Introduction To Fuzzy Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction To Fuzzy Logic


There are over two thousand commercially available products using Fuzzy Logic, ... For example, the degree to which a person is tall is a fuzzy event rather than a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction To Fuzzy Logic

  • Introduction To Fuzzy Logic
  • Dr. Emad A. El-Sebakhy
  • Room 22-316, Phone 860-4263
  • Email

What Is Fuzzy Logic  ?
  • Fuzzy logic is a powerful problem-solving
    methodology with a lot of applications in
    embedded control and information processing .

Fuzzy provides a remarkably simple way to draw
definite conclusions from vague, ambiguous or
imprecise information. In a sense, fuzzy logic
resembles human decision making with its ability
to work from approximate data and find precise
What Is Fuzzy Logic  ?
  • Unlike classical logic which requires a deep
    understanding of a system, exact equations, and
    precise numeric values.
  • Fuzzy logic incorporates an alternative way of
    thinking, which allows modeling complex systems
    using a higher level of abstraction originating
    from our knowledge and experience.
  • Fuzzy Logic allows expressing this knowledge with
    subjective concepts such as very hot, bright red,
    and a long time which are mapped into exact
    numeric ranges.

What Is Fuzzy Logic  ?
  • Fuzzy Logic has been gaining increasing
    acceptance during the past few years. There are
    over two thousand commercially available products
    using Fuzzy Logic, ranging from washing machines
    to high speed trains.
  • Nearly every application can potentially realize
    some of the benefits of Fuzzy Logic, such as
    performance, simplicity, lower cost, and
  • Fuzziness vs. Probability
  • Fuzziness is deterministic uncertainty
    probability is nondeterministic.
  • Fuzziness describes event ambiguity probability
    describes event occurrence. Whether an event
    occurs is random. The degree to which it occurs
    is fuzzy.
  • Probabilistic uncertainty dissipates with
    increasing number of occurrences fuzziness does

Why Use Fuzzy Logic ?
  • An Alternative Design Methodology Which Is
    Simpler, And Faster
  • Fuzzy Logic reduces the design development cycle
  • Fuzzy Logic simplifies design complexity
  • Fuzzy Logic improves time to market
  • A Better Alternative Solution To Non-Linear
  • Fuzzy Logic improves control performance
  • Fuzzy Logic simplifies implementation
  • Fuzzy Logic reduces hardware costs

Some Historical Developments
  • Fuzzy systems have been around since the
    1920s, when they where first proposed by
    Lukaciewicz. He proposed to modify traditional
    false (0) true (1) reasoning to include some
    truth such as 0.5.
  • Since then the approach has been further
    develop and systems have incorporated the
  • 1965 - Fuzzy Set Theory (Prof. Lofti A. Zadeh, U.
    of Cal. at Berkely)
  • 1966 - Fuzzy Logic (Dr. Peter N. Morinos, Bell
  • 1972 - Fuzzy measure (Prof. Michio Sugeno, TIT)
  • 1974 - Fuzzy logic controller (Prof. E.H.
    Mamdani, London Univ.)
  • 1980 - Control of cement0kiln with monitor
    capability (Denmark)
  • 1987 - Automatic train operation for Sendai
    Subway (Hitachi, Japan)
  • 1988 - Stock Trading Expert System (Yamaichi
    Security, Japan).

Fuzzy Logic vs Boolean Logic
What is Fuzziness? Fuzziness is deterministic
uncertainty. It is concerned with the degree to
which events occurrence rather than the
likelihood of their occurrence. For example, the
degree to which a person is tall is a fuzzy event
rather than a random event.
  • Two fundamental assumptions of traditional logic
  • An element belongs to a set or its complement
  • An element cannot belong to both a set and its
    complement -- law of excluded middle
  • Traditional logic is crisp.
  • Fuzzy logic violates both the above assumptions.

Fuzzy Logic generalizes Boolean Logic
  • It is very useful that the Boolean Logic is
    included in the Fuzzy Logic
  • If we think of x and y as crisp values 0 and 1,
    Fuzzy logic gets back to Boolean logic.

