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Searching ofr life on Mars was the major objective of the Viking Landers, which ... The biggest debate regarding life on Mars came in 1996 when possible fossils ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anouncements

  • Homework and EC due on Tuesday

Life in the Solar System
Life in the Solar System
  • Today we will cover how and where life could have
    arisen in the solar system, and how we might try
    to look for it.
  • Main Topics,
  • Scientific theories on the origins of life on
  • Conditions necessary for life,
  • Mars and Venus as possible habitats compared to
  • Catastrophic events impeding life,
  • Searching for life on Mars.

  • The puzzle for scientists is to imagine how
    inanimate chemicals on Earth could end up
    creating complex life forms.
  • It is easiest to break this down into steps, the
    first being the creation of complex organic
    molecules, amino acids, from simple inorganic
  • Organic does not imply life, organic
    molecules are any carbon molecules other than
    some very simple ones.
  • We know most chemicals available at early Earth.
    There were plenty of ices containing, C, N, H,
    and O in various combinations.

Miller-Urey Experiment
  • This is one of the most famous experiments of all
    time, named after the scientists at U Chicago who
    performed it, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey.
  • In 1953 the scientist mixed NH3, CH4, and H2O in
    a vessel, simulating a possible early Earth
  • The mixture was heated to vaporize the gases,
    which then passed through a spark chamber, which
    simulates lightening discharges.
  • The products were then analyzed
Amino Acids
  • After one week there was a wide range of
    condensates. 10-15 of the carbon was in organic
    compounds, and 2 were in amino acids.
  • Amino acids are carbon molecules with specific
  • CO
  • C-OH
  • C-NH2
  • Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins,
    and are essential to life as we know it. Also
    called, prebiological molecules.
  • ? Phenylalanine is one of the standard amino
Problems with Miller-Urey
  • This famous experiment has been criticized in a
    number of ways,
  • The early atmosphere at Earth was not likely
    chemically reduced, it was more likely mostly CO,
    CO2, N2, and H2O.
  • The experiment used continuous lightening
    discharge for 1 week. A lot of energy.
  • Other experiments have been able to make amino
    acids with a variety of starting conditions.
  • Even Titan-like compositions (N2 and CH4) have
    been used and successfully created amino acids.

Amino Acids in the Solar System
  • An incredible result at the time, the Miller Urey
    experiment has lost some luster, now that we are
    finding Amino Acids in space.
  • The Murchison Meteorite in 1969, a carbonaceous
    chondrite, was found to have them.
  • In 2002 glycine was detected in giant molecular
  • Sugars and Ethanols have also been found in GMCs,
    probably formed by UV radiation acting on ices.
  • So we dont need Miller-Urey, many prebiotic
    compounds can be made in space, and dont need
    lightning charges and specific mixtures of

What is Life?
  • So, now we should try to define life.
  • Bacteria? Viruses?
  • The two properties we are looking for are,
  • Metabolism the ability to utilize energy from
    the environment, and
  • Reproduction the ability to code and transmit
    information through DNA.
  • Which came first? Good question. We are still
    unsure about the steps from inanimate chemicals
    to simple life forms.
  • But, it did happen. A pretty powerful constraint.

Earliest lifeforms on Earth
  • We do not find rocks on Earth older than 3.8-4.0
    Gyr old. This is 600 million years after the
    Earth solidified.
  • The first unambiguous record of life is of
    cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae) on Earth from
    about 3.5 Gyr ago.
  • By this time the bacteria had already organized
    into complex colonies of micro-organisms called
    stromatolites (dome-shaped), or oncolites
  • These structures form in aquatic environments,
    and can trap sediments, sometime secreting
    calcium carbonate (limestone).
  • It would be 2.7 billion more years before
    multicellular life appeared.

  • Stromatolites are not simple, and would have
    required hundreds of millions of years for life
    to have evolved to this state.
  • These grow by the trapping of sedementary grains
    by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).

