Title: P1246990944IrGXC
1Art Makes the Universe
Lynn Robey
Content Area ART K-12
Quality Indicator 1.2.2
2Linear Perspective
Objective To learn about space and distance in
3Horizon Line
Horizon Line In perspective this line is drawn
across the canvas at the viewer's eye level. It
represents the line in nature where the sky
appears to meet the ground.
4Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point The single point in a picture
where all parallel lines that run from the viewer
to the horizon line appear to come together. The
vanishing point is generally placed at the
viewer's eye level.
6Making 3-Dimensional Artwork
Three Dimensional Having height, width, and
depth. A box is three dimensional.
This project brings hand and eye coordination
skills to the artwork.
7Leonardo da Vinci
8Linear Perspective A mathematical system for
creating the illusion of space and distance on a
flat surface such as a canvas or wall.
9Orthogonal Lines Straight diagonal lines drawn
to connect points around the edges of a picture
to the vanishing point. They represent parallel
lines receding into the distance and help draw
the viewer's eye into the depth of the picture.
10Leonardo recognized that one way to paint scenes
realistically was to observe with great care how
animals, people, and landscapes really looked. He
was also careful to notice the differences in how
an object looked when it was close by and when it
was farther away, and when it was seen in bright
light and in dim light.
11Learn More About Linear Perspective