Title: Chapter 3: Flow of Control Branching Statements
1 Chapter 3 Flow of ControlBranching Statements
- Dr. Hairong Zhao
- hairong_at_calumet.purdue.edu
- http//ems.calumet.purdue.edu/mcss/zhao
- Purdue University Calumet
2Review of Chapter 2 What Have You Learned?
- Java primitive types (numbers, characters, etc.)
- assignment statements and expressions
- String
- classes, methods, and objects
- simple keyboard input and screen output
3Chapter 3 Flow of Control
- Flow of control is the order in which a program
performs actions. - So far, all our programs are sequential they
execute the same statements for every run of the
program - public class MyIncome
- public static void main(String args)
- int monthlyPay, annualPay, expense, netIncome
- monthlyPay 9999
- expense 8888
- annualPay monthlyPay 12
- netIncome annualPay - expense
- System.out.println(My monthly pay is "
monthlyPay) - System.out.println(My annual pay is "
annualPay) - System.out.println(My net income is "
netIncome) -
4Chapter 3 Flow of Control
- For general problem solving we need more
capabilities - The ability to control which statements are
executed - The ability to control how often a statement is
executed - A branching statement chooses between two or more
possible actions. - A loop statement repeats an action until a
stopping condition occurs.
5This Lecture
- We will concentrate first on controlling which
statements are executed - Java provides the if and switch conditional
constructs to control whether a statement list is
executed - The if constructs use boolean expressions to
determine their course of action
6This Lecture Branching Statements
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
7This Lecture Branching Statements
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
8Boolean expressions
- A boolean expression has either the value true or
false. It can be a - boolean variable
- variables or expression connected by comparison
operators - boolean variables or expressions connected by
logical operators
9Boolean expressions Comparison Operators
Note there is no space between the two
component operators of , !, gt, lt
10Boolean expressions Logical Operators
- not operator !
- !(Boolean_Expression)
- !(x lt 0)
- and operator
- (Sub_Expression_1) (Sub_Expression_2)
- ((score gt 90) (grade lt 100))
- Parentheses often are used to enhance
readability. - The whole expression is true only when both of
the smaller expressions are true. - or operator
- (Sub_Expression_1) (Sub_Expression_2)
- ((quantity gt 5) (cost lt 10))
- The whole expression is true if at least one of
the smaller expressions is true.
11Boolean expressions Evaluation
- Suppose
- boolean p true
- boolean q false
- boolean r true
- What is the value of
- p q p q
- !r p r
- q ! r p r
12Boolean expressions Evaluation
- Suppose
- int i 1
- int j 2
- int k 2
- char c ''
- char d ''
- char e ''
- What is the value of
- j k i ! k
- i lt j i lt k
- c e d ! e
13Boolean expressions Character comparisons
- Character comparisons are based on their Unicode
values - Characters 0, 1, 9 have expected order
- Character 0 has the encoding 48
- Character 1 has the encoding 49, and so on.
- Upper case letters A, B, Z have expected
order - Character A has the encoding 65, character B
has the encoding 66, and so on. - Lower case letters a, b, z have expected
order - Character a has the encoding 97
- Character b has the encoding 98, and so on.
14Boolean expressions Evaluation
- Suppose
- char c '2'
- char d '3'
- char e '2'
- What is the value of
- c lt d
- c lt e
- c lt e
- d gt e
15Operator precedence revisited
- Highest to lowest
- Parentheses
- Unary operators , -, , --, !
- Multiplicative operators , /,
- Additive operators -
- Relational ordering lt, lt, gt, gt
- Relational equality , !
- Logical and
- Logical or
- Assignment
16Branching Statements Outline
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
17Basic if Statement
- Syntax
- if (Expression)
- Action
- If the Expression is true then execute Action
- Action is either a single statement or a group of
statements within braces - For us, it will always be a group of statements
within braces
can be any statement, in particular it can be
another if statement
Is our number negative?
- if (value lt 0)
- value -value
value lt 0
value -value
Our number is now definitely nonnegative.
19Why we always use braces
- What is the output?
- int m 5
- int n 10
- if (m lt n)
- m
- n
- System.out.println(" m " m " n " n)
- m 6 n 11
20Example Sorting Two Values
- // rearrange numbers if necessary
- if (value2 lt value1)
- // values are not in sorted order
- int rememberValue1 value1
- value1 value2
- value2 rememberValue1
- // display values
- System.out.println("The numbers in sorted order
are " - value1 " and then " value2)
21Example Sort two values
22This Lecture Branching Statements
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
23if-else Statement
- Syntax
- if (Expression)
- Action1else Action2
- If Expression is true then execute Action1,
- otherwise execute Action2
- The actions are either a single statement or a
list of statements within braces
24Example Finding the Maximum of Two Values
- int maximum
- if (value1 lt value2) // is value2 larger?