Archean Microfossils
  • This is a billion year old fossil of a
    cyanobacterium, from N. Australia. Similar things
    can be found inside of archean stromatolites.
  • There are other rare types of fossilized bacteria
    which can be found. Magnetobacteria form with
    crystals of magnetite in their cells, which get
    left behind when the organic part of the cell is
The Genomic Record
  • We can also trace the origin of life using
  • Most of DNA is junk, meaning that it is genes
    which are no longer used, remnants from our
  • So we can compare our genetic code with those of
    other animals and plants, watching for
    correlations or similarities.
  • This will provide a mathematical method to match
    closely related species.

Domains of Life
  • Comparing the Ribosomal RNA of different
    organisms, we can build a map of where life has
    branched out.
  • Closely related species will have had their
    genomes diverge more recently.
  • The ribosomal sequences point to 3 main types of
  • It is also a goal to hunt down the last common
    ancestor, that life-form which later evolved
    into, bacteria, archaea and eukaryota.
  • The best guess is some anaerobic thermophile.
Life and Oxygen
  • Currently, we believe that life originated in an
    oxygen-free environment.
  • Free Oxygen gas (O2), is highly reactive and will
    convert reduced gases (CH4, and NH3) into oxides.
  • Most components needed for life are sub-oxidized
    (meaning they contain compounds which have not
    combined with all the oxygen they could CO is
    sub-oxidized compared to CO2 ),
  • Amino acids, proteins.
  • If Oxygen was plentiful, these would have been
    quickly oxidized.
  • Rocks older than about 2.2 Gyr old on Earth are
    strongly sub-oxidized. So they formed in the
    absence of Oxygen.
  • Stromatolites became widespread around 2.2 Gyr

CO2 on Mars, Venus and Earth
  • Our neighbors, Mars and Venus have atmospheres
    loaded with CO2.
  • Our Marine shells have kindly removed a large
    portion of our CO2 from the atmosphere
  • Shells are made from calcium and CO2, which is
    dissolved in the oceans from the atmosphere.
    These shells eventually end up in the sediments,
    like limestone.
  • The total amount of CO2 removed this way would
    amount to a surface pressure of about 70 bars on
    the surface of Earth, pretty close to the 90 bars
    found at Venus.

Atmospheric Evolution
  • Our atmosphere would have evolved regardless of
  • CO2 is removed in non-biological reactions with
    silicate rocks, leading to carbonate formation.
  • Photo-dissociation can also drive some
    atmospheric change.
  • CH4 and NH3 would be broken up at the top of
    Earths atmosphere, allowing Hydrogen to escape.
  • Over time, CH4, would convert to CO2, and NH3 to
    N2, which is what we see today. CO would be
    converted to CO2 and a lot of CO2 would end up in
    carbonate rocks.

Energy and Life
  • The reason we are focusing on atmospheric change
    is that oxidization removes highly reduced
    molecules which are the food for living
  • For example the sugars that we burn as humans
    are highly reduced molecules, we burn them in our
    cells the same way we burn hydrocarbons in cars.
  • So, if all the food become oxidized then the
    easy chemical energy source for life is gone.
  • Photosynthesis provides a way around all of this.
    Once photosynthesis provided a means of energy
    production without a reducing environment, life
    could survive the slow transition to an oxidized

Late Heavy Bombardment
  • Cratering on the Moon suggests that there was a
    period of very heavy bombardment in the inner
    solar system between 3.9-4.2 Gyr ago (the LHB),
    including many impacts of 10-100 km bodies.
  • When this happened, the Earth should be impacted
    much more than the moon
  • Larger physical target,
  • More gravity, more gravitational focusing.

Early Impacts
  • During the LHB, it is likely that there were
    several hundred km impacts. Large enough to boil
    off oceans.
  • Decades after one of these impacts, things would
    cool down, allowing the hydrosphere to return.
  • During this time of the LHB, Earth would not have
    been a hospitable place.
  • With water temporarily removed, any life would be
    wiped out, effectively sterilizing Earth.
  • This could have happened many different times
    during this very early history on Earth.

Later Impacts
  • Well after the LHB, impacts would still frustrate
    life on Earth, but not deny it entirely.
  • There have been many mass extinction events,
    removing huge numbers of species in one event.
  • 65 Myrs ago the K/T event between the cretaceous
    and tertiary periods has been positively linked
    to an impact in Mexico.

