Title: Considerations for Coordinated Pandemic Planning StFX
1Considerations for Coordinated Pandemic Planning
- Objectives for planning and response
- Prevention measures
- Caring for the ill
- Communications
- Maintaining operations
3Objectives for Planning and Response
- Infection Prevention
- Hand hygiene and cough etiquette
- Self-isolation
- Primary assessment site
4Hand Hygiene
5Facilities Management
- Posters in every washroom
- Hand Sanitizer Stations
- Ensure hand washing supplies (soap and paper
towels) are always available. - Waste receptacles are emptied regularly and
available in high traffic areas.
6Key Messages to Communicate
- 1. Cough Etiquette
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve.
- If using tissues, dispose of them into
appropriate receptacle and wash hands.
7Key Messages to Communicate
- 2 Proper Hand Hygiene with Soap Water
- Wet your hands with warm running water.
- Add soap, and then rub your hands together,
making a soapy lather. Do this for at least 15
seconds. Wash the front and back of your hands,
as well as between your fingers and under your
nails. - Rinse your hands well under warm running water.
- Pat hands dry with a paper towel.
- Turn off water using same paper towel and dispose
in a proper receptacle.
8Key Messages to Communicate
- 3. Proper Hand Hygiene for Alcohol Based Hand
Sanitizer - Remove hand and arm jewellery
- Ensure hands are visibly clean (if soiled, follow
hand washing steps) - Apply between 1 to 2 full pumps of product, or
squirt a loonie-sized amount, onto one palm. - Spread product over all surfaces of hand,
concentrating on finger tips, between fingers,
back of hands, and base of thumbs. - Rub hands until product is dry. This will take a
minimum of 15 to 20 seconds if sufficient product
is used.
- Website
- Big screens in Morrison Hall
- Mass email list serve
- Pamphlets
- Individual hand sanitizer distributed to each
11Food Service
- Self service model will move to a staff service
model (if mandated by public health)
- Cold Medicine/Advil
- Stockpile Food
13Caring for the Ill
14How to Recognize Influenza
- Flu-like symptoms are
- fever and/or cough
- one or more of unusual tiredness, head, muscle
or joint aches, or sore throat.
15Self Isolation
16Self Isolation
- Students/staff/faculty with influenza-like
illness (ILI) should stay home until they are - Symptom-free
- Feeling well
- Able to fully participate in all normal day-to-
day school activities
17Key Messages to Communicate
- All Students report flu like Illness to H1N1
Health Centre -
18Residence Life
- Return home
- Single occupancy-self isolation (wear mask and
gloves when leaving room) - Double occupancy-relocate well student to empty
room in residence
19Sick Notes for Students
- The Health Centre will not be issuing sick notes
for flu like illness. - Health Centre will circulate names of students
who have reported flu like illness to the Deans
at the end of each week.
20Considerations for Faculty
- Alternative educational delivery
- Online tutorials
- Assignments on line
21Additional Considerations
- If we are experiencing an increase in FLI in
residence guest and overnight guest restrictions
may be advisable.
22Additional Considerations
- Although cancelling large group gathering is not
currently recommended, individuals who are
experiencing FLI should not attend.
23Additional Considerations
- It is unlikely that Public Health will mandate
public or post secondary school cancellation.
24Primary Assessment Centre
25Primary Assessment Centre
- Nurses will assess students who may require
hospital care. - Sectioned off centre of the health centre.
- Facilities Management to locate sanitizer pump,
masks and gloves outside the door. - Protocol from Department of Health
26Human Resources
27Maintaining Operations
- 20 to 30 of students/staff/faculty may be ill
over several months. - Consider institution continuity planning.
28Q. If an employee contracts the flu they should
stay at home?
- A. Yes
- Q. First, use accumulated sick leave time?
- A. Yes. When sick leave time has been used, an
employee may use in lieu or vacation time or
leave of absence without pay.
29Q. If an employee has been quarantined by a
third party How should they be treated?
- A. Follow the same procedure if he/she was sick.
If at all possible if the employee who is
quarantined could work from home, an arrangement
could be worked out with their direct manager.
30Q. How are faculty and staff treated who do
not have any sick time or very limited (Part time
Faculty, TESL Instructors (limited), new
employees, hourly employees).
- A. An employee must utilize any sick leave time
has been accrued and then, an employee may use in
lieu or vacation time or leave of absence without
pay. -
31Q. Will medical documentation be required?
- A. Initially a doctors note will not be
required, however the employer (the University)
always has the right to request and receive a
doctors note at any time.
32Q. What if the employee is a caregiver, how do
we treat the time absent from work?
- A. The employee may utilize their two emergency
travel days and then an employee may use in lieu
or vacation time or leave of absence without
pay. Note special leave may only be used if
there is an emergency. Initially evidence will
not be required, however the employer (the
University) has the right to request evidence at
any time.
33Q. Will this protocol for a mild pandemic
change as the status changes to severe?
- A.The University will monitor the situation and
will make changes to protocol based on
consultation with Public Health and other
internal and external factors.
34Q. If the University suspends operations, will
you follow the same procedures?
- A. The University will follow its policy of
Unscheduled Closure and/or cancellation of
Classes (located on the StFX HR website under
Policies and Procedures)
35Who will employees contact to report absenteeism?
- Current practice will continue. StFXAUT Faculty
and StFXAUT members will report their absence
directly to the Chair of their department or
through the department administrative assistant
or to whom they directly report. Non union Staff
will report their absence directly to their
manager. CAW and CUPE members will report their
absence directly to their supervisor.