Title: Key Year End Dates
1Key Year End Dates
Accountant, Accounts Maintenance / Analysis
Defense Finance and Accounting Service August 8,
- Obligation Processing
- Payroll Processing
- Disbursing/Expenditure Processing
- Supply Processing
- STANFINS Processing September 06
- Reporting
3Obligation Processing September 2006
- No unilateral obligations adjustments posted by
DFAS the final two weeks 17 30 Sep - ODS Obligation Matching transactions runs through
27 Sep - Under 2,500 threshold suspended 28 30 Sep, all
adjustments coordinated - MODs submitted for September utility
requirements, to DFAS-RO 6 Sep
4Payroll Year End Schedule
- Payroll 6 Sep
- Actuals for pay period ending 19 Aug
- MOD for 20 Aug 30 Sep
- Payroll 15 Sep
- Actuals for pay period ending 2 Sep
- MOD for 3 30 Sep
- Payroll 28 Sep
- Actuals for pay period ending 16 Sep
- MOD for 17 30 Sep
- Payroll adjustments cutoff 22 Sep
- To include MOD adjustments for overtime and
awards - DCPS Fund Data Report will be available 29 Sep
- Please notify the CPOC/CPAC if there are any APC
changes from Fiscal Year 2006 to 2007
5Defense Travel System (DTS)
- DTS will remain open for input through Year End
- BUT channels to the accounting systems will be
turned off 27 Sep 06 at Noon EDST - MODs are required for input after above date
6CARE Year End Schedule
- Final CARE obligations 28 Sep
- MODs for purchases from 19 30 Sep, must be
obligated NLT 22 Sep - September 19th cutoff any transactions after
will reflect October 19th statement - LOA posting September 20th 30th FY06 LOA
- LOA posting October 1st 6th FY06 LOA will
need reallocation to FY07 - October 7th 8th Year End Processing
7IPAC Year End Schedule
- All IPAC bills entered transactions must be input
NLT September 24. - Any transactions processed after these dates must
be coordinated with the Trading Partner and
DFAS-IN - Ken Hurley is the POC at DFAS-IN (317) 510-4819
- Cutoff for bills charged is midnight on September
8Single Stock Fund
- Final Automated Obligations Sept 26th
- MOD needed for requisitions after 26th
- Supply system will remain operational through
Sept 30th (still good for input). - High Priority requisitions / Bona-fide need must
be manually walked through the system.
9NON SARSS Automated Files
- Army Food Management Information system (AFMIS)
- Date 26 Sept 06
- Fuels Automated System (FAS)
- Routine processing through Sept 26th
- Sept 30th MOD for estimated charges 28 - 30
Sept 06 - Oct Reverse MOD input to actual doc-no
10STANFINS Processing Schedule - 2006
- Standard daily STANFINS processing through 27 Sep
06 - STANFINS processing 28 Sep 06
- One cycle per FLAO
- STANFINS processing 29 Sep 06
- At least two cycles per FLAO
- Additional cycles per coordination between FLAO
and customer - Daily STANFINS Processing 30 Sep 06
- Cycles 1, 2, 3 per FLAO
- Additional cycles per coordination between FLAO
and customer - STANFINS reports will be available in OLRV within
an hour after initiating the STANFINS cycle
11Important Notes Year End Schedule
- Any SF1081 transactions must be coordinated with
any affected FSNs on the 29th and the 30th. - Obligation matching via ODS will be suspended
from Sept. 27th through Sept. 30th. - http//www.asafm.army.mil/fo/fod/yearend/yearend.a
12Canceling/Expiring Appropriations
- Fund Holder Goals/DFAS Goals
- Reduce Un-liquidated obligations (ULOs) canceling
year to zero - Reduce expired year travel advances to zero
13Canceling/Expiring Appropriations
- Important Reminders
- Clear/Accept all transactions citing canceling
appropriations by 25 Aug 2006 - If a charge or clearance cites a canceling
appropriation and the offset is in a
non-canceling appropriation on the August
uncleared. - Notify Organizational/Network Analysis Branch,
317-510-5439 or DSN 633-5439 during September to
do file maintenance. - Canvas all UIDRs (unmatched input data
reconciliation) in august for unprocessed
canceled year transactions - Do not process any charges citing a canceling
year appropriation in September, without
communication with the charged activity. - Do not reject any charges to any DSSNs-per IAW
ACCTG POL IMPL MSG 06-16, 312025Z Jan 06,
Elimination of Manual Rejects. -
14Canceling/Expiring Appropriations
- Expiring Year Appropriations
DEPT FY BS LIMIT - 21 1 1018
21 7 2050 - 21 1 1082
21 1 2060 - 21 1 2010
21 1 2065 - 21 1 2020
21 1 2070 - 21 0 2022
21 1 2080 - 21 9 2031
21 7 2085 - 21 9 2032
21 7 2086 - 21 9 2033
21 1 2150 - 21 9 2034
21 1 2390 0301 - 21 9 2035
21 1 2390 0302 - 21 0 2040
21 1 2390 0303
15Canceling/Expiring Appropriations
- Expiring Year Appropriations cont.
