • We typically think of monopolies owning the
    property rights to a unique resource. Yet the
    institutional arrangements for trade may also be
    the source of monopoly power.
  • If brokers could actively mediate all trades
    between buyers and sellers, then they could
    extract more of the gains from trade.
  • How should a broker set the spread between the
    buy and sell price? A small spread encourages
    greater trading volume, but a larger spread nets
    him a higher profit per transaction.

Real estate agents
  • Suppose real estate agencies jointly determined
    the fees paid by home owners selling their real
    estate to buyers.
  • How should the cartel set a uniform price that
    maximizes the net revenue for intermediating
    between buyers and sellers?
  • We denote the inverse supply curve for houses by
    fs(q) and the inverse demand curve for houses by
  • Writing price p fs(q) means that if the price
    were p then suppliers would be willing to sell q
    houses. Similarly if p fd(q), then at price p
    demanders would be willing to purchase q houses.

Optimization by a real estate cartel
  • By convention the seller is nominally responsible
    for the real estate fees. Let t denote real
    estate fees and q the quantity of housing stock
    traded. The cartel maximizes tq subject to the
    constraint that t fd(q) - fs(q), or chooses q
    to maximize
  • fd(q) - fs(q)q
  • The interior first order condition is
  • fd(q) fd(q)q fs(q) fs(q)q
  • The marginal revenue from a real estate agency
    selling another unit (selling more houses at a
    lower price) is equated with the marginal cost of
    acquiring another house (and thus driving up the
    price of all houses being sold).

NYSE dealers
  • In the NYSE dealers see the orders entering their
    own books, in contrast to the brokers and
    investors who place limit orders.
  • The exchange forbids dealers from intervening in
    the market by not respecting the timing
    priorities of the orders from brokers and
    investors as they arrive.
  • However dealers are expected to use their
    informational advantage make the market by
    placing a limit order in the limit order books if
    it is empty.

The gains from more information
  • If dealers do not mediate trades, but merely
    place their own market orders, their ability to
    make rents is severely curtailed, but not
    eliminated. The trading game is characterized by
    differential information.
  • The order flow is uncertain, everyone sees past
    transaction prices and volume but only the dealer
    sees the existing limit orders, so the dealer is
    in a stronger position than brokers to forecast
    future transaction prices.
  • If valuations are affiliated then the broker is
    also more informed about the valuations of
    investors and brokers placing future orders.

Perfect price discrimination
  • Suppose the monopolist knows the valuation each
    consumer places on a unit of the item or service
    and there is no possibility of re-trade amongst
  • In that case, legal issues aside, the monopolist
    should offer the item to each consumer who values
    it at more than the marginal production cost, at
    his or her valuation (or for a few cents less).
  • The monopolists profit is then the integral of
    demand up to the point where the demand crosses
    the marginal cost curve, less total costs, which
    clearly exceeds the profit from charging a
    uniform price.

Comparison with competitive equilibrium
  • Note that the and the production level of a
    perfectly discriminating monopolist is the
    competitive equilibrium level, where price equals
    marginal cost.
  • The basic difference is that a price
    discriminating monopolist extracts all the gains
    from trade, whereas a in a competitive
    equilibrium, all the gains from trade go to the
    consumers in the case where marginal costs are
  • In the example with 11 consumers, the perfectly
    discriminating monopolist garners profits of 55,
    a uniform price monopolist 30, and a
    competitively organized industry nothing.

Laws against price discrimination
  • The 1936 Robinson-Patman Act of updated the
    earlier 1914 Clayton Act instituting laws against
    price discrimination. The Federal Trade
    Commission (FTC) is charged with the oversight of
    these laws.
  • The fact that different consumers pay different
    prices is not sufficient to prove illegal price
    discrimination has occurred.
  • A firm cannot be found guilty of engaging in
    illegal price discrimination unless there are ill
    effects on competition, meaning competition is
    reduced, or a monopoly is sustained, or a
    monopoly is created.

How important are these legal issues?
  • Economists are skeptical about how much
    competition has been fostered by laws against
    price discrimination.
  • More than half the firms prosecuted for breaking
    price discrimination laws are relatively small
    (local) monopolies.
  • Perhaps the most important reason we observe less
    price discrimination than the simple static model
    analysis predicts, is that the monopolist
    typically does not know how each consumer values
    his goods and services.

