Title: MAR 6936798
1MAR 6936-798
- E-Commerce Marketing
- Spring 2003Downtown--MBA
- Blown To Bits
- Rich Gonzalez
- January 30, 2003 (Week 4)
2For Site/Model Evaluation
- Today Peruse Nielsen Tahir book Homepage
Usability - 1 Christine Bailiff
- 2 Jim Nguyen
- 3 Ahmed Bondagji
- 4 Louis Brunoforte Start thinking about
4Agenda January 30, 2003
- WSJ Online
- Porter
- Blown To BitsDiscussion
- Due For February 6
- Finish Pics
5Grading Criteria
- Start Out With 125 Points
- Areas for ImprovementF Format (Cover page,
Headings, T ThoroughnessA AnalysisL Late
(20 a day)
6PayPal Final Notes
- For Sending , For Personal Accounts.
- Price 0.00 per transaction and
- We deliver a product ideally suited for small
businesses, online merchants, individuals and
others currently underserved by traditional
payment mechanisms.
- Relatively Intangible
- Simultaneously Production/Consumption
- Perishable
- Non-Standardized
8For February 6
- Blown to Bits, p.99 167
- Analysis Paper 3
- WSJ Online After the Bust, William Boston,
WSJ Online, January 27, 2003 - BusinessWeekThe Start of A Dot-Comeback, BW,
February 3, 2003http//www.businessweek.com/magaz
9(No Transcript)
10For Today January 30
- Blown to Bitsp.1 - 97
- Weekly Analysis Paper 2 Due
11Weekly Analysis Paper 2
- Subject Blown To Bits
- Length 1.5 Pages -------125 points
- Due on January 30
- Subjects (use bolded headings)1. Information
Asymmetries2. Deconstruction3.
Disintermediation - Any Other Concepts?
12(No Transcript)
13Moores Law
of transistors
1965Double every 12 months 1975---Double every
24 months-----Sometimes 18 months
14Metcalfes Law
- def values the utility of a network as the
square of its users - Morse Code
- Telephone system
- Ethernet protocols
- Internet protocols
15Metcalfes Law
Net Utility
16The Killer Application
- The killer app. (application) is the software
product that entices a user to adopt a larger
technology. Spreadsheets were the killer apps for
PCs. Email is the killer app for the Internet.
17Killer App
- def. a new good or service that establishes an
entirely new category and, by being first,
dominates, returning several hundred percent on
the initial investment - Generative or destructive?
18Another View of Law
19Figure 8.1 Lifecycles of the Telegraph,
Telephone, Cell Phone
U.S. Figures
Telephone Life Cycle
Number of users
Cell Phone Life Cycle
Telegraph Life Cycle
1840 1876 1877 1880 1900 1930
1945 1982 2002
20Economics of Things
- Seller Ceases To Own
- Replicate By Manufacture
- Deteriorate
- Requires Perfect Markets
21Economics of Information
- Sell, Yet Still Owned?
- Replicated at cost of ?
- Limit?
- Never Wears Out
- Requires Imperfect Markets
22Marketing Concept
23Customer Orientation
- A philosophy incorporating the marketing concept
that emphasizes first identifying unmet needs,
then satisfying them. - Marketing MantraKnow your customer(s).
24Customer Orientation
- MetricsCustomer AcquisitionMarket
ShareCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Profitability
25Customer Satisfaction
26Quote and Revision
- There is only one boss the customer. And he can
fire everybody in the company...by spending his
money somewhere else. Sam Walton - Only one person controls the mouse the
customer. And he can fire everybody in the
company...by clicking and going to some other
site to spend his money. R. Gonzalez
27Customer Decision Process
- Recognize Problem
- Information Gathering
- Evaluation
- Purchase Decision
- Postpurchase Results
281 to 1 Marketing
- Personalization
- Customization
30Diffusion of Innovations
- Innovation
- Discontinuous vs. Continuous
- WWW? (Figure 8.5) p227
- Adoption Factors p228
- Killer App
- Marketers As Change Agents
313 Fundamental Business Shifts
- 1. Most transactionsB2C, B2B, C2C and C2C will
become self-service digital transactions. - 2. Customer service will become the primary
value-added function in every business. - 3. The pace of transactions and customer needs
for customer service will force firms to adopt
digital processes---for survival.
