Title: Craig Russell
1JavaTM Data Objects 2.0 Preview
Craig Russell Architect Sun Java Enterprise System
This is the preview for Java Data Objects 2.0
2Presentation Objectives
- Java Data Objects Overview
- Current status of Java Data Objects
- Strategic goals of Java Data Objects
- Java Data Objects 2.0
3Presenter's Qualifications
- Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
- Specification Lead, Java Data Objects
- JSR 12
- JSR 243
- Author of "Java Data Objects" published 2003,
4Java Data Objects Overview
- Transparent Persistence for Java
- Java objects mapped to database objects
- Application objects automatically retrieved,
stored, updated - No database code in Domain Objects
- NOT a Framework (but plays well with others)
- Runs with frameworks (app server, web server)
- Datastore independent
- Application interfaces
- life-cycle, query, transactions
5Java Data Objects Interfaces
- PersistenceManagerFactory
- bootstrap
- identifies data source
- PersistenceManager
- life-cycle (makePersistent, deletePersistent)
- Query
- filter collections of persistent instances
- Transaction
- begin, complete transactions
6Current Status
- Java Data Objects proposed as Java Specification
Request 12 in May 1999 - 1.0 released April 2002
- 1.0.1 released August 2003
- New Java Specification Request for 2.0 proposed
in 2004 JSR 243 - Vendors, Users working on detailed user interfaces
7Strategic Goals
- Easy to Use...
- natural programming model
- configuration and deployment
- In a Wide Variety of Environments...
- Java 2 Standard Edition (rich clients)
- application, web servers
8Goals for Java Data Objects 2.0
- Maintain JDO 1.0 Compatibility
- Standardize Mapping to Relational DB
- Multi-tier Development Improvements
- Usability Improvements
- Better Object Modeling
- Richer Queries
- More Vendor Support
9Standardize Mapping to RDBMS
- Simple Mapping
- Class lt-gt Table
- Field lt-gt Column
- 1-1 relationship lt-gt unique foreign key
- 1-many relationship lt-gt foreign key
- many-many relationship lt-gt join table
- Complex Mapping
- Inheritance strategies
- Multiple tables per class
- List, Map, Embedded
10Multi-tier Development
- Disconnected Object Graphs
- Disconnect objects from PersistenceManager
- Close PersistenceManager
- Modify disconnected objects
- send to different tier, or
- apply changes directly to objects
- Begin new transaction
- Reconnect objects to PersistenceManager
- Commit transaction (applies changes)
- Disconnected Objects keep original identity and
11Usability (Bootstrap)
- How do you find a PersistenceManagerFactory?
- Java Data Objects 1.0 Properties
- javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass\
- com.sun.jdori.fostore.FOStorePMF
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL\ - fostore/shared/databases/jdo/dbdir
javax.jdo.option.Optimistictrue - javax.jdo.option.RetainValuestrue
- javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalReadtrue
- JDO 1.0 Properties instance
- getPersistenceManagerFactory (Properties props)
- JDO 2.0 Properties loaded from
- stream
- getPersistenceManagerFactory (InputStream props)
- File (use to get a stream)
- getPersistenceManagerFactory (File propsFile)
- resource name (use to get a stream)
- getPersistenceManagerFactory (String
propsResource) - JDO 2.0 JNDI lookup
- getPersistenceManagerFactory (String name,
Context c)
- JDO 2.0 Transaction adds
- boolean getRollbackOnly()
- void setRollbackOnly()
- JDO 2.0 Query can be defined in metadata and
accessed by name
14Better Object Modeling
- Persistent Abstract Class Support
- map abstract classes to tables
- map properties, fields to columns
- create new implementation instances
- Persistent Interface Support
- map interfaces to tables
- map properties to columns
- create new implementation instances
- use interfaces in queries
15Richer Queries
Preserve Expressability in SQL
- Projections
- Aggregates
- More String expressions
- More numeric, Map functions
- Paging query results
- Native SQL
- User-defined Result Class
- JDO 1.0 query results are a subset of instances
in the candidate collection - JDO 2.0 query results can be projections of
- candidate collection instances
- variable instances
- fields
- parameters
- combinations of the above.
17Projections Example
Query q pm.newQuery (Employee.class,
"dept.name.startsWith(deptName)") q.declarePara
meters ("String deptName") q.setResult("name,
salary, boss") Collection names (Collection)
- Query Results can be aggregates
- Aggregates have standard semantics
- min
- max
- avg
- sum
- count
- Group by projected fields
- Having allows conditional filtering
19Aggregates Example
Query q pm.newQuery (Employee.class,
"dept.name.startsWith(deptName)") q.declarePara
meters ("String deptName") q.setResult("dept.name
, min(salary), max(salary)") q.setGrouping("dept.
name having count(dept.name) gt 1") Collection
names (Collection) q.execute("RD") for
(Object i (CollectionltObject gt) results)
println(i0, i1, i2)
20String Expressions
- toLowerCase(), toUpperCase()
- indexOf(String), indexOf(String, int)
- matches(String pattern)
- pattern is a subset of regular expressions
- (?i) global case-insensitive
- . match any one character
- . match any number (0 to n) of characters
- pattern is literal or parameter only
- substring(int), substring(int, int)
21Other Query Filter Methods
- Math.abs(numeric expression)
- Math.sqrt(numeric expression)
- Map.containsKey(Object)
- Map.containsValue(Object)
22Paging Query Results
- Improves performance for some applications
- Skips already-returned results
- Limits number of results
- Query.setRange (int fromIncl, int toExcl)
- default
- fromIncl 0
- toExcl Integer.MAX_VALUE
23User-Defined Result Class
- JDO 1.0 query results are of type Collection
- JDO 2.0 allows user to specify result class
- Primitive wrapper (unique results)
- CollectionltPrimitive wrappergt
- Object (projected or aggregate unique results)
- CollectionltObjectgt
- User-defined Class (unique results)
- CollectionltUser-defined Classgt
24ResultClass Example
class Employee private String name private
float salary private Department dept private
Employee boss
class Info public String name public Float
salary public Employee reportsTo
Query q pm.newQuery (Employee.class,
"dept.name deptName") q.declareParameters
("String deptName") q.setResult("name, salary,
boss as reportsTo") q.setResultClass(Info.class)
Collection results (Collection)
q.execute("RD") for (Info i
(CollectionltInfogt) results) println(i.name,
i.salary, i.reportsTo.name)
25Native SQL
- JDO 1.0 does not recognize SQL
- JDO 2.0 supports
- obtaining java.sql.Connection from
PersistenceManager - defining SQL queries
- may improve performance (good)
- makes query non-portable (bad)
- may support SQL-specific constructs (?)
- may allow SQL DBA more control (!)
26More Vendor Support
- Remove PersistenceCapable requirement
- Remove pre-processor, post-processor requirement
- Allow non-enhancer versions of JDO implementation
- All other compliance requirements remain
27JDO Strategic Goals
Standardize Relational Mapping Improve
Usability Extend Query Functionality Add Vendor
28Craig Russell craig.russell_at_sun.com java.sun.com/p
roducts/jdo JDOCentral.com
JDO gives customers compelling persistence