Fuzzy Vs. Crisp Values
  • A crisp value is a precise number that
    represents the exact status of the associated
  • Example The fastest land mammal,
    cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 70 mph in 3
    seconds. A Lamborghini Diablo sports car
    accelerates from 0 to 62 mph in 4 seconds! Of
    course, you can use the car to go on an
  • A fuzzy value is an ambiguous term that
    characterizes an imprecise or not very well
    understood phenomenon.
  • Example
    Cheetahs can run very fast.
  • Fuzzy Set Theory provides the means for
    representing uncertainty using set theory.
  • Example Any velocity between 45 and 70 mph is a
    very fast velocity.
  • Any velocity between 25 and 57 mph is a
    fast velocity.

Fuzzy Sets
  • Sets with fuzzy boundaries

A Set of tall people
Fuzzy set A
Membership function
Fuzzy Sets
  • Fuzzy sets and set membership is the key
    to decision making when faced with uncertainty
    (Zadeh, 1965).
  • Classical sets contain objects that
    satisfy precise properties.
  • Fuzzy sets contain objects that satisfy
    imprecise properties of membership (membership of
    an object can be approximate).
  • Example The set of heights from 5 to
    7 feet is crisp (classical set)
  • The set of heights in
    the region around 6 feet is fuzzy.
  • A fuzzy set can be defined as a set of
    crisp values that can be group together with an
    associated fuzzy term.
  • Example A person between 5 ft and 6
    ft belongs to the set of tall people.

NOTE Because a crisp value can belong to a fuzzy
set in one context and to another set in a
different context a crisp value can be associated
to more than one fuzzy set. For example, the set
of tall people can overlap with the set of
non-tall people (an impossibility in the world of
binary logic).
Fuzzy Sets
  • Formal definition
  • A fuzzy set A in X is expressed as a set of
    ordered pairs

Membership function (MF)
Universe or universe of discourse
Fuzzy set
A fuzzy set is totally characterized by
a membership function (MF).
Types of fuzzy sets
  • There are basically two types of fuzzy sets
    normal and subnormal.

Height of the fuzzy set
Height of the fuzzy set
Normal fuzzy set
Subnormal fuzzy set
A normal fuzzy set is one whose membership
function has at least one element x in the
universe whose membership is unity.
A subnormal fuzzy set is one whose membership
function doesnt have an element x in the
universe whose membership is unity.
Fuzzy Sets with Discrete Universes
  • Fuzzy set C desirable city to live in
  • X SF, Boston, LA (discrete and nonordered)
  • C (SF, 0.9), (Boston, 0.8), (LA, 0.6)
  • Fuzzy set A sensible number of children
  • X 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (discrete universe)
  • A (0, .1), (1, .3), (2, .7), (3, 1), (4, .6),
    (5, .2), (6, .1)

Fuzzy Sets with Cont. Universes
  • Fuzzy set B about 50 years old
  • X Set of positive real numbers (continuous)
  • B (x, mB(x)) x in X

How to represent fuzzy sets
  • There are two common ways to represent fuzzy sets
    depending if the set is discrete or continuous.
  • Discrete fuzzy sets
  • A notation convention for fuzzy sets when the
    universe of disclosure, X, is discrete and
    finite, is as follows for a fuzzy set A
  • A ?A(x1)/x1 ?A(x2)/x2 ?i
  • Continuous fuzzy sets
  • When the universe, X, is continuous and
  • finite, the fuzzy set A is denoted by
  • A ?

The ? is not for algebraic summation but
rather denotes the collection or aggregation of
each element hence the signs are
not algebraic add but are a function-theoretic
  • In both notations
  • Not a quotient bar but a delimiter
  • The numerator in each term is the
  • membership value in set A associated
  • with the element of the universe
  • indicated in the denominator.

The ? sign is not an algebraic integral but
a continuous function- theoretic union
notation for continuous variables.
Alternative Notation
  • A fuzzy set A can be alternatively denoted as

X is discrete
X is continuous
Note that S and integral signs stand for the
union of membership grades / stands for a
marker and does not imply division.
Fuzzy Partition
  • Fuzzy partitions formed by the linguistic values
    young, middle aged, and old

Fuzzy Set Operations
  • Standard Complement of a fuzzy set A
  • A(x) 1- A(x)
  • Elements for which A(x) A(x) are called
    equilibrium points.
  • Standard intersection A?B
  • minA(x),B(x)
  • Standard union A?B
  • (A ? B)(x) maxA(x),B(x)

Note that the membership degree is not the same
as a probability although the values that it may
take are the same (0 to 1). The chance of a 25
year old being young or not young is not 50 / 50
- rather the degree to which a 25 year old
exemplifies young is about half (0.50). Set
operators can be defined on fuzzy sets similarly
to those on crisp sets.
Set A
Complement of Set A Not A
Operations on Fuzzy sets
  • If we define 3 fuzzy sets, A, B and C on the
    universe X, for a given element x of the universe
    the following are examples of operations defined
    on A, B and C.

