Title: The Invisible Commission
1The Invisible Commission
2Symbolic ofthe place of religion in human life
is the prominent location of the magnificent
Chapel, attended by all midshipmen who do not
choose a denominational place of worship in the
city of AnnapolisFour of its beautiful stained
glass windows are memorials to heroic leaders of
the past. Significantly, the fifth and newest
window shows a young man on Graduation Day.
Behind him are years of anxiety and hope, work
and play. Before him lies a lifetime of
dedicated service. Dressed for the first time in
the uniform of an Ensign in the Navy of the
United States, he reads the scroll commissioning
him as such. High above him the Stars and
Stripes flutter in the breeze, but in the
background stands the Man of Galilee, pointing to
an even higher obligation. It is the graduates
Invisible Commission, challenging him to
consecrate his loyalty to self and to country by
supreme loyalty to the God who gave him both.
1948 USNA Catalogue
3The use of the artistic proofs (ethos, pathos,
and logos) Ethos Good Sense -USNA honors
heroes -Appreciation of beauty Good
Will -Religious choice allowed -Acknowledge
anxiety, hope, work and play Virtue -Duty to
God and Country -loyalty to self
4Pathos Anxiety (or fear) -anticipation of
some kind of incipient injury -that which
makes a man deliberate flutter in the
breeze (love) -we love those who are like
us -we love those whose enemies are our
5Logos An enthymeme High above him the Stars
and Stripes flutter in the breeze, but in the
background stands the Man of Galilee, pointing to
an even higher obligation. In sum Duty to God
is more important than duty to country. Suppress
ed premise God is greater than country. So, our
audience must accept the transcendence of the
6The use of the topoi. - a young man on
Graduation Day Dressed for the first time in the
uniform of an Ensign cause and effect -
Behind him are years of anxiety and hope, work
and play. past fact/future fact - the Man
of Galilee, points to an even higher
obligation. greater and lesser definition
7The use of refutation - attended by all
midshipmen who do not choose a denominational
place of worship in the city of Annapolis. -
Worships services are mandatory, but not
proscribed. refutation by division.
8The use of amplification and/or depreciation -
the magnificent Chapel - beautiful stained
glass windows - heroic leaders of the past -
a lifetime of dedicated service - the Stars and
Stripes flutter in the breeze - supreme loyalty
to the God who gave him both The high style is
clearly employed here, and quite appropriately
given the serious nature of the subject matter.
9Its goal and the exigency that made it
necessary -Assure applicants of importance of
faith in USNA curriculum -Allay any fears
about religious freedom -Emphasize
the importance of traditional mores -Impress
upon the applicant the seriousness of the
graduates mission -Encomium of USNA and USNA