Title: Breakthroughs and Goals. Objectives and Strategies. Implica
1 North Lawndale Employment Network
Moving from Good to Great 2007-2010 A Strat
egic Framework
Moving from Good to Great 2007-2010
NLEN Flywheel in motion
- Executive Summary
- Vision
- Process
- Strategic Framework
- Breakthroughs and Goals
- Objectives and Strategies
- Implications
- Financial Forecast
- Mission Statement
- Appendix
- 2007-2008 Operating Plan
3Executive Summary
Executive Summary
It has been said that, the key driving force to
greatness is always look to be better you will
always be merely good relative to what you can do
next. This new strategic framework charts the
next direction for NLEN. From 2007-2010 NLEN will
embolden its work by delivering superior
performance and distinctive impact. We will
ensure our future success by combining our vision
of an economically thriving North Lawndale
community with our aspirations of becoming a
world class organization. Our next goals are r
esponding to the urgent and increasing needs of
people with significant barriers to employment in
the North Lawndale community. The strategies
selected aim to meet the imperatives to increase
both the size (breadth) and effectiveness (depth)
of solutions in reducing unemployment and
economic vulnerability. Our new focus on our
people and culture will help ensure that NLENs
operations deliver the most distinctive impact
possible for the people of North Lawndale.
The 2007-2010 Strategic Plan delivers
significant breakthroughs to propel the Agency
to a new level of operational performance. We
have four strategic goals that form the
cornerstone of our new plan to become a world
class organization Strengthen NLENs ability to
better meet the increasing and urgent need for
employment of NL residents Raise the profile of N
LEN as a leader for solutions to unemployment for
people with significant barriers to employment
Advance NLENs workforce development model to
incorporate green employment and workplace
strategies Build on NLENs unique strengths as a
catalyst for economic development in North
Lawndale By challenging itself to integrate envir
onmental sustainability (green), social and
economic justice, and community development
goals, NLEN supports its aspirations to become a
world class organization.
4North Lawndale is a strong,
economically thriving, diverse community
connected to high quality job opportunities and
serves as a replicable model for communities
What We Aspire To Be
We will ensure our future success by combining
our vision for the North Lawndale community with
our aspirations of becoming a world class
organization. We aim to make our aspirations
transparent and central to NLENs business
planning process. It will guide departments,
teams, and individuals in their detailed
planning so any member of staff will be able to
see how their day-to-day work supports NLENs
overall vision, and to understand the value of
their own contribution to its success.
- NLEN will provide to companies throughout Chicago
a dependable workforce with a renowned work ethic
- We will be known as an undeniable best practice
with a superior workplace and leadership, and
masterfully designed, replicable workforce models
- We will be known as industry trendsetters when it
comes to the transformation of individuals for
high quality jobs and reintegration into diverse
5NLENs strategic planning process entitled,
Moving from Good to Great 2007-2010 was
specifically designed to foster a shared learning
experience among staff
- The Strategic Framework processA Strategic
Planning group of the whole staff was set up in
April 2007 and was mandated by the Board of
Directors to carry out the process, facilitated
by CSolutions Consulting. In different phases
core stakeholders, particularly, members of the
Board of Directors were consulted for the
development of key features of the new plan. The
framework is based on experiences drawn from the
Strategic Plan 2001-2006 and an analysis of the
challenges and opportunities NLEN and its clients
face in todays world. Our heartfelt thanks to
everyone who has participated in this dynamic
strategic planning process.
6NLEN will embolden its work by delivering
superior performance and distinctive impact
Strategic Framework
This strategic framework charts NLENs new
directions for the next three years. We are
responding to the urgent and increasing needs of
people with significant barriers to employment in
our North Lawndale community and to the
imperatives to increase both the size (breadth)
and effectiveness (depth) of solutions in
reducing unemployment and economic vulnerability.
Our new direction will help ensure that NLENs
operations deliver the most distinctive impact
possible for the people of North Lawndale.
7NLEN will build upon two themes to stimulate its
move from good to great.
Framework Themes Assumptions
NLEN Flywheel in Motion
Core-Centric Evolution
- Great organizations find a way to harness
momentum in service to their core work. The
flywheel is a metaphor for this momentum in
motion. Incremental pushes of the flywheel appear
to have little effect in the beginning. However,
with many people contributing consistently over
time through disciplined thought and action, the
flywheel slowly begins to increase its speed
until at a certain point there is a breakthrough.