Some operations on fuzzy sets Union ?A?B(x)
?A(x) \/ ?B(x) Intersection ?A?B(x) ?A(x)
/\ ?B(x) Complement ?A(x) 1 - ?A(x) etc.
10 14 15
5 10 15 17
Union Intersection Complement
The resulting fuzzy set may be represented
as A?B 0/10 0.3/14 0/15
The fuzzy sets A and B may be represented as A
0/5 1/10 0.3/14 0/15 B 0/10 1/14
0.7/15 0/17
How would A?B be represented?
Membership functions
  • All information contained in a fuzzy set is
    described by its membership function.
  • The Core of a membership function is defined as
    the region of the universe that is characterized
    by complete and full membership in the set. The
    core comprises those elements for which, ?(x) 1
  • The support is defined as that region of the
    universe that is characterized by nonzero
    membership in the set ?(x) gt 0
  • The boundaries are defined as that region of the
    universe containing elements that have nonzero
    membership but not complete membership 0 lt ?(x)
    lt 1

Membership functions can be symmetrical
or asymmetrical.
Membership when using fuzzy sets
  • For crisp sets an element x in the universe
    X is either a member of some crisp set, say A on
    the universe. This binary issue of membership
    can be represented mathematically as

  • 1, ? A
  • 0, ? A
  • where the symbol x A(x) gives the
    indication of an unambiguous membership of
    element x in set A.
  • Fuzzy membership extends the notion of
    binary membership to accommodate various degrees
    of membership on the real continuous interval
    0, 1, where the endpoints conform to no
    membership and full membership, respectively.
    The sets on the universe X that can accommodate
    degrees of membership are referred as fuzzy

x A(x)
More Definitions
MF Terminology
  • Support
  • Core
  • Normality
  • Crossover points
  • Fuzzy singleton
  • a-cut, strong a-cut
  • Convexity
  • Fuzzy numbers
  • Bandwidth
  • Symmetricity
  • Open left or right, closed

The Common Membership Functions
Each fuzzy set has a membership function. These
are normally trapezoidal, triangular or Gaussian
(normal). These are usuallynormalized, that is,
have a maximum value of 1. In the picture
above, the fuzzy set young is described with a
trapezoidal membership function. All ages less
than 20 have full membership (?1) and all
ages greater than 30 have no membership (?0).
In between is a linear relationship between age
and membership. Age 25 has ? 0.5.
Set-Theoretic Operations
Common MF Formulation
  • Triangular MF

Trapezoidal MF
Gaussian MF
Generalized bell MF
MF Formulation
  • Sigmoidal MF

Absolute difference of two MF
Product of two MF
Membership Functions (MFs)
  • Characteristics of MFs
  • Subjective measures
  • Not probability functions

?tall in Asia
?tall in the US
Fuzzy Rules and Inference
  • Fuzzy rules are simply rules where the
    premises and conclusions are fuzzy. But crisp
    values can be incorporated as well.
  • When using rules you have to select a fuzzy
    inference methodology and applied it to the
    conclusion. The two most popular fuzzy inference
    methodologies are

Max-Product Inference
Max-Min Inference
Fuzzy rules and their results
Rule Distance (D) Velocity (V)
Acceleration (A)
IF D Medium OR V Slow THEN A Medium
IF D Medium OR V Medium THEN A Slow
Final acceleration Centroid
Fuzzy Logic/Sets Example
  • Let Y be the set of all flowers that are yellow.
    Let X, the universe of discourse, be the set of
    flowers in my backyard. In standard set theory,
    every flower x in X is either an element of Y or
    not. In fuzzy set theory, every flower x has a
    degree of yellowness mY(x).
  • Let F be the set of all flowers that are perfumed
  • Let x be a flower in my backyard. If mY(x) 0.8
    and mF(x) 0.9 then mYF(x) min0.8,0.9 0.8.

