Title: PBS Service Delivery Review December 2006 Barrie Miles SDM
1PBS Service Delivery Review December 2006Barrie
Miles - SDM
2PBS Service Delivery KPI Summary December 2006
3PBS Service Delivery December 2006
Achievements PBS Exec have agreed upon a standard
WebCT template for use across the faculty, all
new units will have to use template. Time frame
to be agreed for moving existing units into
standard template.
Forthcoming Work Produce proposal for leasing
printers in student areas.
4PBS Service Delivery December 2006
Customer Requests and Projects
5PBS Service Delivery- December 2006
- Customer Feedback
- Accomplishments
- CEMARE have won a EU-funded project worth
64K - Activities and Plans
- PBS are putting together a proposal to gain
AMBA accreditation. - Issues and Concerns
- Concerns have been raised at the backup
arrangements for the BONUS server.
6Status Legend
(cut/paste appropriate button for each update)
Improving but not yet reaching target Not yet
reaching target Worsening and not reaching
Improving but seriously behind
target Seriously behind target Worsening and
seriously behind target
Improving and consistent with target On
target Worsening but consistent with target