Title: Key Issue Proposed Congressional Action for LeaderFollower Initiative
1The Orbital Debris and Micrometeoroid Environment
An Overview Presented to The Sixth DoD
Astrometry Forum Presented by Michael L.
Fudge, ITT Industries, Advanced Engineering
Sciences Division December 6, 2000 Washington, DC
2Presentation Topics
- Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris Environment
- Population images
- Catalog composition and spatial density
- Growth
- Regulation/Mitigation Measures
- Summary of US Government policies
- Other mitigation measures
- Effect on Growth
3Low Earth Orbit Satellite Population
Image courtesy of Nicholas Johnson, NASA JSC
4Total Earth Satellite Population
Image courtesy of Nicholas Johnson, NASA JSC
5Composition of Satellite Catalog
Note increase in Operational S/C
6LEO Spatial Density
- Orbcomm
- Tselina 2
- Iridium
- Globalstar/ Strela3
Image courtesy of Nicholas Johnson, NASA JSC, P.
Anz-Meador, Viking Science Technology
7Debris Growth over Time
Image courtesy of Nicholas Johnson, NASA JSC
8Notes on Growth over Time
- Note leveling of
- rocket bodies
- operational debris
- (in general) fragmentation debris
- Current driver operational spacecraft
- LEO constellations while controlled,
fratricide (constellation member vs.
constellation member) not a threat
9Growth Projections
Image courtesy of Nicholas Johnson, NASA JSC
10US Government Policies
11Other Mitigation Measures/History
- 1st true mitigation measures in 1980s
- ELV Industry self-policing in US/Europe to
mitigate against fragmentations on-orbit
passivation of upper stages - Cessation of many operational debris practices
beginning use of bolt-catchers, lanyards, etc. - 1995 NASA Guidelines
- 1998
- US DoD Guidelines
- FAA Passivation requirement
- 1999-2000
- NOAA, FCC getting involved
- Present Japanese, French, Russian, ESA guidelines
implemented 1996-2000