Title: Actual Finding Out
1Stage 7 Implementation of changes
Stage 1 The Problem Un-Constructed
Evidence (Taking Action)
Actual (Finding Out)
Stage 5 Comparison of stages 4 and 2
Stage 6 Chose Feasible\Desirable Changes
Stage 2 The Problem Expressed
Stage 4 Conceptual Model
Real World
Conceptual Thinking
Ideas (Systems thinking applied)
Plans (Systems Thinking)
Stage 3 Definitions Of Relevant Systems
Stage 4a Formal Systems Concept
Stage 4b Other systems thinking
2Stage 1 The Problem Un-Constructed
The first stage is to capture the situation in
which the problem exists. This initials
discovering the basic principle, actors, clients,
transformations, expectations and constraints
that are present.
3Stage 2 The Problem Expressed
Once a basic understanding of the process has
been gained it can be developed into a more
detailed description, to illustrate the processes
and components.
- Represented with text and graphics
- Creates a clear understanding of the tasks
- Link the logic and the culture of the
- Includes the Feel of the system
4Stage 3 The Root Definitions
The rich picture from stage 2 is written to
express the primary and secondary objectives of
the system. The system is examined from different
perspectives to insure all conflicts and problems
have been captured. Checkland provides CATWOE as
a checklist.
- Customers - who benefit from the system
- Actors - who carry out actions within the
- Transformation - changes that turn inputs
to outputs
- Weltanschauug - the relevant world views of
the system
- Owner - the persons with the power to stop
the process
- Environment - constraints\influences that
do not control
5Stage 4 The Creating Conceptual Models
At this stage the annalist draws on their
knowledge to create descriptions (usually
graphically) to describe how the system would
ideally function. The logical system
description must conform to all requirements.
- It exactly represents the activities
required to achieve the goals
- It includes all components needed for the
system to function
- It exists as part of a larger,
environmental system
- It has an expectation of continuity
6Stage 5 The Comparing Conceptual Models With
Comparison of reality and the theoretical
constructs highlights differences which are then
used as a bases for discussion. This provides a
list of possible problems and/or improvements to
be investigated by asking the following questions.
- How far are we from the ideal?
- Why are we doing it differently to the ideal?
- What are the reasons (cultural, political,
historical etc)? - Compare the likely outcome of a series of events?
- What would have happened in the real world.
7Stage 6 Feasible And Desirable changes
All possible changes identified can be reduced to
just those that offer a benefit if they were
implemented. If a change to the system will be
too expensive or take too long then examining the
process is pointless.
- Would the culture of the system be affected
by the change
- Could the change be implemented in a
reasonable time period
- Would the change require more/less staff
8Stage 7 Taking Action
Once the possible improvements that are feasible
and desirable have been identified steps can be
taken to implement them into the system.
Considerations should now be on how to bring
about the improvements to the system
- Alternative ways of achieving the same
- Pre-defined criteria to measure improvement
- Testing plan- can the improvement deal with
all conditions