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'Every living person has some gift or capacity of value to others. ... You've got to be hungry for ideas, to make things happen and to see your ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: P1246990944HEGck

Youre Living It! So Why Not Love It? Put Your
Heart into Our Districts Future! Presentation
notes Peter Kenyon Director Bank of
IDEAS (Initiatives for the Development of
Enterprising Action and Strategies) Ph 61 8
9293 0623 Fax 61 8 6293 1137 email
pk_at_bankofideas.com.au web www.bankofideas.com.a
In times of change it is the learners who
inherit the future. Those who have finished
learning find themselves equipped to live in a
world that no longer exists.' (Eric Hoffer)
Leadership and learning are indispensable from
each other (John F Kennedy, prepared for
delivery in Dallas, the day of his assassination,
Nov, 1963)
Here is Edward Bear coming downstairs now Bump
Bump On the back of his head, Behind Christopher
Robin. It is, as far as he knows,The only way of
Coming downstairs, But sometimes he feels,That
there is another way, If only he could
stop Bumping For a moment and Think of
it. (Winnie-the-Pooh)
  • Continuing to do the same thing and expecting a
    different result 
  • (Einsteins Definition of Insanity)

Building strong, healthy and enterprising
Seven Pillars Of A Healthy Community   Practices
ongoing dialogue Generates leadership Shapes its
future Embraces diversity Knows itself Connects
people and resources Creates a sense of
community   (Healthy Cities and Communities
Coalition, USA)
  • have strong leaders
  • have strong networks with other communities
  • can build on their existing assets and
  • resources
  • have a can-do community spirit and are
  • optimistic about the future
  • can grasp the opportunities that come their
  • way
  • have a sense of belonging to the community
  • among its members
  • embrace change and take responsibility
  • (Stronger Families, Stronger Communities at
    Department of Family and Community Services)

  • Build on the strengths of local individuals,
  • and institutions
  • Focus on specific actions and measurable results
  • improve community life
  • Promote participation by people of all
    abilities, races,
  • genders, cultures and age groups
  • Ensure local decision making and ownership
  • Draw upon the resources of the whole community
  • Bridge all sectors to develop healthy children,
  • and communities,and
  • Share experience and knowledge to promote
  • community learning.

Healthy Unhealthy Optimism, hope and 'we
are in this together Cynicism "We can do
it 'Nothing works' Value intangibles like
vision and values Emphasis only on
tangibles Consensus building Polarisation Colla
boration Confrontation Focus on the
future Debate the past Interdependence Paroc
hialism Broad community participation Few do
everything Leadership renewal Same old
faces Think and act in long term Short term
thinking Listening Attacking Reconciliation
Hold grudges Win-win solutions Win-lose
solutions Politics of substance Politics of
personality Diversity and involvement Exclusion
Challenge ideas Challenge people Problem
solvers Blockers and blamers View challenges
as opportunities See themselves as victims
Critical Community Behaviours and Attitudes
  • Encourages participation and
  • social connectedness
  • Embraces inclusiveness and the gifts of all
  • Develops leadership
  • Fosters self initiative enterprise
  • Generates hope and possibility

Encourages Participation and Social Connectedness
Most communities can often be compared to an
soccer game where 30,000 people who need the
exercise, turn up to watch 30 players who
dont. ( Peter Kenyon )
Beginning in 1970, Italians established a
nationwide set of potentially powerful regional
governments. They were virtually identical in
form, but the social, economic, political, and
cultural contexts in which they were implanted
differed dramatically ranging from the
pre-industrial to the post-industrial and from
the inertly feudal to the frenetically modern.
Some of the new governments proved to be dismal
failures inefficient and corrupt. Others have
been remarkably successful (Robert Putnam
Making Democracy Work Civic Tradition in Modern
Contrary to our expectations, we were unable to
explain the differences on the basis of such
obvious factors as party politics, affluence or
population movementsthe historical record
strongly suggests that the successful
Communities become rich because they Were
civic, not the other way round. The social
capital embodied in norms and networks of civic
engagement seems to be a precondition for
economic development as well as for effective
government. Civics matters (Robert Putnam
Making Democracy Work Civic Tradition In Modern
Social Capital
'the fabric that holds the community
together (Robert Putnam)
Those features of social organisations such as
trust, norms and networks that can improve the
efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated
actions. (Robert Putnam)
The central premise of social capital is that
social networks have enormous value (Robert
Much hard evidence has accumulated that civic
engagement and social connectedness are
practical preconditions for better schools, safer
streets and even healthier and longer
lives (Robert Putnam)
Increasing evidence shows that social cohesion
is critical for societies to prosper economically
and for development to be sustainable.   (The
World Bank, 1999)
The strongest predictor of crime rates is social
capital and crime is lower in communities in
which there is a high level of connectedness (Ro
bert Putnam)
  • The more people know each others first name, the
    lower the crime rate in the neighbourhood.
  • (Robert Putnam)