- Momentum emerged as a strength within NLEN. By
focusing on people, thinking, and action in a way
that facilitates momentum, momentum will be
sustained at NLEN.
- The most enduring organizations distinguish their
core purpose from their strategies and practices
which constantly change in response to a changing
world. Great organizations stimulate progress
from their central core purpose, as NLEN will do
over the next three years.
Driving Assumptions
Growth will be moderate, well controlled and
achieved through efficiencies and capacity
building The number of clients re-e
ntering NL from prison will continue to rise
Funding will be highly competitive,
require higher standards of justification, an
d linkages to a wider array of sources
8The 2007-2010 Strategic Plan delivers
significant breakthroughs to propel the Agency
to a new level of operational performance
- An ambitious results-oriented culture initiative
that can drive significantly increased impact and
client outcomes
- Establishment of an Institutional Program
Effectiveness Unit that focuses on achieving a
critical mass of knowledge demonstrating the
efficacy of NLENs methodologies - Investment in a pro-active communications
strategy that can more effectively raise the
visibility, relevance and impact of our work for
employment of people with significant barriers
The key driving force to greatness is always
look to be better you will always be merely good
relative to what you can do next
Jim Collins student and teac
her of enduring great companies
NLENs four strategic goals will form the
cornerstone of our new Plan to
become a world class organization
Strengthen NLENs ability to better meet the
increasing and urgent need for employment of NL
Raise the profile of NLEN as a leader for
solutions to unemployment for people with
significant barriers to employment
Build on NLENs unique strengths as a catalyst
for economic development and stability in North
Advance NLENs workforce development model to
incorporate green employment and workplace
10Summary of Key Strategies
Key Strategies
- Leverage NLENs culture to drive new levels of
- Implement a performance enhancement system
- Seed strengthen, and scale NLEN programs
- Influence decision-makers in key segments
including policy, philanthropy, and business
- Leverage NLENs multiple employment approaches to
advocate for change
- Develop documentation that establishes the
effectiveness of NLEN methodologies
- Weave green principles and approaches into NLEN
initiatives and operations
- Link participants to the green economy for jobs
- Expand NLENs operating capacity by securing a
new facility
- Promote environmental practices in the
- Ensure that the facility strategy is properly
aligned with the changing trends in the NL
11Goal 1 Strengthen NLENs ability to better meet
the increasing and urgent need for employment of
North Lawndale residents
Key Strategies
- Create a results-oriented culture where attention
to results is reflected in day-to-day action
- Implement a communication system and process that
elicits feedback and involvement so all employees
play an appropriate role in planning and
executing mission - Develop specific metrics and standards for all
performance areas
- Develop competency models for each job
- Establish the NLEN Institute for Leadership and
Learning to focus on training and developing
world class professionals
- Create and implement a performance-based
management system tied to compensation
- Realign organization into functional and cross
functional teams to increase efficiency and
- Increase the number of people employed through
NLEN services from 225 in 2007 to 1,100
cumulative by 2010
- Leverage NLENs culture to drive new levels of
- Implement a performance enhancement system
- Seed strengthen, and scale NLEN programs
- Everyone has a sense of responsibility for the
performance of NLEN performance expectations and
standards are clearly linked to the strategic
plan accountability for results is clear - Higher staff retention rates are achieved
- 1,100 people from NL community are employed in
quality jobs with rates of promotion, retention
and wages above the industry average
12Goal 2 Raise the profile of NLEN as a leader for
solutions to unemployment for people with
significant barriers to employment
Key Strategies
- Create and launch a pro-active and sustained
strategic communications plan
- Cultivate new corporate employers to result in 15
new hiring agreements
- Increase engagement with high impact donors and
investors to secure 2-4 new types of revenue
- Establish the NLEN graduate alumni council that
will have representation on the NLEN board
- Distinguish and document the components of NLENs
transitional jobs initiatives that correlate with
successful outcomes for specific population
groups - Establish a new unit of Institutional
Effectiveness to document the impact, outcomes
and efficacy of NLENs strategies with different
populations - Publish and distribute NLEN lessons, analysis,
and methodologies via webinars, written reports,
and a tool kit
- Influence decision-makers in key segments
including policy, philanthropy, and business
- Leverage NLENs multiple employment approaches to
advocate for change
