Title: Addiction Research Foundation
1Addiction Research Foundation
- Improve Outcomes Treatment Research
2The Addiction Research Foundation seeks to
improve treatment outcomes with the primary goal
of improving post-treatment quality of life
through long-term outcomes research. Foun
dation research staff conducted a literature
review that identified gaps in current research
related to addiction treatment outcomes. Current
Foundation research projects are designed to
address those research gaps.
3Quality of Life Among Substance Abusers in
Treatment Programs
Quality of Life among Substance Abusers in
Treatment Programs is planned to collect proof
that indicates what treatment methods improve
outcomes for patients treated overtime. Under
the Affordable Care Act, treatment providers will
be reimbursed based on outcomes. As a result,
providers immediately need research proof that
shows what methods improve treatment
outcomes. Rising drug use and alcohol abuse is a
overwhelming and costly trouble in the United
States. Many alcohol and drug users cannot pay
for treatment, because they do not have health
insurance, or their health insurance limits the
type or length of addiction treatment covered.
4Future Research
The Foundation will use a brief survey
to collect stories from adults who have improved
their lives through their change of substance
use. The survey will be available to the general
public and promoted through our website and other
social media outlets.
Click here to Submit your Addiction Survey
5 Contact us
4126 Autumn Lane, Birmingham, AL 35243 Phone
844-970-4110 Mobile 205-970-4110 Email
info_at_addictionresearchfoundation.org Web
www.addictionresearchfoundation.org Blog
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