Being Social and Involved is Good for Personal
Being involved with community groups and having
strong social networks are as good for health as
healthy food and exercise. (Department of
Public Health, University of Flinders) 
Young people reporting poor social connectedness
(no one to talk to, no one to trust, no one to
depend on, no one who knows you well) are between
two and three time more likely to experience
depressive symptoms compared with peers who have
confiding relationships. (Institute of Family
  • People who lacked social and community
  • ties were more likely to die than people
  • with more extensive contacts
  • Joining a community group cuts in half
  • your odds of dying next year
  • Joining a community organization for fun
  • was better for health than giving up
  • smoking

As a rule of thumb, if you belong to no group,
but decide to join one, you cut your risk of
dying over the next year in half. If you smoke
and belong to no group, its a toss up
statistically whether you should stop smoking or
start joining (Robert Putnam)
Proven Benefits Of Building Social Capital
  • Improved health, economic and social well
    being of
  • the community and therefore its constituents
  • Stronger network development within and across
  • communities
  • Increased confidence in community
  • Improved community resilience
  • Lowering of transaction costs associated with
  • community economy
  • Improved conflict resolution processes
  • Increased sense of belonging
  • Increased knowledge and understanding
  • (According to ABS Info Paper Measuring Social
    Capital, 2004)

Putnams work based on nearly 500,000 interviews
shows -
  • we are meeting less in organisations
  • hang out less at the bar
  • know our neighbours less
  • meet with friends less
  • socialise with the family less

Decline In Social Participation Between 1970
1997 In USA (According to Robert Putnam)
  • Attendance at public meetings dropped
  • from 22 to 12
  • Participation in committee meetings dropped
  • from 17 to 8
  • Decline of 60 in dinner parties having
  • friends over for dinner dropped from 14
  • times a year to 8 times
  • Having a picnic went from 5 a year to 2 a
  • year

Social Capital simply accumulates when people
interact with each other in families, workplaces,
neighbourhoods, interest groups, community
organisations and a range of formal and informal
meeting places. (Tim Costello)
Social Capital is all about conversation, trust
and doing things together. To nourish social
capital begin with conversation. Bring people
together to look at issues affecting them. Give
people opportunities so they know that they
matter. (Reverend Tim Costello)
Individual Social Capital Actions
  • organise a social gathering to welcome a new
  • support local businesses
  • volunteer your skills to a local group
  • invite the neighbours over for a favourite meal
  • avoid gossip
  • get to know your childrens teachers
  • attend P C meetings
  • use public transport and start talking to other
  • tell friends about social capital and why it is
  • (see Bank of I.D.E.A.S. 150 things you can do to
    build social capital)

Community Social Building Initiatives
  • Examples
  • Passion and skills audit
  • Street Parties
  • Community Workshop /Shed
  • Walking School Bus
  • Adopt a Grandparent Program
  • Learning Centres / Neighbourhood
  • Centres
  • Community Gardens
  • Community welcome groups and kits
  • (See Bank of I.D.E.A.S. 150 Community Projects
    that Build Social Capital)