  • Fuzzification is the process of making a crisp
    quantity fuzzy
  • We do this by simply recognizing that many of the
    quantities that we consider to be crisp and
    deterministic are actually nondeterministic at
    all They carry considerable uncertainty.
  • If the form of uncertainty happens to arise
    because of imprecision, ambiguity, noise or
    vagueness, then the variable is probably fuzzy
    and can be represented by a membership function.

Example In the real world, hardware such as a
digital scale generates crisp data, but these are
subject to experimental error. The information
shown in the figure below shows one possible
range of errors for a typical weight measure
and the associated membership function that might
represent such imprecision.
-1 1
  • The representation of imprecise data as fuzzy
    sets is a useful but not mandatory step when
    those data are used in fuzzy systems.
  • This idea is shown in the following figure where
    we can consider the data as a crisp or as a fuzzy
    reading (Figures a and b).

Reading (fuzzy)
Reading (crisp)
Low voltage
Medium voltage
-1 1
In Fig b the intersection of the fuzzy
set Medium voltage and a fuzzified
voltage reading occurs at a membership of 0.4.
We can see that the intersection of the two fuzzy
sets is a small triangle, whose largest
membership occurs at 0.4.
In Fig a we might want to compare A crisp
voltage reading to a fuzzy set, say Low
voltage. In the figure we see that the crisp
reading intersects the fuzzy set at a membership
of 0.3, i.e., the fuzzy set and the reading
can be said to agree at a membership value of
Defuzzification methods
Weighted average
Max-membership or Height method
? ( x ) gt (? ( x ))
Center of sums
Mean-max membership
x (a b) / 2
Fuzzy logic operations Summary
  • Fuzzy math involves in general three operations
  • Fuzzyfication membership function
  • Rule evaluation
  • Defuzzyfication

  • It makes the translation from real world values
    to Fuzzy world values using membership functions.
    The membership functions in Fig.1, translate a
    speed 55 into fuzzy values (Degree of
    membership)  SLOW0.25, MEDIUM0.75 and  FAST0.

Rule Evaluation
  • Rule1 If SpeedSlow and HomeFar then
  • Supose SLOW0.25 and  FAR0.82. The rule strength
    will be 0.25 (The minimum value of the
    antecedents) and the fuzzy variable INCREASE
    would be also 0.25.
  • Rule2 If SpeedMedium and HigherSecure then
  • Suppose in this case, MEDIUM0.75 and SECURE0.5.
    Now the rule strength will be 0.5 and the fuzzy
    variable INCREASE would be also 0.5.
  • So, we have two rules involving fuzzy variable
    INCREASE. The "Fuzzy OR" of the two rules will be
    0.5 (The maximum value between the two proposed

  • After computeing the fuzzy rules and evaluating
    the fuzzy variables, we will need to translate
    these results back to the real world. We need now
    a membership function for each output variable
    like in Fig. 2.
  • Let the fuzzy variables be

  • Each membership function will be clipped to the
    value of the correspondent fuzzy variable as
    shown in fig.3.

  • Defuzzification is the process of making a fuzzy
    quantity crisp.
  • There are different ways to do this and the
    deffuzification process to be used greatly
    depends on the degree of uncertainty within the
    fuzzy set
  • A new output membership function is built, taking
    for each point in the horizontal axis, the
    maximum value between the three membership
  • Then take the centroid. Here, Engine2.6

Steps Needed for Building a Fuzzy System
  • Step 1.- Determine the values of the input and
    output variables.
  • Step 2.- Fuzzify the variables create fuzzy sets
    to represent the different values of the input
    variables. Fuzzification is the process of making
    a crisp quantity fuzzy.
  • Step 3.- Create fuzzy sets for the output
    variables of the system.
  • Step 4.- Generate a set of fuzzy rules based on
    the input and output fuzzy sets.
  • Step 5.- Choose a deffuzification method and
    apply it to the results obtained from the rules
    that are satisfied.
  • Step 6.- The crisp value obtained from Step 5 is
    the answer to your problem.