- Develop documentation that establishes the
effectiveness of NLEN methodologies
- NLEN is regularly engaged as a recognized,
respected contributor in strategic dialogue with
key actors in policy, philanthropy, and media
- Additional employers have opened their corporate
culture to hiring former offenders
- Increased funding is secured for NLENs
transitional jobs initiatives
- NLEN is positioned as the top of mind
practitioner source for solid data on issues
regarding employment for people with significant
13Goal 3 Advance NLENs workforce development
model to incorporate green employment and
workplace strategies
Key Strategies
- Weave green principles and approaches into NLEN
initiatives and operations
- Link participants to the green economy for jobs
- Increased synergy between NLEN and Sweet
Beginnings is evident
- NLENs commitment to social justice and
environmental sustainability is made transparent
to its stakeholders and public
- Provides the community with an additional level
of social awareness and the benefits of being
- New partnerships are established within the green
movement resulting in new funding sources,
business partners and employers
- Clarify and articulate NLENs framework for
econ-equity in its work through speeches,
documents and website
- Include a green column as a regular feature in
- Develop internal base of knowledge on green
movement, including labor market info, funding,
green community development
- Start a recycling program for the facility that
achieves 100 compliance
- Establish a green standards and purchasing
- Introduce a green service day for NL residents
and staff
- Identify and cultivate alliances with green
suppliers, organizations and service providers
- Place 20 percent of clients in green industry
14Goal 4 Build on NLENs unique strengths as a
catalyst for economic development and stability
in North Lawndale
Key Strategies
- Expand NLENs operating capacity by securing a
new facility
- Promote environmental practices in the
- Ensure that the facility strategy is properly
aligned with the changing trends in the NL
- NLEN is operating from a new green building that
provides a safe and enjoyable work environment
for both NLEN and Sweet Beginnings
- By challenging itself to integrate environmental
sustainability (green), social and economic
justice, and community development goals, NLEN
supports its aspirations to become a world class
- Develop and launch a Board-led capital campaign
for a new facility
- Incorporate world class green design elements in
new facility
- Secure additional temporary space to accommodate
immediate needs
- Coordinate a study to qualify the changes and
future development plans for NL neighborhood
- Implement selected recommendations from findings
Administration Implications
Program Implications
- Implement cross functional team structure
- Establish and staff a unit of Institutional
Program Effectiveness
- Expand the program team by adding 2-3 work
coaches, and a business development manager
- Train everyone on new expanded data functions and
- Expand job development into green jobs
- Raise 35,000 for facilities development plan,
and launch capital campaign for new facilities to
secure ____________
- Secure 25,000 for communications consultant and
plan elements
- Secure 2-4 new types of funding, e.g. PRI, sales
of webinars, environmental sources, etc.
- Secure funds for annual planning retreat
- Recruit and hire the necessary staff and
independent contractors required to implement the
new strategies
- Transition to temporary and then permanent
facilities during the three years of the plan
- Enhance the use of technology for an improved
internal communications system, for webinar
development and for implementation of the new
communications strategy - Implement a comprehensive performance management
system that develops the skills and competencies
needed to meet the new results-culture
- Manage transition to new organization structure
and responsibilities smoothly using effective and
constant communication
Fundraising Implications
16Financial Three Year Forecast
Three Year Financial Forecast
17Mission Statement
Moving from Good to Great
- NLENs mission is to improve the earnings
potential of North Lawndale residents through
innovative employment initiatives that lead to
economic advancement and an improved quality of
life. - Our mission, combined with our strategic three
year plan, will tangibly move us to the next
level of organizational performance, and
concretely produce a distinctive impact for the
residents of North Lawndale. - We invite your partnership!
Business Strategy
Execution Strategy
Dollars cents
Second Whole Foods Store
University Support
Kempton Hotels
New NLEN Strategic Plan
Inventory System
New Product Development
19NLEN Organization Chart
20NLEN Program Structure
This chart depicts the cross-functional nature in
which Programs will do their work. The Core
functional areas report to one Manager who is
responsible for their technical and
Professional development in each function. They
are deployed as necessary to the Special Projects
Manager to carry out specific projects with
agreed detailed project plans between the two
Managers for each project assignment. They are
depicted in the Green boxes.