Title: Survey Research
1Survey Research
2What is a Survey?
- Researchers are often interested in the opinions
of a large group of people about a particular
topic or issue.
3Three Major Characteristics
- Information is collected from a group of people
in order to describe some aspect of the
- Information is collected by asking questions of
the members of the selected group
- Information is collected from a sample rather
than from every member of the population
4Descriptive Survey Research
- End Sought
- Exploration
- If the purpose of the research is to become more
familiar with phenomena, to gain new insights, or
to formulate a more specific research problem or
5Descriptive Survey Research
- End Sought
- Description
- If we want to portray accurately the incidence,
distribution and characteristics of a group or
6Why Are Surveys Conducted?
- The purpose of surveys is to describe the
characteristics of a population.
- Researchers find out how the members of a
population distribute themselves on one or more
7Why Are Surveys Conducted?
- A selected sample is surveyed and the description
of the population is inferred from what is found
out about the sample.
- In descriptive surveys, researchers are not as
concerned about why the observed distribution
exists as with what the distribution is.
8Social Exchange Theory
- A theory of human behavior used to explain the
development continuation of human interaction.
- Asserts that actions of individuals are motivated
by the return these actions are expected to
bring, and in fact usually do bring, from others.
9Social Exchange Theory
- Three elements are critical for predicting a
particular action
- Rewards,
- Costs
- Trust
- What one expects to gain from a particular
- What one gives up or spends to obtain the reward
- Is the expectation that in the long run the
rewards of doing something will outweigh the
- The likelihood or responding to a request to
complete a self-administered questionnaire, and
doing so accurately, is greater when the
respondent trusts that the expected rewards of
responding will outweigh the anticipated costs.
13Social Exchange Theory
- Implies 3 questions about the design of a
questionnaire and the implementation process.
- How can we increase rewards for responding?
- How can perceived costs be reduced?
- How can trust be established so that the ultimate
rewards will outweigh the costs of responding?
14Show Positive Regard
- Thibaut Kelly (1959) noted that being regarded
positively by another person has reward value to
many people.
- Give respondents reasons why the survey is being
done, provide toll-free numbers to call with
questions, and personally address correspondences
15Say Thank You
- Blau (1964) argues that a time-consuming service
of great material benefit (like a survey) could
be appropriately repaid in a social exchange
context by mere verbal appreciation
16Ask for Advice
- Both Blau (1964) and Homans (1961) have pointed
out that the feeling of being asked for help,
advice, or assistance provides a sense of reward
to people.
17Support Group Values
- Blau (1964) noted that supporting a persons
values can instill a sense of reward in
- Depending on the survey population, sponsorship,
and topic, one can often appeal to values shared
widely by those who are surveyed.
18Give Tangible Rewards
- Research has shown that token financial
incentives will increase response rates
(reciprocal obligation)
- Only a dollar or two, enclosed with the request
to complete a questionnaire
- Outperforms promises to send a larger reward
19Make the Questionnaire Interesting
- Cialdini (1984) argued that liking to do
something is a powerful determinant of behavior.
- Heberlein Baumgartner (1978) showed that
questionnaires on topics of high salience to
recipients are more likely to be returned.
20Make the Questionnaire Interesting
- Questionnaires can be made more interesting to
respondents by
- improving layout and design,
- ordering questions so the more interesting ones
are placed at the beginning, and
- making questions easy to understand and answer.
21Give Social Validation
- Knowing that other people like themselves have
completed a similar action can strongly influence
peoples willingness to comply with a request.
22Give Social Validation
- In other words, some people are socially
validated by seeing themselves as similar to most
others in a group.
- Therefore in later attempts to encourage
response, telling people that many others have
already responded encourages them to act in a
similar way.
23An Opportunity for You
- Inform respondents that opportunities to respond
are scarce
- Telling people that there are relatively few
opportunities to respond and that they may not
have an opportunity to respond unless they do so
quickly can influence people to act (Groves et
al., 1992).