  • The inverted pendulum
  • Inputs the angle ? and d?/dt input values

The fuzzy regions for the input values ? (a) and
d?/dt (b).
The fuzzy regions of the output value u,
indicating the movement of the pendulum base.
The fuzzification of the input measures x11, x2
The Fuzzy Associative Matrix (FAM) for the
pendulum problem. The input values are on the
left and top.
The fuzzy consequents (a) And their union
(b). The centroid of the union (-2) is the crisp
Characteristics and Comparison of Four AI
Fuzzy Logic Applications Area
Application areas
  • Fuzzy Control
  • Subway trains
  • Cement kilns
  • Washing Machines
  • Fridges
  • Video cameras
  • Electric shavers

Fuzzy Sets Review
  • Extension of Classical Sets
  • Not just a membership value of in the set and out
    the set, 1 and 0
  • but partial membership value, between 1 and 0

Example Height
  • Tall people say taller than or equal to 1.8m
  • 1.8m , 2m, 3m etc member of this set
  • 1.0 m, 1.5m or even 1.79999m not a member
  • Real systems have measurement uncertainty
  • so near the border lines, many misclassifications

Member Functions
  • Membership function
  • better than listing membership values
  • e.g.
  • Tall(x) 1 if x gt 1.9m ,0 if x lt 1.7m, else (
    x - 1.7 ) / 0.2

Example Fuzzy Short
  • Short(x) 0 if x gt 1.9m ,
  • 1 if x lt 1.7m
  • else ( 1.9 - x ) / 0.2

Fuzzy Set Operators Again
  • Fuzzy Set
  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Complement
  • Many possible definitions
  • we introduce one possibility

Fuzzy Set Union
  • Union ( fA(x) and fB(x) ) max (fA(x) , fB(x) )
  • Union ( Tall(x) and Short(x) )

Fuzzy Set Intersection
  • Intersection ( fA(x) and fB(x) ) min (fA(x) ,
    fB(x) )
  • Intersection ( Tall(x) and Short(x) )

Fuzzy Set Complement
  • Complement( fA(x) ) 1 - fA(x)
  • Not ( Tall(x) )

Fuzzy Logic Operators Summary
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • NOT (A) 1 - A
  • A AND B min( A, B)
  • A OR B max( A, B)

Fuzzy Logic NOT
Fuzzy Logic AND
Fuzzy Logic OR
Fuzzy Controllers
  • Used to control a physical system

Structure of a Fuzzy Controller
  • Conversion of real input to fuzzy set values
  • e.g. Medium ( x )
  • 0 if x gt 1.90 or x lt 1.70,
  • (1.90 - x)/0.1 if x gt 1.80 and x lt 1.90,
  • (x- 1.70)/0.1 if x gt 1.70 and x lt 1.80

Inference Engine
  • Fuzzy rules
  • based on fuzzy premises and fuzzy consequences
  • e.g.
  • If height is Short and weight is Light then feet
    are Small
  • Short( height) AND Light(weight) gt Small(feet)

Fuzzification Inference Example
  • If height is 1.7m and weight is 55kg
  • what is the value of Size(feet)

  • Rule base has many rules
  • so some of the output fuzzy sets will have
    membership value gt 0
  • Defuzzify to get a real value from the fuzzy
  • One approach is to use a centre of gravity method

Defuzzification Example
  • Imagine we have output fuzzy set values
  • Small membership value 0.5
  • Medium membership value 0.25
  • Large membership value 0.0
  • What is the deffuzzified value

Fuzzy Control Example
Input Fuzzy Sets
  • Angle- -30 to 30 degrees

Output Fuzzy Sets
  • Car velocity- -2.0 to 2.0 meters per second

Fuzzy Rules
  • If Angle is Zero then output ?
  • If Angle is SP then output ?
  • If Angle is SN then output ?
  • If Angle is LP then output ?
  • If Angle is LN then output ?

Fuzzy Rule Table
Extended System
  • Make use of additional information
  • angular velocity -5.0 to 5.0 degrees/ second
  • Gives better control

New Fuzzy Rules
  • Make use of old Fuzzy rules for angular velocity
  • If Angle is Zero and Angular velocity is Zero
  • then output Zero velocity
  • If Angle is SP and Angular velocity is Zero
  • then output SN velocity
  • If Angle is SN and Angular velocity is Zero
  • then output SP velocity

Table format
Complete Table
  • When angular velocity is opposite to the angle do
  • System can correct itself
  • If Angle is SP and Angular velocity is SN
  • then output ZE velocity
  • etc

  • Inputs10 degrees, -3.5 degrees/sec
  • Fuzzified Values
  • Inference Rules
  • Output Fuzzy Sets
  • Defuzzified Values