32New Economics of Information
- The evolving and advancing technologies for
sharing and using information to - Transform business
- Industry
- Competitive Advantage
- Britannica Example...
- ...is generalizable
33Strategic Competitive Advantage--Porter
- A competitive advantage is a super strength of a
company, relative to competitors, that provides a
distinctive value proposition to consumers, and
is significantly valued by those consumers. - It is sustainable.
34Encyclopaedia Britannica contd
- Strategic Competitive Advantage
- Quality Volume
- Sales Force
- 1,500 PriceLarge Margins
- Thoroughness
- Strategic Competitive Disadvantage
- Too Big For CD
- Commissions
- 75--50--0
- Too Slow To React
- Sales-----Up
- Profits-----Growth
- Employees---Growth
- Credit -------Up
- Reputation---Up
- Stock-----------Up
- What should you do?
36Themes in Blown To Bits
- SCA to SCD
- Legacy Assets
- Speed
- Seeing (what is visible)
- Not Zero-Sum
37Porters Competitive Business Model
New Entrants
BP of Sellers
BP of Buyers
Intraindustry Rivalry
Which is affected?
38The Porter framework
- The Porter Generic Strategy framework is well
established. - Three generic strategies -- Differentiation, Low
Cost and Focus - Strengths of the Porter approach are that it is
well known, easy to understand and adaptable to
- The essence of strategy is choosing to perform
activities differently than rivals do. - Must be flexible to respond rapidly to
competitive and market changes. Michael E.
Porter - What Is Strategy?, Nov-Dec 1996, HBR
40Figure 8.9 Internet Product Life Cycle
Prices Number of
Users Stage Time Line
Development Intro- Growth Maturity
Decline duction Positive
Profits Negative
Dial-up Access
Broadband Access
Wireless Access
Free ISP Access
Web TV
41Superior Value Proposition
- The value proposition is the total market
offering to customers and is closely related to
the Four-P marketing mix. - A superior value proposition can be based on a
superior product, price, distribution or
promotion or a superior combination of these.
42Most Important Factor In Biz?
- Information
- Information
- Information
43Information Asymmetry
- Knowledge a Transaction Participant Possesses In
Which You Are Not Privy To. - How does this affect transactions?
44Information Asymmetries
- Vendors
- Consumers
- Buyers
- Price
- Assumption is that they exist
45Big Concepts
- Information
- Amplification
- Asynchronicity
46Evans Wurster
47Blown To Bits Recommendations
- Clayton Christensen
- Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Seagrams
- Jacques Nasser, Ford Motor Co.
- Toby Lenk, eToys
- Jean-Marie Messier, Vivendi
- Shikhar Ghosh, Open Market, iBelong
48In Class Participation
- Comments Are From Discussion In Class About Blown
To BitsWeekly Assignment Paper 2
49Information Asymmetry
- Creates inefficiency in transactionsfair price
is not achieved - Goal is to eliminate R R tradeoff make channel
universally accessible - Networks make IA collapse
- Balances scalesevens playing field
- Access to certain nets still allow IA (intra and
extranets) - Motivate buyer to have mistrust
- Access to information increases bargaining power
In Class Exercise
- Dismantling and reformulation of traditional
business structures.
- Dismantling and reformulation
- Rarely happens across Whole business---Component
- Melts the glue business units
- Execs should be willing to reconstruct their biz
model - Going after max opportunity as opposed to fixing
only a part
In Class Exercise
- Destruction/elimination of the intermediary
- Creates new types of intermediary, ie. Advisors,
navigtors, - Displaces the richness /reach curve without being
at expense of richness or reach
In Class Exercise
- Retail computer shops
- Book stores
- Travel agents
- Customer service reps
- Insurance agents
- Pharmacy
- Video Rentals Netflix
In Class Exercise
54- Adding Richness Is the Best Way To Forestall
55(No Transcript)
56Change, Techno, Info, Process...
- The Only Sure Winner Is the Customer
57Change, Techno, Info, Process...
- The Only Sure Winner Is the Customer
58What Is Wrong With This?
More info, more SCA
Its Linear
59E W Say
More info, LOTS more SCA
Not Linear
60Information Is The Glue
61Weekly Analysis Paper 3
- Subject Blown To Bits
- Length 1.5 Pages, Cover Page--125 pts
- Due February 6
- Subjects (use bolded headings)1. Competing on
Reach2. Competing on Richness 3. Competitive
62End Here