Embraces Inclusiveness and the Gifts of All
Communities that view their citizens as their
greatest asset and invest in the development of
their full potential are those that will have the
capacity to effectively compete in the global
political, social and economic arena. (David
Healthy Communities are
places where the capacities of all residents are
identified, valued and harnessed
(Peter Kenyon)
Unique Contribution by Young Women and Men
  • Fresh perspectives
  • Great collaborators
  • Make the dollar stretch
  • Passionate about issues, eg, environment /
  • Impatience
  • Idealism
  • Attract the attention of the media
  • Best know what other young people think and

R U MAD? Are You Making A Difference? - An
Initiative of the Education Foundation -
Three Levels Of Madness
Level One Commit to a mad day Level Two
Create a team or year long mad
project Level Three Establish A Mad
student Foundation
'Every living person has some gift or capacity of
value to others. A strong community is a place
that recognises these gifts and ensures they are
given. A weak community is a place where lots of
people can't or don't give their gifts' (John
McKnight And Jody Kretzmann)
Story of the New Prospect Baptist
Church (Cincinnati USA)
New Prospect Baptist Church Cincinnati, OH Survey
  • My name is ___________.
  • What is your name?
  • Did someone talk to you about what the Gift
    Exchange is all about?
  • What do you understand it to be?
  • Basically, we believe that everyone has
    God-given talents and gifts that can be used to
    benefit the community. Id like to spend a few
    minutes talking to you about your gifts and
  • Gifts are abilities that we are born with. We
    may develop them, but no one has to teach them
  • to us.
  • What positive qualities do people say you have?
  • Who are the people in your life that you give to?
    How do you give to them?
  • When was the last time you shared with someone
    else? What was it?
  • What do you give that makes you feel good?
  • Sometimes we have talents that weve acquired in
    everyday life such as cooking and fixing things.
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • If you could start a business what would it be?
  • What do you like to do that people would pay you
    to do?
  • Have you ever made anything? Have you ever fixed

Every time a person uses his or her capacity,
the community is stronger and the person more
powerful. That is why strong communities are
basically places where the capacities of local
residents are identified, valued and used. Weak
communities are places that fail, for whatever
reason, to mobilise the skills capacities and
talents of their residents or members. (Asset-Ba
sed Community Development Institute)
Community Skills and Passion Audit
  • HANDS (things I know how to do and enjoy, e.g.
  • project organisation, gardening, painting,
  • climbing, cooking, jewellery making, using the
  • internet, sign language etc)
  • HEART (things I care deeply about, e.g.
  • environment, intergenerational activities,
  • welfare, womens rights, youth unemployment
  • HEAD (things I know something about, and would
  • enjoy talking about or teaching to others
  • e.g. local history, conservation, business
  • management etc)

Develops Leadership
Given the task of rejuvenating a region and the
choice of 50 million, or 2 million and 20
committed local leaders, we would choose the
smaller amount of money and the committed
leaders   (McKinsey and Company (1994) Lead
Local Compete Global Unlocking the Growth of
Australias Regions)
I have no doubt that in the final analysis, the
ability of rural communities and their industries
and businesses to survive, grow and develop, will
depend upon their willingness and skill to
identify, attract, develop, renew and retain
leadership (Peter Kenyon)
A leaders task is to open doors and
windows (John Gardner)
If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more and become more, you are a
leader. (John Quincey Adams)
Fosters Self Reliance and Community Enterprise
All the historic evidence indicates that
significant community development only takes
place when local community people are committed
to investing themselves and their resources in
the effort. That's why you can't develop
communities from the top down, or from the
outside in (John McKnight, John Kretzmann,
Mapping Community Capacity)
Success is an inside job (Ralph Ford)
Hyden Community Vision Statement
To nurture local leadership, teamwork, positive
vision and initiative to improve community
resources and facilities for all community
residents, and to work cooperatively with
determination and hard work to ensure that
existing and new rural based businesses, tourism
and agriculture are modern and productive and
will have a thriving and sustainable long term
future within Hydens small, but vibrant and
forward looking community.
Hyden Community Legacy (first Community
Foundation in WA)
  • Case Study Beechworth Bakery
  • The Bakery
  • Employs 74 people, and another 46 at
  • Beechworth Bakery at Echuca
  • Turns over 5.6 million plus per year
  • Took 30,000 over the counter on one day
  • (Easter Saturday)
  • Attracts over 700,000 customers per year
  • Offers 200 products
  • Seats 300 customers
  • Has won the most significant Regional
  • Tourism Award in Victoria 3 times