24Deadline to Respond
- Deadlines to respond can make a difference
- If it is not too quick of a deadline that then
feels like a cost (needing to put something else
25Avoid Subordinating Language
- For us to help solve the school problems in your
community it is necessary for you to complete the
questionnaire vs. Would you please do me a
26Avoid Subordinating Language
- Former implies that the respondent is dependent
upon the letter writer.
- Blau (1964) argues that people prefer not to be
subordinate to others. Not responding is an easy
way of avoiding a sense of being subordinated.
27Avoid Embarrassment
- Thibaut and Kelly (1959) pointed out that costs
to an individual are higher when great physical
or mental effort is required, and when
embarrassment or anxiety accompany the action.
28Ways of Reducing Social Costs
- Questionnaires often get discarded when the
respondent peruses the questionnaire but cant
figure out where to start, or what the first
question means. - Not being able to read well or not being able to
express ones self in writing are similar social
29Avoid inconvenience
- Not including a return envelope lowers response
- Including a return envelope with a real stamp(s)
on it also improves response rate over a business
reply envelope.
30Make It Short and Easy
- Questionnaires that appear shorter and easy to
fill out lessen the perceived costs of
- Such appearance can be reinforced by indicating
in the cover letter that responding should only
take a few minutes
31Obtaining Personal Information
- Minimize requests to obtain personal information
- Some information people do not want to reveal to
- E.g. annual income, past sexual behavior, method
of disciplining children, or use of drugs
32Obtaining Personal Information
- Minimize requests to obtain personal information
- Suggestions
- Use specific wording to try to soften the
- Add explanation as to why the question is
- Explain how the information will be kept
confidential or even anonymous.
33Similar Requests
- Keep requests similar to other requests to which
a person has already responded
34Similar Requests
- People who have committed themselves to a
position are more likely to comply with requests
to do something consistent with that position
(Cialdini, 1984). - e.g. someone who has completed a small survey for
you is more likely to complete another survey
later (pretest and then a posttest)
35Tokens of Appreciation
- Provide a token of appreciation in advance
- Although 1-2 may have little direct reward, it
seems to have a greater value in creating trust.
36Up-front Rewards
- Rewards up-front shows the researcher trusts the
potential respondent.
- Uncancelled stamps on return envelope create the
same effect.
- Call it a small token of appreciation vs.
payment for their time (subordinate)
37Sponsorship by Legitimate Authority
- More likely to comply with a request if it comes
from an authoritative source.
- Government surveys typically receive a higher
response rate than marketing surveys.
38Use of Authority
- Use of authority can increase response rates
- Most surveys are voluntary but many government
surveys are not. In these cases, requiring a
response does increase response rate.
39Make the Task Appear Important
- Appeal to people on the basis that something
important will ultimately happened as a result of
the survey.
- Printing personalized cover letters on letterhead
stationary and a well-designed questionnaire can
create this perception.
- Form letters and sloppy questionnaires do not.
40Invoke other Relationships
- Use other exchange relationships to help evoke a
response (doing a favor)
- Alumni helping out.
41Tailored Design
- Is the development of survey procedures that
create respondent trust and perceptions of
increased rewards and reduce costs for being a
respondent - Takes into account features of the survey
situation and have as their goal the overall
reduction of survey error.
42Tailored Design
- Exchange concepts must be communicated visually
(rather than verbally) through the use of visual
design principles for the development of the
questionnaire and implementation materials - Successful tailored design seeks to reduce survey
43Types of Surveys
- There are two types of surveys
- Cross-sectional
- Longitudinal
44Cross-sectional Survey
- Collects information from a sample that has been
drawn from a predetermined population
- Information is collected at just one point in
time, even though it could take days to gather
all the data
- A census is when the entire population is surveyed
45Types of Surveys
- Longitudinal survey
- Information is collected at different points in
time in order to study changes over time
- Three types are employed
- Trend study
- Cohort Study
- Panel Study
46Issues to Consider
- Population
- Sampling
- Questions
- Content
- Bias
- Administrative
47Population Issues
- Can the population be enumerated?
- Is the population literate?
