Title: Modeling AgricultureEnvironment Interactions
1Modeling Agriculture-Environment
Interactions John M. Antle Department of Ag Econ
Econ Montana State University
Presented as the Distinguished Fellows Lecture at
the annual meetings of the Australian
Agricultural and Resource Economics Society,
February 2005
2This presentation is based on work supported in
part by NSF, USAID, USDA, USEPA and the Montana
AES. Also, thanks to my colleagues who
contributed to various pieces of the work
presented here Susan Capalbo, Montana State
U. Charles Crissman, Int. Potato Center Bocar
Diagana, Montana State U. Kara Gray, Montana
State U. Sian Mooney, U. Wyoming Keith Paustian,
Colorado State U. Jetse Stoorvogel, Wageningen
U. Roberto Valdivia, Montana State U.
3In 1990, Richard Just and I proposed a conceptual
framework for modeling agriculture-environment
interactions. This framework integrates
physical and economic models at a disaggregate
level necessary to capture the heterogeneity of
the physical environment and the economic
behavior of farmers. (Just and Antle, AEA
Proceedings, 1990, p. 197). My lecture is about
issues that arise in modeling agriculture-environm
ent interactions in a way that is useful to
support policy decision making.
4- The paper contains 3 sections
- Designing Models to Support Informed Policy
Decision Making - A Spatially-Explicit Model of the Supply of
Environmental Services - Incorporating Important Features of Agricultural
Production Systems into Econometric-Process
Simulation Models - Apologies to the many colleagues who have done
similar work
5Point of reference loosely-coupled agricultural
production systems models
6- Designing Models to Support Informed Policy
Decision Making - How do you do it? Coordinated Disciplinary
Research. - A team concept define boundaries, units of
measurement. - Black-box approach counter productive.
- The TOA approach a process that links decision
makers with scientific teams to define
indicators, tradeoffs, scenarios. - TOA software provides a modular approach to
7Indicators, Tradeoffs and Scenarios
Soil Carbon
Is non-market valuation necessary or useful? Does
BCA or MCDA inform or obscure?
Econ Returns
TOA on-line course at www.tradeoffs.nl
8Tradeoff Analysis software
The Tradeoff Analysis software is a tool to model
agricultural production systems by integrating
spatial data and disciplinary simulation models.
It helps scientific teams to quantify and
visualize tradeoffs between key indicators under
alternative policy, technology and environmental
scenarios of interest to policy decision makers
and other stakeholders.
9- Designing Models to Support Informed Policy
Decision Making - Timeliness of analysis minimum data methods and
other strategies (IPCC) Need order-of-magnitude
accuracy -
- Credibility reproducibility and transparency.
- Need an open, modular approachnot large,
complex, undocumented, proprietary models. - Modeling representative individuals versus
populations - Need information about populations, often tails
of the distributions are most important
(vulnerability, poverty, food security, health
and environmental risks) - Heterogeneity is a key feature
10The soil fertility puzzle distribution of
mineral fertilizer use in a sample of farms in
the Peanut Basin of Senegal. (Source Gray, 2005)
11Mean versus coefficient of variation of net
returns by Montana sub-MLRA, for climate change
(CC) and CO2 fertilization scenarios with (A) and
without (N) adaptation. (Source Antle et al.,
Climatic Change, 2004).
12- Designing Models to Support Informed Policy
Decision Making - Optimization, hypothesis testing and prediction
- Economists focus too much on optimization,
estimation hypothesis testing as opposed to
prediction. - Example the literature on risk attitude
estimation - tests the hypothesis of RA using static f.o.c.
- does not show RA models predict better than RN
models (identification problem) -
13Designing Models to Support Informed Policy
Decision Making Many important policy questions
involve out-of-sample prediction in heterogeneous
populations, in systems with unobserved
non-linearities, thresholds, and multiple
equilibria Example tech adoption literature
- representative, static risk models
typically usedbut models over-predict
adoption. - alternative explanations for
non-adoption include heterogeneity, thresholds
and multiple equilibria. Economic models imply
farmers do not operate near critical thresholds,
hence empirical models fail to capture key
non-linearities needed to predict out of
14Spatial Heterogeneity and Technology Adoption
Carbon rate (?C)
Net return (v)
Soil scientist should sequester C where ?C
highest Economist farmers would sequester C
where ?v/?C lowest
15Thresholds and non-linearities
The effect of differences in the thickness of the
fertile A-horizon on the dry matter production of
potatoes as simulated with the DSSAT crop model
in the northern Andean region of Ecuador.
16The temporal dynamics in carbofuran leaching in
the northern Andean region of Ecuador. (Source
Antle and Stoorvogel, Environment and Development
Economics, in press).
17Impact of Transaction Costs on the Carbon Supply
Curve (Source Antle, Capalbo, Paustian and Ali,
18A Spatially-Explicit Model of the Supply of
Environmental Services
- Simple model of supply of enviro services to
illustrate logical basis of production models
with spatial heterogeneity - Key insight land-use decisions in a
heterogeneous population are characterized by the
joint spatial distribution of opportunity cost
and environmental services
19Figure1. Derivation of the Supply of
Environmental Services from the Spatial
Distribution of Opportunity Cost
20Incorporating Important Features of Agricultural
Production Systems into Econometric-Process
Simulation Models
- Goal simulate spatial distribution of opp cost
?(?v, ?e ?) - Approach Use econometric prodn models to build
spatially-explicit economic simulation models
that capture key features of the systems and
farmer decision making - Discrete land use (extensive margin) choice among
multiple uses - Discrete and continuous inputs use (extensive
21The structure of loosely-coupled agricultural
production systems models
22Issues in development of econometric-process
simulation models
- Modeling heterogeneity
- Bio-Physical linking crop/livestock sim models
to economic models to characterize spatial
variation in productivity - Decision maker spatial distribution of
population characteristics - Economic spatial price distributions
23Issues in development of econometric-process
simulation models
- Dynamics
- Intra-seasonal, inter-seasonal
- Between sub-systems
- Bio-physical economic
- Crop livestock
- Methods for simulating dynamics
- Modular models
- Loose coupling (crop to econ to env)
- Loose coupling with feedback
- Close coupling (integrated, non-modular)
- Do benefits justify added complexity?
- Complexity Thresholds multiple equilibria
- Explaining technology adoption, non-adoption
24Issues in development of econometric-process
simulation models
- Zero values for inputs and outputs
- Conventional model single, positive output,
essential inputs - Most actual systems have
- Discrete land use
- Multiple outputs in varying combinations over
time, crop failure - Non-essential, sequential inputs
- Need estimation methods suitable for simulation
- Efficiency vs feasibility
- Primal vs dual
- Minimum data methods to estimate spatial
distribution of opportunity cost - Systems of behavioral equations vs moment
estimation - Field scale vs aggregated data
- Matching model scale to decision scale
25Comparison of Montana Soil C Supply Curves based
on EP and MD Models (Rho covariance of returns)
26Comparison of Carbon Supply Curves for
Field-Scale and Aggregate EP Models (Montana)
27Carbon Supply Curves Estimated with County-level
C Rates and Regional Mean C Rate (Source Antle,
Capalbo, Paustian and Ali, 2005).
28Matching Model Scale to Decision Scale
Prediction errors in soil C sequestered with a
mean soil C rate for the corn-soy-feed system in
the Central United States with a carbon price of
29Concluding thoughts Policy-relevant science
will lead to more informed policy decisions that
must balance competing interests. Agriculture
is a complex system best understood through
coordinated disciplinary research.
30This presentation and related information are
available at www.tradeoffs.montana.edu
www.tradeoffs.nl www.climate.montana.edu