DEPT FY BS LIMIT - 21 1 2390 0311
97 9 0130 1873 - 21 1 6060
97 9 0130 1874 - 21 7 7020
97 9 0130 1875 - 21 1 7025
97 9 0130 1876 - 21 1 7120
97 9 0130 1877 - 97 1 0100
97 0 0130 1861 - 97 1 0101 1131
97 0 0130 1862 - 97 1 0104 0020
97 0 0130 1863 - 97 9 0107 3030
97 0 0130 1864 - 97 1 0107 3020
97 0 0130 1865 - 97 9 0130 1871
97 0 0130 1866 - 97 9 0130 1872
97 0 0130 1867
16Canceling/Expiring Appropriations
- Expiring Year Appropriations cont.
DEPT FY BS LIMIT - 97 0 0130 1868
97 1 0301 - 97 0 0130 1869
97 9 0350 - 97 1 0130 1846
97 9 0390 0201 - 97 1 0130 1882
97 0 0390 0101 - 97 1 0130 1883
97 0 0390 0102 - 97 1 0130 1884
97 1 0391 - 97 1 0130 1885
97 0 0400 - 97 1 0130 1886
97 0 0450 - 97 1 0130 1889
97 0 0460 - 97 9 0134
97 1 0497 - 97 9 0300
97 7 0500
17Reporting Year end delegation and certification
- Director of Accounting - John Kay
- Deputy Director of Accounting Mary Kemp
- Accounting Team Field Level Accounting
Operations Branch - CUSTOMER
- Certifying Official
- Budget Officer/Analyst
- Budget Team
18Reporting Year end delegation and certification
- Certification delegation memorandum delegating
year-end report authority - The commander can delegate, in writing, to a
position or named individual and alternate - Deputy Commander Chief of Staff
- Director of Resource Management (DRM)
- Comptroller
19Reporting Year end delegation and certification
- Process for submission of delegation and
certification letters - DFAS-RO Account Maintenance/Internal Review Team
will provide examples from the Year end guidance
of - Delegation / Certification letters
- Letter of Instruction
- Appropriation excel spreadsheet
- Website https//dfas4dod.dfas.mil/centers/dfasin/
rome/yearend/ - POCs
- Cliff Deamer, FORSCOM
- Mike Wajda, GLOBAL
- Colleen Dunn, FLAOB
20Reporting Year end delegation and certification
- 15 Sept 06 Delegation letters are due to
DFAS-RO/FLAOB, (Field Level Accounting Operations
Branch) by Email, FAX or regular UPS. - FLAOB will forward the delegation letters to the
Internal Review Team for tracking. - 6 Oct 06 112/118 FY06 Reports Final STANFINS
cycle (13th Monthly will be executed) - 13 Oct 06 Certification letters due to DFAS
21The Letters
- SEPTEMBER 30, 2006
- I hereby certify that the amounts shown on
attached reports and schedules include all known
transactions and are correct. All transactions
meeting the documentary evidence requirement for
Government obligations under 31 U.S.C. 1501 (a)
have been obligated and are so reported. - DATE (DATE SIGNED)
- (List of Funds, OAs, ASNs, FSNs being certified)
23Refresher on NULOs/UMDs
- Accountant, FLAO FORSCOM
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service
- August 8, 2006
- What is a Negative Unliquidated Obligation
(NULO)? - What is a Unmatched Disbursement (UMD)?