Example of a Fuzzy Controller
A cart on a 4-meter long track. The goal is to
return the cart to the center of the track with 0
velocity. The available control is to push or
pull on the cart.
Cart Position
Cart Velocity
Cart Force
Simple Control Rules
  • If left then push
  • If right then pull
  • If middle then none
  • If moving left then push
  • If standing still then none
  • If moving right then pull
  • If left and moving left then push
  • If right and moving right then pull

Fuzzy Control Algorithms
  • Find the sensor values
  • For example, the position might be x -0.5
    meters and v 0.
  • Calculate the fuzzy membership
  • For example, mmiddle(x -0.5) 0.5 and mleft(x
    -0.5) 0.5.
  • Calculate the membership of the rule antecedents
    for all control rules.
  • Apply the rules
  • Aggregate the results from all control rules
  • De-fuzzify to arrive at a single-valued action

Dempster-Shafer Theory
  • Dempster-Shafer considers sets of propositions
    and provides an interval within which the belief
    must lie.
  • interval Belief, Plausibility
  • Belief brings together all the evidence that
    would lead us to believe in the proposition with
    some certainty.
  • Plausibility brings together the evidence that is
    compatible with the proposition and is not
    inconsistent with it. pl(p) 1 bel(?p)
  • So..the interval is a measure of our belief in
    the proposition and the amount of information we
    have to support this belief.

Coin Toss Example
  • Lets say Bart goes up to Homer and bets him 20
    that the coin he has in his hand will be heads on
    a coin toss. Homer is like, Yeah right, you
    trying to trick me boy?! Its a two headed coin
    isnt it?

Coin Toss Example
  • Belief(Heads) 0
  • Belief(not Heads) 0
  • Should Homer take the bet?

All of a sudden Lisa comes in and tells Bart to
give her back her quarter. Homer, knowing Lisa
to be honest, now thinks that maybe the coin
isnt a two-headed coin. Homer is 80 sure about
this. This now increases the belief functions.
Coin Toss Example
  • Belief(Heads) (Homers deduced certainty
  • probability of it coming up heads)
  • 0.8 0.5 0.4
  • Belief(not Heads)
  • (Homers deduced certainty
  • probability of it not coming up heads)
  • 0.8 0.5 0.4

Coin Toss Example
  • The probability interval when being ignorant
    would be 0,1 for the probability of heads
    coming up on a coin toss.
  • After Lisa comes into the scene, Homer deduces
    the coins probability, increasing the
    uncertainty, so the interval becomes 0.4, 0.6.
  • Smaller intervals allows the reasoning system to
    make decisions, based from new information.

  • Melissa is 90 reliable.
  • She said, the computer is broken into
  • Belief in computer being broken into 0.9
  • Belief in computer not being broken into 0
  • Pl(broken) 1-0 1
  • belief,plausibility(broken) 0.9,1
  • Bill is 80 reliable.
  • He said, the computer is broken into
  • Belief in computer being broken into 0.8
  • Belief in computer not being broken into 0
  • Pl(broken) 1-0 1
  • belief,plausibility(broken) 0.9,1
  • Probability that both of them are unreliable is
  • Combined belief,plausibility(broken) 0.98,1

Dempster-Shafer Theory
  • Let ? represent our frame of discernment, which
    is the set of all hypothesis. We want to attach a
    measure of belief to each of these hypothesis
    after we have been presented with some evidence.
  • But the evidence may support subsets of ?.
  • Also evidence supporting one hypothesis may alter
    our belief in other hypothesis.
  • Dempster-Shafer allows us to handle these

Dempster-Shafer Theory
  • If ? contains n elements then there are 2n
    subsets of ? (including the empty set ?).
  • m(p) is the current belief for each of the
    subsets of ?.
  • Dempster-Shafer allows us to combine ms that
    arise from multiple sources of evidence.

  • A patient may be suffering from Cold, Flue,
    migraine Headache or Meningitis
  • Call this set of hypothesis Q C,F,H,M
  • Patient has fever, which supports C,F,M at 0.6
  • Thats, m1(C,F,M) 0.6, m1(Q)0.4
  • Patient has extreme nausea, which supports
  • m2(C,F,H) 0.7, m2(Q)0.3
  • We can combine these two belief distributions
  • All the sets in m3 are non-empty and unique

  • Third evidence, lab culture supports
  • m4(M) 0.8 and m4(Q) 0.2
  • We can combine this with m3
  • The denominator is 1- (0.336 0.224) 0.44
  • m5(M) (0.144 0.096)/0.44 0.545,
  • m5(C,F,H) 0.127, m5(C,F,M) 0.082,
  • m5() 0.56

Summary on Dempster-Shafer
  • A large belief assigned to empty set (as 0.56 in
    the previous example) indicates that there is
    conflicting evidence in belief sets.
  • When there are large hypothesis sets and complex
    sets of evidence, calculations can get
  • But complexity is still less than Bayesian
  • Very useful tool when stronger Bayesian
    conclusions may not be justified.
  • A distinction is made between probability of a
    proposition given uncertain evidence, and
    probability of proposition given no evidence.

