Title: Melissa Smith
1Youth Apprenticeship Photo Journal
- Melissa Smith
- Dr. Rollins
- 2/4/2004
2This is Satilla Marsh Elementary School. I work
here in the after-school program called Satilla
Marsh After-school Resource Time (S.M.A.R.T.).
3This is the Principal Dr. Moye. She can usually
be found in her office and homework and talk to
4These two are, in the words of Mrs. Merrel, the
staff that dont work. To the left you see Mrs.
Lawrence (5th grade) and to the left Mrs. Miller
(4th grade)
5This is Mrs. Blaisen. She is my boss and she is
in charge of the SMART Program.
This is my favorite person at work. Her name is
Mrs. Cathy Cox. She is the teacher that I have
the privilege of working with just about every
72nd grade
These are my next favorite people at work. To the
left is Mrs. Brazel and above is Ms. Jessica.
Jessica is a student at Glynn Academy.
8To the left we see two of my first graders,
Leighann and Brooke, doing their computer
activities in the computer lab. This is the first
activity that our group does.
To the right, we see the first and second graders
doing Stretch-N-Grow in the Gym. The S.M.A.R.T.
Program does this activity every Thursday.
9This is Mrs. Merrel (I hope I spelled that
right). Shes a great person to work with shes
in charge of 3rd grade.
10Pre-k and Kindergarten travel in a pack. Ms.
Marissa (left) and Mrs. Hunter (Center of the
picture on the right) are in charge of
Kindergarten). Mrs. Riggens (Not pictured) is
over Pre-k.
11This is the boys Bat!
12For Halloween, I did a big project with the kids.
We made piñatas. This is a picture of the girls
18The End!
- Some of these photographs were taken from SME
website because some of my photos were on my
mothers digital camera that she took with her to
19Teacher Apprentice
20(No Transcript)
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25Holly with Kindergarten
- Holly read a career awareness book and presented
a lesson.
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30Holly Davis
- Teacher Apprentice from Glynn Academy
- What was your typical day?
- What did you gain from your experience?
- What was the most exciting part of your