  • Monopolists are said to create inefficiencies,
    restricting supply by trading off higher prices
    with less demand.
  • Intermediaries can also sometimes exploit their
    monopolistic position by creating a wedge between
    their buy and sell prices.
  • If monopolists price discriminate they produce
    where the lowest price consumer pays the marginal
    cost of production, an efficient outcome.
  • Laws against price discrimination are directed
    against anticompetitive practices that limit
    entry, and are not primarily concerned with how
    trading surplus is divided between consumers and

3. Segmenting the Market
  • Perfect price discrimination is often hard to
    impose directly. However quantity discounting,
    product bundling and dynamic pricing strategies
    sometimes provide the means for achieving its
    objective of value maximization.

Segmenting the market
  • To profitably engage in explicit price
    discrimination, the monopolist must be able to
  • 1. Identify the individual reservation prices
    by his clientele for his goods
  • 2. Prevent resale from customers with low
    reservation prices to potential customers
    with high reservation prices.
  • 3. Be free of incrimination from laws of
    price discrimination.
  • When the monopolist knows the distribution of
    demand but not the characteristics of individual
    demanders, or alternatively is subject to laws
    against price discrimination, it can sometimes
    segment the market to increase its profits.

Quantity discounting
  • We first consider a geographically isolated
    retail market monopolized by a firm selling
    kitchen and laundry detergents or bathroom
    toiletries to two types of consumers, large
    volume commercial buyers and small volume
  • The commercial demanders are willing to search
    over a wider area for suppliers, and consider a
    greater range of close substitutes (paper towels
    versus blow dry).
  • Households have less incentive to search for
    these low cost items, rarely consider substitute
    products, and limited space to store these items
    household rental rates for inventory storage are
    typically greater commercial property rates (per
    cubic foot).

A parameterization
  • Suppose the reservation value of a commercial
    demander is vc and the reservation price of a
    household is vh where vc lt vh.
  • We also assume a commercial demander would buy k
    units if the price is less than its reservation
    value, whereas a household would only buy one
  • Commercial and household demanders are
    distributed in proportion p and (1 p)
    respectively throughout the local market
    catchment area.
  • Unit (wholesale) costs for the monopolist are c,
    where c lt vc.

Solution to the parameterization
  • If the firm adopts a uniform pricing policy, then
    the maximum monopoly profits are found by
    charging a high price and only serving
    households, or charging a low price to capture
    all the local demand
  • maxp(vc c) (1 - p)k(vc p), p(vh c)
  • If the firm charges a high price for single units
    and a discount price for bulk orders of k units
    then the maximum monopoly profits are
  • p(vh c) (1 - p)k(vc p)
  • Comparing the net profits of the two, we see that
    discounting bulk orders is profitable.

When can perfect price discrimination be achieved
through quantity discounting?
  • Here perfect price discrimination is achieved
    without resort to charging households and
    commercial demanders different prices!
  • Note that if vc gt vh then segmenting the market
    in this way cannot be achieved unless the
    monopolist can restrict the number of individual
    units purchased separately (which is typically
  • This result on segmentation can be extended to
    monopoly markets with several consumer types. We
    only assume that the consumer types demanding
    more units have lower reservation values. The
    same logic applies.

Product bundling
  • Consider now another related method for
    segmenting market demand to extract greater
    economic rent.
  • The firm exploits the idea that customers who
    demand several of the firms products might
    exhibit more elastic demands (be more price
    sensitive) than customers who only wish to
    purchase a smaller subset of the firms products.
  • Indeed the monopoly offer a bundle of goods and
    services that includes its monopoly product as
    well as a product that is available separately at
    a competitive price elsewhere.

Ski resort
  • Enthusiastic skiers bring their own equipment to
    the resort, while casual skiers rent.
    Enthusiastic skiers are willing to pay up to ve
    for a ski ticket, but casual skiers are only
    willing to pay vc where ve gt ve.
  • Resort employees at the ticket booth cannot
    distinguish between a casual skier versus an
    enthusiastic skier, because enthusiastic skiers
    have lots of experience watching and listening to
    casual skiers.
  • There is, however, a competitive market for
    rental skis. The price of renting skis, poles and
    boots is p, and this reflects the cost of running
    a rental firm.
  • How does the resort maximize its value?

