Title: WSEnhancements
- XML Security Technologies
- Need for XML Security
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
- WS-Security
- WS-Security Policy
3Need for XML Security
- Current security technologies in common
deployment are insufficient for securing business
transactions on the Web. - Most existing browser-based security mechanisms,
generally adequate for low-value
business-to-consumer transactions, do not provide
the enhanced security or flexibility required for
protecting high-value commercial transactions and
the sensitive data exchanges that comprise them.
4Need for XML Security(cont.)
- As important as protecting the confidentiality of
business messages is - Ensuring their long-term authenticity (who sent
them?), - Data integrity (have they been modified in
transit?), - Support for non-repudiation (can the sender deny
sending them?) - Two new security initiatives designed to both
account for and take advantage of the special
nature of XML data are - XML Signature
- XML Encryption
5XML Signature
- XML Signature is a method of associating a key
with referenced data (octets). - XML Signatures provide integrity, message
authentication, and signer authentication
services for data of any type, whether located
within the XML that includes the signature or
6How to Create an XML Signature
- Step 1 Determine which resources are to be
signed. - http//www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/ozgur/index.htm,
references an HTML page - http//www.abc.com/test.xml, references an XML
7How to Create an XML Signature (cont.)
- Step 2 Calculate the digest of each resource.
- (digest is a cryptographic hash that takes an
arbitrary stream of bytes and converts it to a
single fixed-size value. The most common hash
mechanism is SHA1, the Secure Hash Algorithm
created by the US Government) - ltReference URI"http//www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/ozgur
/index.htm"gt - ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/0
9/xmldsigsha1"/gt ltDigestValuegtj6lwx3rvEPO0vKtMup
4NbeVu8nklt/DigestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- ltReference URI"http//www.abc.com/test.xml"gt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/0
9/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtUrXLDLBIta6skoV5/A8Q38GEw44lt/Digest
Valuegt - lt/Referencegt
8How to Create an XML Signature (cont.)
- Step 3 Collect the Reference elements.
- ltSignedInfo Id"foobar"gt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n
-20010315"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/200
0/09/xmldsigdsa-sha1" /gt - ltReference URI"http//www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/ozgu
r/index.htm"gt - ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/
09/xmldsigsha1"/gt ltDigestValuegtj6lwx3rvEPO0vKtMu
p4NbeVu8nklt/DigestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- ltReference URI"http//www.abc.com/test.xml"gt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/
09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtUrXLDLBIta6skoV5/A8Q38GEw44lt/Diges
tValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
9How to Create an XML Signature (cont.)
- Step 4 Signing
- ltSignatureValuegtMC0ELElt/SignatureValuegt
- Step 5 Add key information
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt ltX509SubjectNamegtCNEdSimon,OXMLS
ecInc.,STOTTAWA, - CCAlt/X509SubjectNamegt ltX509CertificategtMIID5jCC
A0gA...lVNlt/X509Certificategt - lt/X509Datagt
- lt/KeyInfogt
10How to Create an XML Signature (cont.)
- Step 4 Enclose in a Signature element
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfo Id"foobar"gt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n
-20010315"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/200
0/09/xmldsigdsa-sha1" /gt - ltReference URI"http//www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/ozgu
r/index.htm"gt - ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/
09/xmldsigsha1"/gt ltDigestValuegtj6lwx3rvEPO0vKtMu
p4NbeVu8nklt/DigestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- ltReference URI"http//www.abc.com/test.xml"gt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/
09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtUrXLDLBIta6skoV5/A8Q38GEw44lt/Diges
tValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
11How to Create an XML Signature (cont.)
- ltSignatureValuegtMC0ELElt/SignatureValuegt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt ltX509SubjectNamegtCNEdSimon,OXML
SecInc.,STOTTAWA, - CCAlt/X509SubjectNamegt ltX509CertificategtMIID5jC
CA0gA...lVNlt/X509Certificategt - lt/X509Datagt
- lt/KeyInfogt
- lt/Signaturegt
12Verifying an XML Signature
- Step 1 Calculate the Current Hash-Value
- Step 2 Calculate the Original Hash-Value
- Step 3 Compare the Current and the Original
13Creating an XML Signature
14Verifying an XML Signature
15XML Encryption
- Provides end-to-end security for applications
that require secure exchange of structured data. - Provides message confidentiality.
- Enable encrypting specific XML elements
- Arbitrary data (XML, HTML, JPG, etc.)
- Compatible with XML Digital Signatures.