K/T extinction
  • At the K/T extinction, more than half of all
    marine species at the time became extinct, along
    with many land mammals, including dinosaurs.
  • 99 of all species that have ever lived on Earth
    are now extinct.

Mass extinctions
  • End Ordovician (445 Myr) 12 of families, 65
    of species.
  • Late Devonian (365 Myr) 14 of families, 72
    species, Impact (Siljan Crater?).
  • End Permian (250 Myr) 52 families, 90
    species impact (Bedout Crater?). 96 of all
    marine species, the great dying
  • End Triassic (210 Myr) 12 families, 65
    species, impact (Manicouagan Crater).
  • End Cretaceous (65 Myr), 11 of families, 62 of
    species impact Chixculub crater.
Summary .
  • So here is what we are thinking for the first few
    hundred million years
  • Impacts After the largest sterilizing impacts
    life somehow took hold.
  • Secondary atmosphere formation from impacts and
    outgassing from interior. Always enough
    atmospheric pressure to allow liquid water at the
    surface temperature.
  • Chemical removal of CO2 enough was removed to
    prevent the runaway greenhouse effect, enough
    remained though to keep the planet warm enough
    for liquid water to be present.
  • Escape of hydrogen the atmosphere transforms
    from reducing to oxidizing, this happens late
    enough that life has already arisen and developed

Earth v. Venus
  • So, we have an idea of what made Earth habitable
    for Life, what about Mars or Venus in the past?
  • Venus and Earth probably started with similar
    quantities of volatiles. However, Venus, being
    closer to the Sun, to allow the runaway
    greenhouse effect to occur, destroying water.
  • The evidence from Venus is from the D/H ratio,
    this is the ratio of heavy Hydrogen (Deuterium)
    to the lighter isotope.
  • Both D and H are found in water molecules. With
    the high temps at Venus, water is pushed high in
    the atmosphere and separated by solar radiation.

Venus v. Earth
  • As the water is dissociated by sunlight at the
    top of the atmosphere, H, D, and O atoms are
  • Hydrogen, H, is the lightest and most likely to
    escape the atmosphere. D, is heavier and more of
    it will be retained.
  • So we should see an elevated D/H ratio on Venus
    from this effect.
  • This is what we see, it is 100 times higher than
    what we have on Earth.
  • So, without water, life would not arise in Venus.
  • With no water extreme amounts of CO2 would remain
    in the atmosphere, ensuring the runaway
    greenhouse effect, and high pressure and temps.

Detecting life on other planets
  • So in thinking about detecting life on other
    planets, we can consider how someone would detect
    life on Earth.
  • Radiation emission (man-made) City lights, radio
    etc. only in the last hundred years or so would
    this be possible.
  • Physical changes Vegetation changing from winter
    to summer. One would need a GOOD telescope.
  • Atmosphere Life on Earth has modified the
    atmosphere plants free Oxygen in the Earths
    atmosphere, which would otherwise combine with
    rocks. Spectroscopy of the atmosphere would
    easily detect this. A long time ago.
  • Which of these methods will be best suited for
    searching newly found planets?

Search for Life on Mars
  • Searching ofr life on Mars was the major
    objective of the Viking Landers, which carried
    out 4 experiments.
  • The first experiment was a GCMS, with an ability
    to search for organic molecules. None were found.
  • The other experiements were looking for effects
    of metabolism changes in the chemistry of gases
    in a reaction vessel.
  • There were exciting results. Which ended up all
    being negative.
Martian Metabolism experiments
  • GEX exposed martian soil to a mix of nutrients,
    looking for Oxygen produced by metabolism.
  • LR again, mixed carbon-rich molecules with
    soil, looking for gases that would be created.
  • PR Heated soil with a mixture of gases, looking
    for gases combining with soil compounds