- Are there language issues?
- Will the population cooperate?
- What are the geographic restrictions?
48Sampling Issues
- What data is available?
- Can respondents be found?
- Who is the respondent?
- Can all members of the population be sampled?
- Are response rates likely to be a problem?
49Questions Issues
- What types of questions can you ask?
- How complex will the questions be?
- Will screening questions be needed?
- Can question sequence be controlled?
- Will lengthy questions be asked?
- Will long response scales be used?
50Content Issues
- Can respondents be expected to know about the
- Will respondents need to consult records?
51Bias Issues
- Can social desirability be avoided?
- Can interviewer distortion and subversion be
- Can false respondents be avoided?
52Administrative Issues
- Costs
- Facilities
- Time
- Personnel
53Steps in Survey Research
- The following steps are used in conjunction with
performing proper surveys in research
- Defining the problem
- Identifying the target population (unit of
54Steps in Survey Research
- The following steps (cont.)
- Choosing the mode of data collection
- Direct administration
- Mail surveys
- Telephone surveys
- Personal interviews
55Advantages and Disadvantages of Survey
Data-Collection Methods
56Example of an Ideal vs. an Actual Telephone
Sample for a Specific Question
57Steps in Survey Research (cont.)
- Selecting the sample
- Training interviewers
58Steps in Survey Research (cont.)
- Preparing the instrument (questionnaire)
- Closed-ended questions
- Open-ended questions
- Pre-testing the questionnaire
- Format
- Cover letter
59Constructing the Questionnaire
- Involves much more than the manipulation of
- Paper size and binding
- Determining which questions will encourage the
recipient to start responding and keep going
until the end.
- Layout decisions must be made that involve
spacing, size, and brightness.
60Alternative Questionnaire Formats
- Booklets higher response rates
- 8½" x 14" legal paper
- Creates an 8½" x 7" booklet
- Folded length-wise will fit in a standard
business stationary envelope
- 11" x 17 paper
- Creates an 8½" x 11" booklet
- Can consider two columns per page
61Alternative Questionnaire Formats
- IF not doing a booklet, print on only one side of
the sheet with a staple in upper left corner.
62Criteria for Ordering the Questions
- A questionnaire is like a conversation.
- One question should lead to the next like a
person listening during a conversation.
Constantly changing topics is confusing.
63Criteria for Ordering Questions
- Begin by order questions from most salient to
- Take into account what is the stated purpose of
the study.
- Objectionable questions are placed near the end
of the questionnaire.
64Criteria for Ordering Questions
- Try to order in a way that will be logical to the
- Consider grouping similar questions in sections
- Consider how question may influence answers to
subsequent questions
- e.g. dont ask summary questions before specific
domain questions
65Choose the 1st Question Carefully
- No question is more critical than the first one.
- Will more likely determine whether survey is
returned or trashed.
66Choose the 1st Question Carefully
- Suggestions
- First question should clearly apply to everyone
- Should be easy so that all respondents will need
only a few seconds to read, comprehend, and
respond to it.
67Choose the 1st Question Carefully
- Suggestions
- Needs to be interesting
- Connectedness between the respondent and survey
purpose (as understood by that person) is clearly
68To Achieve a High Response Rate
- Respondent friendly questionnaire
- Four contacts by First Class mail, with an
additional special contact
- Return envelopes with real First-Class stamps
- Personalization of correspondence
- Token prepaid financial incentive
69First Contact
- A brief prenotice letter
- Sent to the respondent a few days prior to the
70First Contact (cont.)
- It notes that a questionnaire for an important
survey will arrive in a few more days and that
the persons response would be greatly
appreciated. - Highlight what will happen, what it is about,
usefulness of the survey, and a closing thank you
- As a P.S., you could mention the token of
71Second Contact
- The initial questionnaire mailing. Packet to
- Cover Letter
- Appropriately constructed, letterhead, signed
- Questionnaire
- Booklet, saddleback stapled, figure on front
page, back page blank.
72Second Contact Packet (cont.)
