Title: 2005 University of Scouting
12005 University of Scouting
- Welcome to
- Courts of Honor
- With Style!
22005 University of Scouting
Everyone is applauding because Billy just
received two merit badges and his Life rank. A
Tenderfoot looks up and thinks, Some day, Im
going to be the one standing there! Where
are we?
32005 University of Scouting
- What is a Court of Honor?
An important event in the life of each Scout, a
Court of Honor is a special meeting held to
recognize his achievements in advancement
Why is a Court of Honor convened?
1) To furnish a dramatic background for
2) To kindle the incentive in Scouts to
progress further
3) To inspire other Scouts toward
4) To highlight the aims and ideals of
42005 University of Scouting
- When is a Court of Honor convened?
- What happens at a Court of Honor?
A Court of Honor may be convened at any time,
but most units schedule them every three to four
Lets spend a moment reviewing the Advancement
Program and then well launch into that topic
What are the four steps of
52005 University of Scouting
A Scout Learns A Scout is Tested A Scout
is Reviewed A Scout is Recognized 1.
Joining Requirements basic Scouting
knowledge 2. Tenderfoot, Second, and First
Class basic skills and Scoutcraft 3. Star and
Life merit badges, service, and
participation 4. Eagle and Palms merit
badges, project, leadership Advancement its
fun, offers discovery and adventure, allows a
measurement of progress, provides
recognition, boosts self-esteem, promotes
fitness, citizenship, and character
62005 University of Scouting
Scoutmaster Conference performance evaluation
and goal setting Board of Review a discussion
of goals, not a retest atmosphere of trust
and support encouragement and praise
Court of Honor public recognition (4) Special
Awards that may be presented at a Court of Honor
1. Religious Award (On My Honor, Adult
version, too) 2. Summer Camp, PowWow,
Jamboral, Jamboree, Klondike, Camporee patches,
Certificates 3. Order of the Arrow
recognition 4. Fifty Miler, Mile Swim,
Historic Trails, World Conservation, William T.
Hornaday, etc. 5. Adult Recognition Boy
Scout Training Award, Scoutmasters Key, Award of
Merit, Silver Beaver
72005 University of Scouting
- Basic Elements of a Court of Honor
- Whos there? Scouts, family, friends, Scouting
leaders, special guests, etc. - (Scouts, Varsity, and Venture)
- Why? To recognize achievement
- How long does it last? About an hour
- Why? Needs to be short, simple, dignified
and understandable and FUN! - What happens? Scouts are presented with awards
like merit badges, rank advancements,
patches, special acknowledgements -
82005 University of Scouting
- Basic Elements of a Court of Honor
- Can it become mundane and commonplace?
- YES!
- Should it?
- NO!
- Gear it toward a Scouts level, let the boys
plan and conduct, and use a script that is
written and rehearsed. The boys will add the
secret ingredients, enthusiasm and imagination!
92005 University of Scouting
- Enlivening a Court of Honor
- Make it distinctive and impressive with
creativity, imagination, enthusiasm, and
excitement. Heres how -
1) Let the SPL or a boy who is working on
Communications MB be the Master of Ceremonies
2) Let the boys plan and produce the Court
3) Be sure to include skits or songs use a
4) Make sure the boys are in full, Class A
102005 University of Scouting
- A Court of Honor Checklist
- schedule the date put it on the Scout Calendar
to avoid conflicts - select a location appropriate for the event
move it around - plan, plan, and plan!
- unit committee help Advancement Chair works
with SPL/MC - adults pick up awards with time to spare
dont blow this! - pick a theme or base it on a topic
(adventurers, summer camp, etc.) - decorate use pictures, banners, Scout craft
items, plants - use ceremonies make them impressive may be
traditional or unique to your unit - employ stories, skits, etc make it fun
- use an agenda or print up a program
- minimize business
- present awards you can even make some up!
- serve refreshments keep them simple, too
- arrange for setup and cleanup
112005 University of Scouting
- A Sample Court of Honor
- Preparation
- printed program, Master of Ceremonies ready to
go (with backup) arrive early - Set Up
- tables, chairs, and decorations, refreshments
split between program and service patrols - Opening
- welcome, flag ceremony, prayer, Scout Oath and
Law - Action
- a song or skit to get the evening rolling
- Awards
- merit badges, badges of rank, special awards,
adult awards, fun certificates - Action
- a song or skit to keep everyone alert
- Special Feature
- a speaker or a special award, a culminating
item of some significance - Unit Business
- be brief be enthusiastic about the future
- Closing
122005 University of Scouting
- Show and Tell!
- Lets talk about your experiences with Courts of
132005 University of Scouting
Make It Special Unique Dignified
Interesting Motivating Inspiring
142005 University of Scouting
- The Eagle Court of Honor
- A Plan for Success
1. Meet with the Unit Committee and Unit
Leaders 2. Establish the Date and the
Location 3. Decide What Needs to be Done
Early 4. Decide on the Theme and the Atmosphere
of the Court 5. Plan the Ceremony and
Reception 6. Plan the Decorations 7. Design or
Select the Invitations and Programs 8. Prepare
Invitation Lists 9. Obtain and Prepare
Awards 10. Prepare for Photographs, Videos, and
Newspaper Articles
152005 University of Scouting
- gslc-bsa.org/d1/scouts
- Court of Honor Planning Guide
- Eagle Court of Honor Planning Guide
- Sample Solicitation Letters for Letters of
Commendation - List of Possible Sources of Letters of
Commendation - Flag Request Form check with your local
Congressmans office - Sample Court of Honor Programs and Themes
- Great Websites eaglescout.org,
macscouter.com, - usscouts.org, boyscouttrail.com
162005 University of Scouting
Russ Peirce Farmington Bay District Camp
Promotions Specialist c 726-9520 rwpeirce_at_mfire.
com Eric Gray Farmington Bay District Vice
Chairman Scouting c 698-3330 eric_at_6grays.com
Ummmm make that 7 Good Luck, and make
every Court of Honor !