Martian Meteorites
  • The biggest debate regarding life on Mars came in
    1996 when possible fossils were found inside a
    martian meteorite.
  • We covered Martian meteorites, and we found that
    these have been positively identified, due to
    analysis of trapped gases.
  • The important meteorites was ALH84001, which is 4
    billion years old, dating from when liquid water
    was present on Mars.
Martian Microfossils
  • The big news was the photos of the controversial
    microfossils, things only 1/100th the width of
    a human hair.
  • The problem is, these are very small, about the
    size of a virus, which itself cant survive
    without access to DNA from bacteria.
  • The other evidence from the meteorite was the
    existence of magnetite crystals similar to the
    remains of magnetobacteria on Earth. There are
    still non-biological explanations for this.
Water on Mars
  • We are pretty sure that water was a requirement
    for life so how much was ever flowing at Mars?
  • Working backwards using noble gas concentrations
    compared to those of Earth, we can estimate that
    the atmosphere was once at least 0.07 bars.
  • This is ten times its current size, but will 1000
    times less than Earth and Venus.
  • A CO2 atmosphere of 0.07 bar should be
    accompanied by enough water to cover the surface
    to a depth of 9 m.
  • However, we see signs of very deep channels,
    carved by very large flows, things up to 1000 m..

Impacts on Mars
  • Impacts are the likely answer.
  • Mars is smaller than the Earth, so it has less
    gravity to hold onto gases.
  • Mars is also closer to the asteroid belt, and
    therefore more likely to be hit by impactors,
    which can remove atmosphere.
  • We think that Mars could have had an atmosphere
    100-1000 times its current level, most of which
    has been removed over time via large impacts.
  • A test is with carbonate rocks. If impacts
    removed most of the atmosphere, then very little
    would have ended up in carbonate rocks (as we
    find on Earth).
  • Carbonate rocks are a big target for the Mars

Summary Venus
  • Venus is too hot. The extra 41 million km closer
    to the Sun is the issue.
  • The sunlight is twice as intense, leading to
    runaway greenhouse effect, and the destruction of
  • The evidence for this scenario is the high D/H
    ratio on Venus, which shows that water was
  • Venus and Earth started with similar amounts of
    most volatiles.
  • On Earth the CO2 ended up in rocks, and on Venus
    the water was destroyed.

Summary Mars
  • For Mars the issue is not distance, but size. It
    is too small to hold its atmosphere after large
  • In the past Mars may have had an atmosphere up to
    1-2 bars, with a CO2-N2 atmosphere, before 99 of
    it was lost from impacts.
  • This would have allowed an ocean 0.9 km deep,
    enough to carve the outflows we observe.
  • We still really want to know if any life arose
    during those times of habitability.
  • The prime range was around 3.5 Gyr ago, when
    there could have been life, as there already was
    on Earth.

The habitable zone
  • The habitable zone is a region around a star in
    which conditions for life as found on Earth are
  • The habitable zone is a region where a planet is
    thought to be able to maintain liquid water.

Galactic Habitable Zone
  • The location of a star within a Galaxy is also
  • A solar system that forms closer to the center of
    a Galaxy is more likely to have plenty of heavy
    elements needed for the formation of rocky
  • It also must be far enough away to avoid hazards
    of high density regions, and dangerous radiation
    from the Super Massive Black Hole at the center
    of the Galaxy.
  • Of course, both versions of the HZ, are based on
    the form of life that we know.. It in no way
    precludes life forming in a way we dont

Binary Stars
  • Can planets form in habitable zones around binary
    stars? About 50 of stars are in binaries.
  • It appears that two scenarios are still possible.
  • Having a habitable zone around each star, or
  • Having a habitable zone around two closing
    orbiting binary stars.

Red Dwarfs
  • Red Dwarfs make up 70-90 of all stars in the
  • The discovery of Gliese 581b around a Red Dwarf,
    a star with only 1.3 the luminosity of the Sun.
  • Potential problems,
  • Close orbits are needed around Red Dwarfs, so
    close that planets may be tidally locked, cooking
    one side and freezing the other.
  • Infrared light is the main radiation from Red
    Dwarfs, rather than visible light at the Sun, due
    to cooler temps at Red Dwarfs. This complicated
    photosynthesis as we know it.
  • Variability and violent flares are potential
    problems, with dimming down to 40 due to star
    spots, and flares can double their brightness.
  • One upside is their long life, they are small
    enough to burn their fuel very slowly, living for
    trillions of years. It took 4.5 billion years for
    intelligent life to form on Earth, so this is a
    big advantage.
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