Title: Population Change
1Population Change
Chapter 8
2Principles of Population Ecology
- Population ecologists ask
- 1) How many are in the population?
- 2) Are its numbers increasing / decreasing?
- 3) What is its pattern of reproduction?
- 4) What is its pattern of mortality?
3Principles of Population Ecology
- Population Density
- Not enough to know just how many.
- Need to know per unit area.
4Principles of Population Ecology
- How Do Populations Change in Size?
- On a global scale (closed system)
5Principles of Population Ecology
- How Do Populations Change in Size?
- On a local scale (open system)
6Principles of Population Ecology
- How Do Populations Change in Size?
- Global scale
r b d
7Principles of Population Ecology
- How Do Populations Change in Size?
- Local scale
r (b d) (i e)
8Principles of Population Ecology
- Maximum Population Growth-
- under ideal conditions intrinsic rate of
J-shaped curve (exponential growth)
9Principles of Population Ecology
- Environmental Resistance-
- Exponential growth cannot occur forever.
- What factors prevent it from doing so?
S-shaped curve (logistic growth)
10Principles of Population Ecology
- Overshooting the carrying capacity can lead to a
population crash.
11Reproductive Strategies
12Reproductive Strategies
13Factors that Affect Population Size
- Density-Dependent Factors-
- Factors that influence population growth when its
density is high. - Predation, competition, disease.
14Factors that Affect Population Size
- Density-Dependence and Boom-or-Bust Population
15Factors that Affect Population Size
- Case-in-Point Predator Prey Dynamics on Isle
Royale. Which population controls the other?
16Factors that Affect Population Size
- Density-Independent Factors-
- Regardless of population density, influences
population growth. - Weather, fire, earthquake.
17The Human Population
18The Human Population
- Current Population Numbers
- In 2004 6.4 billion
- Check out
- http//www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html
19The Human Population
- Current Population Numbers
- Rapid growth primarily due to drop in death rates
20The Human Population
- Projecting Future Population Numbers
- When will zero population growth occur?
21Demographics of Countries
22Demographics of Countries
- Developed vs. Developing Countries Demographics
23Demographics of Countries
- Developed vs. Developing Countries Demographics
24Demographics of Countries
25Demographics of Countries
- Age Structure of Countries
- Generalized Age Structure link to census
26Demographics of Countries
27Demographics of Countries
28Demographics of Countries
29Demographics of Countries
30Demographics of the US
- Case-in-Point US Immigration