Title: Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA)
1Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA)
- Concepts and classifications related to the
valuation of forests
2FRA - background
- FAO has a mandate to carry out periodic
assessments of the worlds forest resources - First assessment 1946, latest assessment 2005.
- The scope has gradually become wider and
classification systems and definitions have
evolved over time - FRA covers both current status and recent trends
(FRA 2010 will cover the period 1990-2010)
3Current classifications and definitions that
relate to valuation
- Forest, Other wooded land and Other land
- Forest designation and management
- Forest characteristics
- Forest stocks (volume, biomass, carbon)
- FRA covers both current status and recent trends
4Forest - definition
Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees
higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more
than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these
thresholds in situ. It does not include land that
is predominantly under agricultural or urban land
- Current definition is a combination of tree cover
and land use. Definition has been stable since
2000 and is now globally accepted. - Note that there may be a considerable amount of
trees growing on land that is not classified as
5Other wooded land
- Shrubs and bushes and sub-arctic and mountain
dwarf-tree formations - Not primarily used for agriculture (e.g. grazing)
- Do not produce timber, but in some areas provides
substantial amount of fuelwood
6Other land
- Agricultural and urban areas, barren land
- May have tree cover when the tree cover fulfils
the threshold values in the Forest definition, it
is reported as Other land with tree cover - Other land with tree cover may produce timber,
fuelwood and wood for other purposes
7Forest designation and management
- Designated for production
- Designated for protection of soil and water
- Designated for conservation of biodiversity
- Designated for social services
- Designated for multiple use
- Area of Permanent Forest Estate
- Forest area within protected areas
- Forest area under sustainable forest management
- Forest area with management plan
8Forest characteristics
- Naturally regenerated forests
- Primary forests
- Other (with signs of human impact)
- ...of which of introduced species
- Planted forests
- ...of which of introduced species
- NOTE, the concept of semi-natural forests have
been dropped, as it was mostly suited to European
9Forest stocks
- Growing stock (volume of living trees)
- Biomass stock (above- and below-ground)
- Carbon stock
- in biomass
- in dead organic matter
- in soil
- Carbon and biomass stock estimates based on 2006
IPCC Guidelines
10Specific issues
- Forest types
- has been discussed whether to include or not
- difficult to establish a global classification
scheme - Forest area available for wood supply
- was part of FRA 2000 and the European assessments
- discarded in FRA 2005 and FRA 2010 as it is very
difficult to apply in developing countries,
particularly in the tropics.
11More information
- More information and documentation of
definitions, classifications, etc. can be found
at - www.fao.org/forestry/fra
12Forest Valuation Issues
13Classification issues
Forest and other wooded land Cultivated?
Planted forest Yes
Naturally regenerated forest
- Other (with sign of human impact) Yes
- Primary forest No
Other wooded land Mostly not relevant for timber value
Trees outside forest Mostly, yes.
- Statistics on Forest available for wood supply
are not collected and are, anyway, largely
irrelevant for valuation. - Any forest where there has been some human
intervention is essentially cultivated and
should be treated as such. - Primary forest is not cultivated and, as such,
currently has no timber value.
14What can be quantified?
Flows Flows Stock Stock
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Timber Yes Yes Yes Yes(with care)
Carbon Maybe ? Yes ?
Biodiversity n.a. n.a. Maybe (surrogates) ?
NWFP (including wildlife) Yes (weak) Yes (weak) ? Probably not
Land n.a. n.a. Yes Yes(with care)
15Valuation methodology
- Market value or expectation (NPV) approach
- - Value per ha x number of ha (micro
approach) - - Will work for countries with good
information, developed forest economy, near
full production - For others (Russia, Congo, Indonesia, Brazil)
- - Must use a macro approach based on timber
harvesting scenarios (which are available) - - Vast areas of these forests have no
foreseeable timber value - Valuation of forest land is largely irrelevant