Title: Define Operating System
1(No Transcript)
- Define Operating System
- Identify parts of the Desktop
- Identify parts of the window
- Move and resize windows
- Change window settings
- Change, move and resize a task bar
- Add/Remove programs to Start Menu
- Set Folder Options
- Identify a directory
- Create New folders
- Move and copy files or folders
- Delete and remove files or folders
- Recover a deleted file from recycle bin
- Empty the Recycle bin
- Find Files
- Create Shortcuts
- Change Desktop Properties
3Operating System
- Operating System (OS)- Software that manages all
other - programs
in the computer - Assists the computer in multitasking
- Handles hardware devices such as the
- input and output to printers, hard disks, and
dial up ports - Sends messages to a system operator about the
status - of an operation
Examples Windows2000, Linux, Unix, MacOS X
4What is a Directory?
Directory A way to organize information for
example, a telephone
directory A directory in the computer is a list
of related files located in the same place
Root Directory - or Top Level Directory assigned
a letter
Drive Ausually 3 ½ floppy disk drive Drive
Cusually hard drive Drive Dusually CD-Rom
drive, unless computer has more than one hard
Drive Drive Emay be Zip disk drive
Sub-Directoryfolders located within root
directory used for file organization Filesnames
can be up to 255 characters can include upper
and/or lower case when naming files, do not use
the following . \ / ? lt gt
5Drive Lettering
Drives are named by letters the name of the
Drive is usually before the letter?
Example A Floppy Drive C Hard Drive D
Compact Disc E Usually a Zip Drive
Depending on the number of drives on your
computer Your letters may differ. For example if
you have a Compact Disc drive and a Re-writable
Disc Drive, the Re-writable Drive may be E and
the Zip may be F
- Desktop Workspace for projects
- Parts of the Desktop
- Taskbarcontains buttons displaying running
programs - Start buttongives access to computers
settings, documents, and programs - Icons and Shortcutsstart various programs or
7My Computer
My Computer icon- Icon on top of your desktop
which stores your directories
8Parts of a Window
9Move and Resize Windows
10Window Settings
Date and TimeStart gt Settings gt Control Panel
Double Click on the Date/Time icon or Right
click on the clock and go to Adjust
Date/Time Mouse PropertiesStart gt Settings gt
Control Panel Double click on the Mouse
icon KeyboardStart gt Settings gt Control
Panel Double click on the Keyboard
icon ThemesStart gt Settings gt Control
Panel Double click on the Desktop Architect
icon (may not be available on all computers)
11Task Bar
Changing Task BarStart gt SettingsgtTaskbar
Start Menu/General tab (this is for the task
bar options) Â Moving Task Barplace pointer on
taskbar and drag to desired location  Resizing
Task Barplace pointer on taskbar to display
double-headed pointer and drag to resize Icons
on Task Bar The icons on the task bar are
shortcuts to Certain programs Â
12Start Menu
Adding/Removing Programs to Start Menu Start gt
Settings gt Taskbar Start Menu/ Advanced tab
(this gives you the start menu options) Â
13Folder Structure
C is the root Directory
My Documents is the Child folder of the root
directory and the parent folder of KristinsStuff
KristinsStuff is the Child folder of the My
Documents folder and the parent folder of
hoofedmammals Folder
Hoofed mammals is the Child folder of the
KristinsStuff folder
Baby zebra file lives in the hoofed mammals
folder. No more offsprings
14Folder Structure
Absolute path to babyzebra.bmp
C\My Documents\KristinsStuff\hoofed
15Working with Files
Saving Files to the hard drive File ? Save as
choose The C drive find the folder you want to
save it in name Your file
Saving Files to a disk File ? Save as choose
the disk You want to save it to then name your
Saving Files as a new file File ? Save as then
name Your file and select where you want to save
16Working with Files
Opening Files Double click on the file you want
to open or right Click to open a new menu ? Open
Deleting Filesright click on file to open
another, menu ?Delete or press delete key on
keyboard Use the shift and/or control keys to
select multiple files. Please note Files
deleted from a Floppy Disk or Zip disk are
non-recoverable! Â
17Working with Files
Copying Files into Folders for organization of
files Copy and Pasteright click on file to
select it, click on copy button, select folder
it should be placed in, then click on paste
button Drag and Dropright click on file to
select it, press and hold right mouse button,
drag and drop on top of folder it should be
placed in, release mouse button, then choose
copy here  Shift keypress and hold to select
consecutive files Control keypress and hold to
select non-consecutive files
Moving Files into Foldersfor organization of
files Cut and Pasteright click on file to
select it, click on cut button, select folder it
should be placed in, then click on paste
button Drag and Dropright click on file to
select it, press and hold right mouse button,
drag and drop on top of folder it should be
placed in, release mouse button, then choose
move here
18Working with Files
Renaming Filesright click on file to bring up
another menu, ?Rename. Type in the new name of
the file Â
Finding Files Start ? Search ? For Files or
19Working with Folders
Setting Folder OptionsOpen a folder Click on
Tools? Folder Options Classicmust double
click on icon or shortcut to open single click
to select  Webacts like Internet single
click to open hover to select  Customto
opening window within window click on settings
button select open each folder in
same window  Show/Hide file extensionsclick
on view tab remove or add check to hide
file extensions for know file types Â
20Working with Folders
Creating Folders File/New?Folder type name,
then press enter
Renaming Folders right click on file or folder
to select it, then Rename Â
21Working with Folders
Copying Folders for organization of
folders Copy and Pasteright click on folder to
select it, click on copy button, select folder
it should be placed in, then click on paste
button Drag and Dropright click on folder to
select it, press and hold right mouse button,
drag and drop on top of folder it should be
placed in, release mouse button, then choose
copy here  Shift keypress and hold to select
consecutive files Control keypress and hold to
select non-consecutive files
Moving Foldersfor organization of folders Cut
and Pasteright click on folder to select it,
click on cut button, select folder it should be
placed in, then click on paste button Drag and
Dropright click on folder to select it, press
and hold right mouse button, drag and drop on
top of folder it should be placed in, release
mouse button, then choose move here
22Recycle Bin
Recovering Deleted Files double click on
recycle bin icon on desktop, select file to
recover, then click recover button will restore
to original location  Remember Files deleted
from a floppy or zip disk are non-recoverable!
Empty the Recycle Bin right click on recycle
bin, then click on empty recycle bin Â
23Creating Shortcuts
Creating Shortcuts on Desktopright click and
drag to desktop, then choose create shortcut
here or right click on desktop, New gt
Shortcut, click on browse button to locate
file or folder
24Desktop Properties
Adding New PrinterStart gt Settings gt
Printers Double click on the Add Printer icon
Mark Printer as Default Start gt Settings gt
Printers click on printer to select it, File gt
Set as Default Renaming a Printer Start gt
Settings gt Printers click on printer to select
it, File gt Rename Type new name of printer