Solution to the ski resorts problem
  • If the resort charges ve for ski tickets, and
    does not offer any other services, only the
    enthusiastic skiers will visit. If the resort
    only charges vc for ski tickets, then not all the
    rent is extracted from enthusiastic skiers
  • Suppose the ski resort sells its tickets for ve
    but offer its rentals for
  • p (ve - vc)
  • In that case enthusiastic skiers pay their
    reservation price for skiing, while casual skiers
    pay their reservation price for the package of
    skiing and renting, and after cross subsidization
    from the ticket office, the resort breaks even on
    its rental operation.

Principles for product bundling
  • More generally the solution to this problem is
    found by identifying a product that the lower
    valuation customers demand but the high valuation
    customers do not want, and offering a package
    deal on the bundle.
  • The package is typically marketed as a bargain.
  • Note that we have said nothing about the costs of
    doing business. If the ski resort has high fixed
    costs from running its lifts or preparing its
    runs, then it might not be profitable to operate
    unless it can engage in this form of price

Other examples
  1. Firms sell assembled goods such as cars to new
    car buyers, and also meet demand from previous
    buyers for plus replacement parts arising from
    collision damage or wear and tear.
  2. Restaurants sometimes offer complete dinners with
    a limited range of items on the menu, and also
    offer portions a la carte to those willing to
    spend more.
  3. Travel agencies offer all inclusive vacation
    packages for travel and lodging as well as sell
    tickets for individual items.

The static solution revisited
Price in dollars
inverse demand curve
Uniform price solution
unit cost
marginal revenue curve
Uniform quantity solution
Residual demand
New vertical axis for origin of residual inverse
Uniform price solution
Unit cost
New marginal revenue curve
A dynamic inconsistency?
  • After selling the original demanders the item at
    price p(qm) the monopolist would have an
    incentive to sell the item to the remaining
    consumers at a lower price.
  • If the original consumers knew that the product
    would go on sale later they might delay their
    purchase. Does that undermine our prediction that
    qm will be bought if the price is p(qm)?
  • One possibility is that the monopolist commit to
    a uniform price policy by promising everyone the
    lowest price he offers to anyone.
  • These issues cannot be fully resolved within the
    context of a static model.

Dynamic considerations
  • There are several ways to model the dynamics of
    price setting and the service flow from the good
    over time.
  • If all trading must occur before customers take
    delivery of their purchases, we can separate
    considerations of price dynamics from those of
    the service flow.
  • Another approach is that the game lasts a fixed
    amount of time and that consumers receive service
    flows from the good as soon as they buy it. This
    approach provides a natural way of modeling
    durable goods.
  • In both case we assume that agreements to trade
    occur instantaneously, meaning transactions can
    be conducted in infinitesimal amounts of time.

Dynamic pricing policy in a closed time interval
  • Suppose that all trading must take place in a
    closed interval of time, say 0,1, and customers
    receive the good after trading closes.
  • This corresponds to a situation where the market
    closes at a give fixed time.
  • At time t 1 consumers recognize that the
    monopolist will solve the static problem.
    Therefore no consumer will buy above that price.
  • By a backwards induction argument we conclude
    that the monopolist cannot charge more than the
    uniform price in that case.

Dynamic pricing policy in an open time interval
  • Suppose that all trading must take place in a
    (half) open interval of time, say 0,1), and as
    before customers receive the good at time t 1.
  • This corresponds to the case where the monopolist
    is open ended about when trading will end.
  • Suppose the monopolist refuses to lower his price
    until everyone with a higher reservation price
    than the current price has purchased his product.
    In that case consumers are sequentially presented
    with all or nothing offers that are subgame
  • The monopolist reaps the full benefits of price

Durable goods
  • Now consider what happens in a closed trading
    interval 0,1 when the good yields a service
    flow over the portion of the interval that a
    consumer owns it.
  • For example if the consumer buys the good at t
    ½ then she receives a service flow between times
    t ½ and 1, and her total benefit is half her
  • In this case there are no consumer benefits from
    trading at t 1.
  • A simple adaptation of our arguments in the open
    interval case proves that the monopolist can
    extract all the benefits of discriminating by
    sequentially reducing prices at the beginning of
    the game from highest reservation value to the

  • In the traditional view, monopolists maximize
    their value by setting price where marginal
    revenue equals marginal cost and restricting
    trade, that is compared to competitive
    equilibrium where price equals marginal cost.
  • We showed that the monopolist has an incentive to
    price discriminate, extracting more of the gains
    from trade, and raising output to the efficient
    outcome achieved in competitive equilibrium.
  • When the conditions for perfect price
    discrimination are absent, quantity discounting,
    product bundling and dynamic pricing policies may
    provide the means to the same end.
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