- Pre-addressed, stamped (real), return envelope
- Incentive
- Returned card (?), mailed flat, commemorative
stamps, etc.
73Third Contact
- A thank you postcard
- Sent a few days to a week after the
- The mailing expresses appreciation for
responding, and indicates that if the completed
questionnaire has not yet been mailed it is hoped
that it will be returned soon.
74Fourth Contacts
- A replacement questionnaire
- Sent to nonrespondents 2-4 weeks after the
previous questionnaire.
- Indicates that the persons completed
questionnaire has not yet been received and urges
the recipient to respond.
75Final Contact
- May be made by telephone a week or so after the
fourth contact (if telephone numbers are
- This special contact has been shown to add an
additional 13 response
76More Contacts?
- Up to 20 follow-ups have been shown to be
77Recommended Steps in Conducting a Mailed Survey
- Key Points
- Get as many responses as possible
- Control non-response error.
78Internet or Web-based Surveys
- Becoming more popular
- Know you population sample
- Computer users?
- Dial-up or broadband?
- Design you own or use web-based survey companies
- e.g. Survey Monkey http//www.surveymonkey.com/
79Mixed Mode or Bi-modal Survey
- Some recent work on combining methods.
- Start with web and use mailings for subsequent/
final rounds.
80Evaluating Threats to Internal Validity in Survey
- There are four main threats to internal validity
in survey research
- Mortality
- Location
- Instrumentation
- Instrument decay
81Non-response Error
- Non-response is a serious problem in many
- Members of the sample cannot be reached
(non-deliverables) or refuse to respond
82Non-response Error
- In almost all surveys, some members of the sample
will not respond.
- Item non-response is due to unclear or
questionable forms of wording.
83Proposed Procedures for Handling Nonresponse
- When 85 not achieved
- Comparison of early to late respondents
- Waves?Min 30 or 50
- Using Days to Respond as a regression variable
- Compare respondents to nonrespondents
- Random sample ? Min 20 or use 1 or 2
84Data Analysis in Survey Research
- After researchers receive the completed
questionnaires, the task of summarizing the
results remains.
- The total size of the sample and total percentage
of returns should be reported.
85Data Analysis (cont.)
- The percentage of the total sample responding for
each item should be reported.
- The percentage of respondents who chose each
alternative for each question should be given.
86Summary of Descriptive Research
- Primary end sought is to describe or explore
- Describe present status, accurate description of
the incidence and distribution of phenomena.
87Summary of Descriptive Research
- Usually conducted in a natural setting
- Data collected by mail or Internet questionnaire
interview, or telephone.
88Summary of Survey Research
- Generally interested in making generalizations
about populations, so sampling is involved.
- Necessitates probability (random) sampling.
- Census of all subjects can be done.
89Summary of Survey Research
- Usually, survey research does not involve the
testing of hypotheses about relationships between
- Consequently, variables are not identified as
independent or dependent since the variables are
used to describe status only.
- Can use hypotheses to compare 2 or more groups.
90Summary of Survey Research
- Specific objectives stated as subquestions to be
91Summary of Survey Research
- Advantages of Survey Research
- Possible to collect a wide scope of information
from a large population.
- Deals with the real situation data are collected
in the actual situation.
- May be necessary first step in developing
- Or in identifying more specific problems for
research that goes beyond description only.
92Summary of Survey Research
- Disadvantages of Survey Research
- Usually more extensive than intensive.
- Ordinarily does not penetrate very deeply below
the surface
- Sometimes demanding of time and money.
93Summary of Survey Research
- Disadvantages (cont.)
- Frequently lacks external validity
- Frequently difficult to obtain valid data
- Involves slicing-time
- Is this time representative of other times?
94Summary of Survey Research
- Require a great deal of research knowledge and
- Looks easy but isnt
- Sampling
- Handling non-response error
- Design, construction, and testing of
questionnaires and interview schedules get to be
major undertakings.
95Summary of Survey Research
- The interpretation possible is description only.
- Explanation or prediction of phenomena is not
possible if research is designed to describe only.