Title: Share your position
1- Share your position!
- Share the excitement!
- Increase your safety!
2WGC 2004 gave birth to our idea
- The Goal when launching early 2004Create a
superb and well functioning real time 3D.
tracker/visualisation solution ready for the
2004 World Gliding Championship. - We deliveredSpectator experiences no one have
had before. Some great moments, watching the
fights to stay airborne or getting first to
goal.Realtime scoring with publication on field
and on web.
3Our visionLeading niche player in a new industry
- In 5-10 years, remote sports will commonly be
display by aid of digital simulation. - New sports will be commercialised.
- This will happen through a fusion of 2 huge
industries, computer games and broadcasting. - We want to be a leading niche player in this new
value chain.
4Current status
- First orders received, we are very proud to have
Federation Francaise de Vol a Voile as our first
external customer. - First packaged server software and end user
applications , - We are currently designing-in a Siemens tri-band
solution (US compliance etc.), going from
prototype to serial production. - We will visualise the 1st World Sailplane Grand
Prix inSt. Auban 2005. This is currently the
main operational focus. - Next year we shall
- have strong brand awareness.
- establish a dealer network.
- sell a lage number of vP Trackers to clubs,
pilots and competitions. - succesfully enter into other sports.
5Establishment and management
- We established vPos AS spring 2004.
- Shareholders are S/NLF, Simula/Silent Wings,
Navsys and a number of glider pilots. - We invited all members of the Norwegian soaring
federation to invest on equal terms. - The board basically functions as vPos
management. - We have recently engaged a part time employee.
- Product development is mostly performed by
6Partners had products, merging them was the
- NavSys GPS/GPRS engineering of world class
quality. - Had worked on tracker design since late 2002.
- Had a rough draft ready by late 2003.
- Silent Wings astounding flight simulator applied
as viewer. - The flight simulator is currently being released,
gives unique 3D representation of the action. - Action can be seen anywhere within the competiton
arena - Simula Research Lab.
- Had developed a very sophisticated terrain model.
- Works best with good data sets, struck a deal
with Norwegian mapping authorities for the WGC
7The vP tracker
- 67x64x25mm
- SIM card slot
- Led indicators
- GPS antenna
- GPRS antenna
Pat. pending
8vP Tracker functionality
- Log and transmission interval user defined.
- During WGC we used 4 seconds interval and delayed
signals 15min up to last turnpoint. - Memory buffered, transmits data via GPRS whenever
signal strength permits. - Battery capacity 10hrs.
- Quality of service normally no problem, remember
we need no voice quality, we only send batches of
data. - Cost of usage normally less than a Euro per day.
9Examples of live pictures from the event
10Heading for startRed marker represents startline
11How to pay for this
Remote and invisible sports can finally be
visualised and attract sponsors
- Experiencing the action key to sponsors value.
- Our competition viewer opens wholly new
possibilities. - Logos can be placed in any form, anywhere (pat.
12Etter WGC 2004
- Coupe de Monde du Vol a Voile 2004, Vinon
- Lasham (UK) autumn 2004
- Elverum Open 2005
- NM 2005
- St. Auban June 2005
- Viking Glide, Eskilstuna June 2005
- Pre-world Club Class Championship, Vinon July
2005 - 1er Grand Prix Mondial, St. Auban Sept 2005
13Coupe de Monde du Vol a Voile 2004, Vinon
- Had 5 trackers installed every day in different
classes - No internet connection onsite, therefore no local
visualisation - Main object was to test abroad functionality
- Extremely pleased with results, our server
received signals almost continuously from all vP
trackers - A demo video is available on our web site,
powerful example of seeing is believeing
14Lasham Autumn 2004
- Rained away, had some testing.
- Learned a few roaming lessons, local SIM cards
preferable! - SIM cards are no std commodity, we have a job in
finding those cards and subscription arrangements
that suits our needs.
15Vinon 2005
- Hadde 10 trackere i seilflyene.
- Viewer screenshot til web hvert minutt.
- Viewer i kantinen i klubbhuset. Skapte stor
oppmerksomhet. Noen av klubbmedlemmene lærte seg
å bruke vieweren. - Konkurranseledelsen var fornøyd med måten
tracking systemet virket.
161er Grand Prix Mondial 2005
- 10 trackere i operasjon hver dag.
- Mange custom made endringer i SilentWings
Viewer. - Stort show i hangaren. Seilflygere kommenterte
det de så med mikrofon show á la Bjørge
Lillelien. - Det var mange henvendelser fra folk som ønsket å
benytte trackerene og Silent Wings Vieweren i
konkurranser. - Alt i alt stor suksess.
171er Grand Prix Mondial 2005
- E-post fra Roland Stuck med skryt og takk for
resultatet og samarbeidet under SGP i St. Auban.
Han uttrykker det så sterkt som at
trackingsystemet bidro vesentlig til
konkurransens suksess. - E-post fra Roland Stuck med feed back fra det
italienske laget vedlagt en kort artikkel i deres
nasjonale seilflyblad med positiv omtale. - E-post fra Roland Stuck med kopi av artikkel i en
av Frankrikes største aviser, Le Monde, hvor vPos
og Silent Wings blir omtalt som en nyvinning
sammen med konkurransekonseptet til SGP.
181er Grand Prix Mondial 2005
- E-post fra FAI sekretariatet med link til Oz
Report, en mye lest verdensomspennende web
magasin ( e-zine ) for hang gliding der SGP og
vPos Tracker omtales som en stor nyvinning med
interesse for hang gliding også. - Henvendelse fra New Zealand om bruk av systemet i
deres SGP i januar 2006, et arrangement ryktene
sier har fått meget stor sponsorstøtte så stor
at 10 piloter får gratis tur fra Europa for å
19Spectators 1er Grand Prix Mondial 2005
20The 5 key issues going forward
- Secure funding for serial production.
- Additional funding required to implement IGC
flight recorder. - Start selling.
- Demonstrating functionality during 2005 was
critical for proof of concept. - Finding the best price model.
- Expand to other aviation sports.
- Adaption and rollout should be easy.
- Expand to other sports.
- Go where the money is motor sports, sailing,
biking etc. - Secure longer term viability and opportunities
through industrial partnership with other
players. - We are not alone, exploit early mover advantage.
21Value proposition
- Taking exisiting and new sports to the public
- Creates action visibilty and spectator excitement
- Attracts sponsors
- Saves broadcasting costs
- Simplifies arrangement administration
- Increase user experience.
- Automatic online log book and track viewing.
- Excitement sharing with family and crew.
- Increase safety.
- Virtual transponder/VHF, but better online
tracking! - Adds a new dimension to search and rescue.
- Share data with rescue centrals etc.
22Price model
Use revenue model as in mobile telephones
- HW
- vP Tracker unit sold inclusive of basic services
1st year - SW
- Basic
- and advanced
- Subscription
- No license cost year 1, included in purchase
price - Annual maintenance cost
- Price depends on functionality
- Advanced can offer security functions, family
albums etc.
23Reaching the market
- Advertise in all major Europan gliding magzines.
- Targeted marketing at moderate costs.
- Real time 3D visualisation of 3 targeted
competitions. - Exhibitions.
- Word of mouth.
- First distribution through NAK shop, establishing
other partners.
24Our home page