How do we make dough Toms way?
Toms Recipe for Making Dough
  • Love cash flow
  • Practice positively outrageous customer service
  • Banish the bland and dare to be different in
  • Recognise, excite and extend staff
  • Network and cross promote with other businesses
  • Be idea obsessive
  • Be passionate and avoid the dream takers and
    energy suckers

I spend a lot of money training my staff. Some
locals think that Im investing too much money in
my people and they say to me Tom, what if you
train them and they leave? To which I usually
reply What if I dont train them and they
stay. (Tom OToole, Beechworth Baker)
None of us is as strong as all of us. I know
when we all work together, we all win
together. (Tom OToole, Beechworth Baker)
Generates Hope and Possibility
Nowadays towns are really not so different from
businesses, they need to keep recreating
themselves. Not so many years ago country towns
were subject to general trends. They would all
do well or all do badly. The picture is now very
uneven. The successful towns are likely to be
driven by people who are passionate and creative,
who see an opportunity and go for it. You need
communities with a bit of get up and go spirit.
Some have it, some don't. (Roy Powell, Centre
for Agricultural and Regional Economics)
Kaikoura, (New Zealand)
Kaikoura Population 4000 Traditional farming
and fishing
1987 - 3600 international visitors 2002 - 350
000 international visitors 2004 - 650, 000
international visitors Tourism sector contributes
67 million to the local economy.
1/3 of the towns full time jobs are in tourism,
and another 1/3 rely on a proportion of the
tourism income to make their job sustainable.
Comparison - Kaikoura 1987 2004
1987 2004 Variance
Kaikoura Whale Watch
  • Established in late 1980s by local
  • Maori desperate to create
  • employment and build a future for
  • their children.
  • Local Maori (over 90 unemployment
  • rate) borrowed 35 000 to initiate
  • used their homes as collateral.
  • Only grant in their history - 5000
  • for a feasibility plan.

Kaikoura Whale Watch
  • Today
  • Biggest employer in Kaikoura with over 250
  • staff.
  • 2004 200,000 Whale Watch customers
  • Winner of the Best Global Eco Tourism Business
  • Award.
  • Besides Whale Watch, the company has a wide
  • range of businesses
  • biggest Day Tour company operating from
  • Christchurch
  • chain of 9 coffee shops throughout New Zealand
  • - Clifford Bay Marine Farm
  • - technology investments.

Kaikoura first township in the world to
achieve full Green Globe 21 status - a
benchmarking and certification programme for
sustainable travel and tourism
To qualify, Kaikoura met strict criteria for
energy use
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • air quality
  • water use
  • solid waste production
  • resource conservation
  • biodiversity
  • water quality

I think negative people should be taxed. They
require an incredible amount of energy. They're
like corgis nibbling at your ankles and I'm sure
they exist to show us the difference between
heaven and hell.   (Vicki Buck, Former Mayor,
Christchurch City Council)
The future of every community lies in capturing
the passion, imagination and resources of its
people. (Ernesto Sirolli)
Critical Community Behaviours and Attitudes
  • Encourages participation and
  • social connectedness
  • Embraces inclusiveness and the gifts of all
  • Develops leadership
  • Fosters self initiative enterprise
  • Generates hope and possibility

Every morning in Africa a springbok wakes up. It
knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or
it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes
up. It knows it must outrun the slowest springbok
or it will starve to death.
But it does not matter whether you are a lion or
a springbok When the sun comes up you had better
be Running!
You've got to be hungry for ideas, to make
things happen and to see your vision made into
reality. (Anita Roddick)
To be successful in business, one needs to
be Bold Different and First   (Anita Roddick,
Founder, The Body Shop)
Contact Details Peter Kenyon Ph 61 8 6293
1848 Fax 61 8 6293 1137 14 Bird Rd,
Kalamunda WA 6076   Email for copy of
presentation pk_at_bankofideas.com.au Website for
bookshop newsletter mailing list www.bankofide
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