- Improve Metrics on the Balance Score Card
- Meet goals set by Headquarters
- Save money
- Obligating when requirement has been written up
and approved - ODS Obligation Matching
- Prevalidation of Vendor Payments
- If UMD or NULO is under 2500
- DFAS will obligate immediately
- i.e. ODS matching
- Preval
- If UMD or NULO exceeds 2500 and DFAS has
obligating document - Upon fund holders request, provide obligating
document(s) - Request fund holder record an obligation within
10 days - No action after 10 days, then Accounting Office
will obligate
- If UMD or NULO exceeds 2500 and DFAS does not
have obligating document - Immediately inform fund holder of UMD/NULO
- Request that the fund holder record an obligation
within 10 calendar days of notice - No response within 10 days, Accounting Office
will obligate IAW regulatory guidelines set forth
in DoDFMR, Vol 3, Chap 11 - 100,000 or More and Obligation Document is in
hand by the Accounting Office - Obligate per line of accounting on obligation
document - Ensure no mismatch, overpayment or duplicate
payment - Make every effort to contact customer before
obligating - Obligate IAW guidelines set forth in the DoDFMR
30Expenditure Accounting ReviewT/A Codes EORs
- Accountant, FLAO Europe/NETCOM
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service
- August 8, 2006
- Well over 70 of transactions processed by DFAS
are for expenditure accounting - Recent Internal audit reviews disclosed in some
instances abnormalities with accounts payable - ISSUE Payables in the General Ledger were
established prior to the incurred
expenditure/expense thus reconciliation with the
customer accounts receivable was inconsistent - DoDs public accounts payable do not reflect
accurately liabilities associated with actual
receipts - Receipt of goods/services are not reported when
the entity accepts title (SFFAS 1) - DFAS Networks Military Service Comptrollers
have reported weak internal controls
- Understand the relationship between the nature of
the transaction and its object class (EOR) thus
the timely recording in each stage of expenditure
accounting - Ability to determine the recording method and
assign the appropriate (T/A) type action code in
relation to its (EOR) element of resource/object
class is crucial - RESOLUTION The (T/A) Code used for the initial
obligation will post to the proper A/P GLACs in
the General Ledger thus the elimination of
abnormal balances and/or overstated payables
33Purpose for Review
- Avoid abnormal conditions/balances in accounting
reports including the General Ledger - Provide concise, accurate and reliable financial
statements - Achieve maintain an Unqualified Audit Opinion
- Review 3 Methods for Expenditure Accounting
- Accrual Method
- Obligation Method
- Disbursement Method
- Relate T/A Codes EORs to Initial Obligations
343 Methods for Expenditure Accounting
- Accrual Method (Expenditure/Expense matches the
Disbursement) - Records each stage independently (i.e. contracts,
MIPRs) - Obligate TA 23 Accrue Expenditure/Expense (AE/E)
TA 32 Disburse TA 40 - Obligation Method (Expenditure/Expense matches
the Obligation) - Combines stages virtually occurring at the same
time (i.e. TDYs) - Obligate/Accrue Expenditure/Expense (AE/E) TA 21
- Disburse TA 40
- Disbursement Method
- Posts all stages occurring simultaneously (i.e.
payroll) - Obligate/Accrue Expenditure/Expense
(AE/E)/Disburse TA 20
35T/A Codes EORs to Initial Obligations
- Accrual Method Obligate (TA 23)
- EORs
- 231 232 - rents
- 24 - printing reproduction
- 25 - other contract services
- 26 - supplies materials
- 31 - equipment
- Obligation Method Obligate AE/E (TA 21)
- EORs
- 1 (MOD) civilian payroll benefits
- 21 - travel transportation of persons
- 22 - transportation of things
- 23 - communications utilities (except for
231 232) - Disbursement Method Obligate AE/E Disburse
(TA 20) - EORs
- 11 12 - paid civilian payroll benefits
36Reference Table
Stages of Expenditure Accounting
Additional References Resources USSGL
DFAS-IN Regulations 37-1 (https//dfas4dod.dfas.
mil/centers/dfasin/library) DFAS-IN Manual
37-100- (https//dfas4dod.dfas.mil/centers/dfasi
37In Summary
- DFAS is committed and dedicated
- To prepare publish complete annual financial
statements - To improve quality and timeliness of financial
reporting - To achieve maintain an Unqualified Audit
Opinion - To strengthen financial controls on a continual
basis - To ensure financial data is reliable, verifiable
consistent - To provide integrity, value support to our
39Accounts Receivable
- Accountant, Accounts Receivable
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service
- August 8, 2006
40Accounts Receivable Structure
41Areas of Focus
- On Our Radar
- Research and resolve abnormal balances.
