Title: Summer Scheduling Workshop
1Summer Scheduling Workshop
- Rocky Moran
- 893-3575
- rocky.moran_at_sa.ucsb.edu
- Publications
Jamie Sprague 893-3602 jamie.sprague_at_sa.ucsb.edu
Denise Belanger 893-7873 d.belanger_at_summersessio
ns.ucsb.edu Summer Sessions
Sean Woods 893-5234 sean.woods_at_sa.ucsb.edu
Summer Scheduling
2Summer Scheduling Cycle
- Three proof process
- 1st proof is copy of last summer
- Schedule 25 run for primaries after 2nd proof
3rd proof for secondaries - STAR released to departments courses can be
viewed in GOLD by students - After STAR is released, use SAF for changes
3General Assignment Room Inventory
- www.registrar.ucsb.edu/staffonly.htm
- FWS rules still apply
- The more media requested, the fewer rooms
possible in which the class may be scheduled - Increased competition for prime times and rooms
- Request minimum media necessary
4General Assignment Room Inventory
- Beginning Summer 2009...
- Maintenance Program for
- GA Classrooms will begin
- Every summer, designated GA classrooms will be
painted, repaired, etc. Affected departments will
be notified prior to the start of summer
5Department-Controlled Rooms
- Any room that is not on the GA Room Inventory
(e.g., computer labs) - Departments must verify the room is available for
their use - The Office of the Registrar will not verify that
the room is available - Use the Curriculum Audit report to verify courses
scheduled in department-controlled rooms
62009 Summer Sessions
All non-delayed-sectioning courses must have
assigned session or session dates
7Days and Times
- In fall, winter spring there are two standard
class meeting schedules - 50 minute class meeting
- (typically MWF classes)
- 75 minute class meeting
- (typically TR classes)
- But in summer
8Days and Times (cont.)
- Standard time is 80 minute period MTWRF
- Prime Time hours listed in red
- Courses that use two or more time slots should be
scheduled in non-Prime Time hours
9Prime Time Hours
- Requests for these times are very impacted
- Not all requests for these time periods can be
filled - Have alternatives ready
- Standard times are given priority when scheduling
into Prime Times
10Minimum Contact Time
- Minimum contact time is established by the Master
Course Approval (MCA) - The MCA also establishes the distribution of
hours (e.g., lecture only lecture and discussion
section, etc.) - To convert the time of a F/W/S course into a
summer course, begin by converting required
course hours into minutes - Each hour is equal to 50 minutes
11Minimum Contact Time
12Minimum Contact Time (cont.)
- Distribute minutes over number of days and weeks
for the appropriate session - See handout for sample exercises to practice
- Many courses have contact times that exceed the
minimum per department practice or faculty
preference. Do not change w/o consulting someone
in the department.
13Delayed Sectioning
- Indicated on schedule proofs as
- Will have generic 0100 section and one
enrollment code on proof and GOLD - A new section is created for the instructor and
session the student is enrolled in - There is never enrollment in the generic EC.
- Do not assign session or session dates to delayed
sectioning courses
14Delayed Sectioning
- See Handouts for Examples
15Delayed Sectioning (cont.)
- In GOLD, students enroll using the generic EC
and instructor name - Students also need to select the correct session
from a pull down menu
16Special Courses
- Some courses are offered in coordination with
special summer programs. For example - Travel-Study Programs
- Language Institutes (Graduate Programs)
- Courses may appear on your proof (or STAR) even
though you didnt add them - Call Summer Sessions before altering
17Schedule Alteration Form (SAF)
- LS Undergraduate Classes with enrollment
- Same process as FWS
- Provide explanation of how and when the students
will be notified of day/time changes or
cancellations - College of Engineering Classes
- Same process as FWS
- Obtain Deans signature prior to sending to
Office of the Registrar - Send to SS Office ATTN Denise Belanger
18Schedule Alteration Forms (cont.)
- Session must be written in there is no printed
field designated for this information
See Handouts for Example
19Final Exams
- Final exams are usually held on the last
regularly-schedule class meeting - Beginning Summer 2009, instructors can opt for a
final exam period outside the last class meeting -
- Must be indicated on departments Curriculum Plan
(check with your Business Officer) - Once courses are known, the Registrars office
will determine the most efficient way to schedule
20STAR E-Grades
- Most common problems in summer are with courses
taught by grad student instructors visiting
faculty - Instructor Table Listing lists the wrong title
code - STAR wont accept a function of 1 (Instructor of
Record) - Possible reasons
- Summer appointment hasnt been entered into PPS
yet - Appointment is in PPS but upload hasnt occurred
yet - If PPS lists more than one active title code, the
highest level will be in STAR (e.g.,
Associate-1507 vs TA-2311)
- Legend for schedule proofs and Schedule
Alteration forms - FAQ About Schedule Proofs
- General Assignment Room Inventory
- Academic Support Staff Calendar
- Master Course Approval deadlines
- Instructions for adding instructors
- One-Time Room Request template
22www.summer.ucsb.edu(click on UCSB staff)
- Scheduling Courses for Summer
- Sample Exercises for Calculating Contact Time