Default Reasoning
  • A gentle introduction
  • Simulates human nature of qualitative reasoning.
  • All birds fly.
  • Emu is a bird.
  • Therefore, Emu flies.
  • Went to Australia and saw it does nor fly.
  • Update your belief !
  • Jumping to conclusions
  • Making assumptions
  • To believe one thing until a reason is found to
    believe otherwise.

Default Reasoning Example
  • Homer is at work at the Springfield nuclear
    power plant. Now hes having some coffee and
    doughnuts and accidentally spills it over some
    controls. All of a sudden there are explosions
    and alarms are going off in the plant. Homer is
    frantic and is saying, Oh my god, oh my god, Mr.
    Burns is going to fire me. Oh no, what do I do,
    what do I do?

Then Smithers comes and tells Homer that Mr.
Burns wants to see him.
Default Reasoning
  • Homers assumption that he is going to be fired
    by Mr. Burns is an example of default reasoning.
  • Later Homer finds out that he wasnt even at his
    own workstation, he was at someone elses
    workstation, so Homer doesnt have to worry about
    being fired now. He retracts his initial
    assumption, and gives a big sigh and relaxes.

Default Reasoning Problems
  • What are good default rules to have?
  • What to do in the case where some evidence
    matches two default rules with different
  • What conclusions should be kept and which ones
    should be retracted?
  • How can beliefs that have default status be used
    to make decisions?

Fuzzy Logic (FL) vs CF
  • We use both FL and CF to handle incomplete
  • In FL, Precision/vagueness is expressed by
    membership function to a set
  • mF(20,adult)0.6, mF(20,young)0.4, mF(20,old)0
  • Fuzzy Logic is not concerned how these
    distribution are created but how they are
  • There are many interpretations, similar to
    Certainty Algebra

   Given the fuzzy sets-        Tall(X)    
0 if X lt 1.6m                (X - 1.6m) /
0.2, if 1.6m lt X lt 1.8m                1, if
X gt 1.8m         Short(X)     1 if X lt
1.6m                (1.8m - X) / 0.2, if 1.6m
lt X lt 1.8m                0, if X gt 1.8m
    a). Sketch the graphs of Tall(X) and
Short(X).    b).    i. Calculate the Union of
the fuzzy sets Tall(X) and Short(X). ii.
Calculate the Intersection of the fuzzy sets
Tall(X) and Short(X).    c). Show that the
complement of Tall(X) is Short(X).
Given additional fuzzy sets-        Strong(Y)
    0 if Y lt 30kg                (Y -
30kg) / 20, if 30kg lt Y lt 50kg               
1, if Y gt 50kg         Weak(Y)     1 if
Y lt 30kg                (50kg - Y) / 20, if
30kg lt Y lt 50kg                0, if Y gt
50kg     and the fuzzy rules-         If
Tall(X) OR Strong(Y) then Heavy(Z)        If
Short(X) AND Weak(Y) then Light(Z) Calculate
the membership values of Heavy(Z) and Light(Z)
where      i.    X 1.65m, Y 30kg     
ii.    X 1.70m, Y 45kg
Complexity of the system Vs. precision in its
Mathematical equations
Model-free Methods (e.g., ANNs)
Precision in the model
Fuzzy Systems
Complexity (uncertainty) of the system
  • For systems with little complexity, hence little
    uncertainty, closed-form mathematical expressions
    provide precise description of the system.
  • For systems that are a little more complex, but
    for which significant data exists, model free
    methods such as artificial NNs, provide a
    powerful and robust means to reduce uncertainty
    through learning, based on patterns in the
    available data.
  • For most complex systems where few numerical data
    exists and where only ambiguous or imprecise
    information may be available, fuzzy reasoning
    provides a way to understand system behavior by
    allowing us to interpolate approximately between
    observed input and output situations.
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