- Credit Unfilled Orders
- Credit Accounts Receivables
- Timely and accurate processing of transactions.
- 1080 bills
- Customer numbers
- Compliance with regulatory guidance.
- DFAS-IN 37-1
- DFAS-IN 37-100-06
42Year End Checks
- Credit Unfilled Orders
- Credit Accounts Receivables
- Other Abnormal Balances
- Year End Accounting Reporting Instructions,
DFAS-IN - Letter of Instruction (LOI) from Field Level
Accounting Operations - FLAO Europe/NETCOM Colleen Dunn,
Colleen.Dunn_at_dfas.mil - FLAO Global/TRADOC Mike Wajda,
Michael.Wajda_at_dfas.mil - FLAO FORSCOM Cliff Deamer, Clifford.Deamer_at_dfas.
43Year End Checks Continued
- Customer Number Candidate File
- Mark for deletion if not rolling over
- Drawdown of Orders
- Orders Received Reimbursable Obligations NLT
date in LOI - Balancing of Unfilled Orders and Undelivered
Orders - Valid Unfilled Orders must be supported by a
Reimbursable Undelivered Order - No Unobligated Allotment for Funds Received
(Automatic or Funded) - Close out Reimbursable program by date in LOI
44Communication Reminder
- Contacting us
- Any additional information (e.g. MIPR/SDN)
46FY07 Blocking Scheme
- Accountant, Accounts Maintenance / Internal
Review - Defense Finance and Accounting Service
- August 8, 2006
47FY07 Blocking Scheme
- In order to standardize at DFAS Rome, we created
a new blocking scheme that incorporates all of
the field sites remaining in the virtual database
as well as integrates all of the unique blocking
needs of Rome customers.
- In FY01, DFAS Rome created a standardized
blocking scheme for the installations serviced by
Rome. - In FY05, the DFAS Rome scheme was adapted to
include the Europe workload. - In FY06, a new blocking scheme was developed for
the 5G, 1R, 7F and E3 databases, modeled after
the DFAS Rome scheme. - For FY07, Rome saw the need to further
standardize with the additions of Lexington,
Seaside, San Antonio and Lawton.
49Benefits of the new scheme
- Benefits of the new blocking scheme
- Standardization
- Researching data calls
- Able to identify by function
- Allows all field sites to input in same database
- Installations
- dbCAS blocks D -D.
- Lawton D01 D99
- Orlando D1A D2Z
- Pacific D3A D4Z
- Rome D5A D7Z
- Military Pay D8A D9Z
- Field Sites
- External Corrections, received from customer Eaa
Ea. - Rome field site will use range EQA EV9 (216
blocks). - If more blocks are needed we will repeat the
range of blocks allowing the julian cycle date to
separate the transactions.
51How does this affect me?
- Querying transactions
- Because some blocks have changed from your
original scheme, there may be some queries that
will need to be adjusted. - For example
- External obligations received from the customer
and input by the field site (EDa blocks are now
2). - Internal obligations, DODFMR Ch 11, input by
field site on behalf of the customer (IDa blocks
are now 2a).
52Transmittal Letters - TLs
- Why TLs
- Ensure receipt of documentation in DFAS Rome
- PDs receives verification from Rome that
documentation is received You can prove you
sent it! - How do TLs work
- TLs are logged in, numbers are sequential DFAS
Rome checks on missed numbers. - If needed, blocks are assigned then input.
- PD receives verification that TL and documents
have been received. - Submit TLs by email, FAX, or RightFAX
53 TLs Continued
- TL numbering
- First position is PD-MAJ
- Second position is PD-MIN
- Third and Forth position are the month as follows
- October 10 February 02 June 06
- November 11 March 03 July 07
- December 12 April 04 August 08
- January 01 May 05
September 09 - Fifth and sixth positions are the PDs sequential
number - EXAMPLE
- PD MAJ K, PD MIN A, November 11, PDs
Sequential Number 01 - AND THE TL NUMBER IS KA-11-01
55(No Transcript)