- Supports a variety of encryption algorithms and
16XML Encryption
- General Form 1
- ltEncryptedDatagt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegt
- Cipher Text in Base 64
- lt/CipherValuegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
17XML Encryption
- General Form 2
- ltEncryptedDatagt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherReferencegt
- pointer (URL)
- lt/CipherReferencegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
18XML Encryption
- How to encrypt?
- Access the algorithm to be used for encryption.
- Get the key for the encryption.
- Encrypt the data
- get octets by serialising the data
- encrypt octets using algorithm
- unless data type is implicit for the decryptor
then this should be provided (including Mime type
and encoding)
19XML Encryption
- EncryptedData is the core element
- Replaces the encrypted element or
- Serves as the new document root
- May contain a KeyInfo element that describes the
key needed for decryption (borrowed from XML
Digital Signature)
20XML Encryption Example
- ltpurchaseOrdergt
- ltOrdergt
- ltItemgtbooklt/Itemgt
- ltIdgt123-958-74598lt/Idgt
- ltQuantitygt12lt/Quantitygt
- lt/Ordergt
- ltPaymentgt
- ltCardIdgt123654-8988889-9996874lt/CardI
dgt - ltCardNamegtvisalt/CardNamegt
- ltValidDategt20-7-2004lt/ValidDategt
- lt/Paymentgt
- lt/purchaseOrdergt
21XML Encryption Example (cont.)
- Encrypting The Entire File
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltEncryptedData xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lenc'gt - ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtA23B45C56lt/CipherValuegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
22XML Encryption Example (cont.)
- Encrypting The Payment
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltPurchaseOrdergt
- ltOrdergt
- ltItemgtbooklt/Itemgt
- ltIdgt123-958-74598lt/Idgt
- ltQuantitygt12lt/Quantitygt
- lt/Ordergt
- ltEncryptedData
- Type'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lencElement' - xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/
xmlenc'gt - ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtA23B45C564587lt/
CipherValuegt - lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
23 24What is WS-Security
- Describes enhancements to SOAP messaging to
provide quality of protection through message
integrity, message confidentiality, and single
message authentication. - Can be used as a suite for a wide variety of
security models and encryption technologies.
25WS-Security - Architecture
- Point-to-point (host-to-host) security
- End-to-end security
- Security Element
- The ltSecuritygt header block provides a mechanism
for attaching security-related information
targetted at a pecific receiver(SOAP Actor). - A message may have multiple ltSecuritygt header
blocks if they are targetted for seperate
28WS-Security Token Elements
- UsernameToken Element
- A means of proving a username and optional
password information - Example
- ltUsernameToken Id...gt
- ltUsernamegt...lt/Usernamegt
- ltPassword Type...lt/Passwordgt
- lt/UsernameTokengt
29WS-Security Token Elements
- BinarySecurityToken Element
- A means of including x.509 and Kerberos tickets
- Example
- ltwsseBinarySecurityToken xmlnswsse"http//schem
as.xmlsoap.org/ws/2002/04/secext" Id"myToken"
ValueType"wsseX509v3" EncodingType"wsseBase64B
inary"gt - MIIEZzCCA9CgAwIBAgIQEmtJZc0...
- lt/wsseBinarySecurityTokengt
30WS-Security Token Elements
- SecurityTokenReference Element
- Provides an extensible mechanism for referencing
security tokens. - ltSecurityTokenReference Id"..."gt
- ltReference URI"..."/gt
- lt/SecurityTokenReferencegt
31WS-Security Example
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8"?gt
- ltSEnvelope xmlnsS"http//www.w3.org/2001/12/soa
p-envelope" - xmlnsds"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xm
ldsig" - xmlnswsse"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org
/ws/2002/04/secext" - xmlnsxenc"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/
xmlenc"gt - ltSHeadergt
- ltmpath xmlnsm"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/
rp"gt - ltmactiongthttp//fabrikam123.com/getQuote
lt/mactiongt - ltmtogthttp//fabrikam123.com/stockslt/mto
gt - ltmfromgtmailtojohnsmith_at_fabrikam123.comlt
/mfromgt - ltmidgtuuid84b9f5d0-33fb-4a81-b02b-5b7606
41c1d6lt/midgt - lt/mpathgt
- ltwsseSecuritygt
- ltwsseBinarySecurityToken
- ValueType"wsseX509v3"
- EncodingType"wsseBase64Bina
ry" - Id"X509Token"gt
5i... - lt/wsseBinarySecurityTokengt
32WS-Security Example
- ltdsSignaturegt
- ltdsSignedInfogt
- ltdsCanonicalizationMethod
Algorithm - "http//www.w3.org/2001/10/xm
l-exc-c14n"/gt - ltdsSignatureMethod Algorithm
- "http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xm
ldsigrsa-sha1"/gt - ltdsReferencegt
- ltdsTransformsgt
- ltdsTransform Algorithm
- "http//...RoutingTran
sform"/gt - ltdsTransform Algorithm
- "http//www.w3.org/2001
/10/xml-exc-c14n"/gt - lt/dsTransformsgt
- ltdsDigestMethod Algorithm
- "http//www.w3.org/2000/09/
xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltdsDigestValuegtEULddytSo1...lt/d
sDigestValuegt - lt/dsReferencegt
- lt/dsSignedInfogt
33WS-Security Example
- ltdsSignatureValuegt
- BL8jdfToEb1l/vXcMZNNjPOV...