- maximum value2 // yes value2 is larger
- else // (value1 gt value2)
- maximum value1 // no value2 is not
larger -
- System.out.println("The maximum of " value1
- " and " value2 " is " maximum)
25Example Finding the Maximum of Two Values
26Example Using for Floating-point Values
- Consider
- double a 1
- double b 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 - if (a b)
- System.out.println("a b")
- else
- System.out.println("a ! b")
27Example Using for Floating-point Values
- a ! b
- double a 1
- double b 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 -
- Problem lies with the finite precision of the
floating-point types - Instead, test for closeness with floating-point
values - Math.abs(a b) lt smallNumber
28Example Using for objects
- Consider
- System.out.print("Enter a string ")
- String s1 keyboard.next()
- System.out.print("Enter another string ")
- String s2 keyboard.next()
- if (s1 s2)
- System.out.println("Same")
- else
- System.out.println("Different")
29Example Using for objects
- When it is executed
- System.out.print("Enter a string ")
- String s1 keyboard.next()
- System.out.print("Enter another string ")
- String s2 keyboard.next()
- Memory looks like
- As a result no matter what is entered s1 and s2
are not the same - They refer to different objects
30Example Using for objects
- Question how do we test the equality of two
- is appropriate for determining if two integers
or characters have the same value. - if (a 3)
- where a is an integer type
- is not appropriate for determining if two
floating points values are equal. Use lt and
some appropriate tolerance instead. - if (abs(a - b) lt epsilon)
- where a, b, and epsilon are floating point types
32Using , cont.
- is not appropriate for determining if two
objects have the same value. - To test the equality of objects of class String,
use method equals, or equalsIgnoreCase - s1.equals(s2)
- s2.equals(s1)
- (Hello.equalsIgnoreCase(hello))
33Example Compare Strings
- Strings can be compared based on their
lexicographic order - Lexicographic order is similar to alphabetical
order, but is it based on the order of the
characters in the ASCII (and Unicode) character
set. - All the digits come before all the letters.
- All the uppercase letters come before all the
lower case letters.
34Example Compare Strings
- Strings comparison
- lt, gt not allowed
- using method compareTo
- String_1.compareTo(String_2)
- Method compareTo returns
- a negative number if String_1 precedes String_2
- zero if the two strings are equal
- a positive number of String_2 precedes String_1.
- String s1 Hello
- String s2 hello
- System.out.println(s1.compareTo(s2))
35This Lecture Branching Statements
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
- Consider
- if (number 0)
- System.out.println("zero")
- else
- if (number gt 0)
- System.out.println("positive")
- else
- System.out.println("negative")
- Better
- if (number 0)
- System.out.println("zero")
- else if (number gt 0)
- System.out.println("positive")
- else
- System.out.println("negative")
Same results as previous segment but this
segment better expresses the meaning of what is
going on
38Example Sorting Three Values
- For sorting values n1, n2, and n3 there are six
possible orderings - n1 n2 n3
- n1 n3 n2
- n2 n1 n3
- n2 n3 n1
- n3 n1 n2
- n3 n2 n1
- Suppose s1, s2, s3 are the sorted version of n1,
n2, and n3
Try this yourself
39This Lecture Branching Statements
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
40Switch statement
- Software engineers often confronted with
programming tasks where required action depends
on the values of integer expressions - The if-else-if construct can be used
- Separately compare the desired expression to a
particular value - If the expression and value are equal, then
perform the appropriate action - Because such programming tasks occur frequently
- Java includes a switch statement
- The task is often more readable with the switch
then with the if-else-if - The switch statement is a mutltiway branch that
makes a decision based on an integral (integer or
character) expression.
41Switch statement
42The switch Statement, cont.
- The action for each case typically ends with the
word break. - The optional break statement prevents the
consideration of other cases. - The switch expression can be anything that
evaluates to an integral type.
43Example Processing a request
- Scanner keyboard new Scanner(System.in)
- System.out.print("Enter a number ")
- int n1 keyboard.nextInt()
- System.out.print("Enter another number ")
- int n2 keyboard.nextInt()
- System.out.print("Enter desired operator ")
- char operator keyboard.next().charAt(0)
- switch (operator)
- case '' System.out.println(n1 n2) break
- case '-' System.out.println(n1 - n2) break
- case '' System.out.println(n1 n2) break
- case '/' System.out.println(n1 / n2) break
- default System.out.println(Illegal request)
44Example Testing for Vowel-ness
- switch (ch)
- case 'a'
- case 'A'
- case 'e'
- case 'E'
- case 'i'
- case 'I'
- case 'o'
- case 'O'
- case 'u'
- case 'U' System.out.println("vowel)
- break
- default System.out.println("not a vowel)
Try to complete this as a program and run it
The break causes an exiting of the switch
Default Handles all of the other cases
45This Lecture Branching Statements
- Boolean expressions
- The if Statement
- if
- if-else
- if-else-if
- The switch Statement
- Conditional Operator
46The Conditional Operator
- if (n1 gt n2)
- max n1
- else
- max n2
- can be written as
- max (n1 gt n2) ? n1 n2
- The ? and together are call the conditional
operator or ternary operator. - Not recommended
47The Conditional Operator, cont.
- The conditional operator is useful with print and
println statements. - System.out.print(You worked
- ((hours gt 1) ? hours hour))