- lt/dsSignatureValuegt
- ltdsKeyInfogt
- ltwsseSecurityTokenReferencegt
- ltwsseReference
URIX509Token"/gt - lt/wsseSecurityTokenReferencegt
- lt/dsKeyInfogt
- lt/dsSignaturegt
- lt/wsseSecuritygt
- lt/SHeadergt
- ltSBodygt
- lttruStockSymbol xmlnstru"http//fabrikam1
23.com/payloads"gt - QQQ
- lt/truStockSymbolgt
- lt/SBodygt
- lt/SEnvelopegt
34 35WS-Security Policy
- WS-SecurityPolicy defines how to describe
policies related to features defined in
WS-Security. - Example of policy
- This Web service accepts X.509 certificates and
Kerberos tickets, but you must choose exactly one
of these and X.509 certificates are the preferred
mechanism - Policy Assertion represents an individual
preference, requirement, capability, or other
property - This Web service accepts X.509 certificates
- This Web service accepts Kerberos tickets
36WS-Security Policy
- Types of assertions
- SecurityToken assertion Specifies security
token types required/accepted by a Web service - Integrity assertion Specifies that specific
portions of a message must be signed, and
specific algorithms/keys to be used (ex SHA-1
algorithm, RSA key) - Confidentiality assertion Specifies that
specific portions of a message must be encrypted,
and a specific algorithm to be used (ex AES,
3DES) - Visibility assertion Indicates portions of a
message that must be visible to an intermediary
or endpoint (i.e. unencrypted) - Message age assertion Specifies the acceptable
time period before messages are declared stale
and discarded
37WS-Security Policy
- SecurityToken Assertion
- ltwsseSecurityToken TokenTypewsseX509v3
- wspUsage"wspRequired" wspPreference50
38WS-Security Policy
- Integrity Assertion
- ltwsseIntegrity wspUsage"wspRequired"gt
- ltwsseSecurityTokengt
- ltwsseTokenTypegtwsseX509v3lt/wsseTokenTypegt
- lt/wsseSecurityTokengt
- ltMessageParts
- Dialect"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/2002/12/wsse
soap"gt - ElementName
- lt/MessagePartsgt
- lt/wsseIntegritygt
39WS-Security Policy
- Confidentiality Assertion
- ltwsseConfidentiality wspUsage"wspRequired"gt
- ltwsseAlgorithm Type"wsseAlgEncryption
- URI"http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc3des-cbc"/gt
- ltMessagePartsgt
- ElementName
- lt/MessagePartsgt
- lt/wsseConfidentialitygt
40WS-Security Policy
- Visibility Assertion
- ltwsseVisibility wspUsage"wspRequired"gt
- ltMessagePartsgt
- ElementName
- lt/MessagePartsgt
- lt/wsseVisibilitygt
41WS-Security Policy
- MessageAge Assertion
- ltwsseMessageAge wsseUsage"wspRequired"
42WS-Security issues to discuss
- WS-Security is built on SOAP foundation and SOAP
messaging environment targeting end-to-end
message security - Whats the benefit comparing to SSL/TLS or IPSec?
- What additional services/enhancements should be
enabled in current/traditional network
- The Global XML Web Services architecture is
poised to play a major role in advancing the
adoption of Web services through its robust
specification of mechanisms for Web services such
as security, policy, coordination, federation,
and routing. - Several specifications (WS-Security and others)
appear to be plausible likely candidates for
inclusion in W3Cs upcoming Language