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Animal production. Forestry. Piscicultures and mollusk ... Modernization of production processes. Research and development of new and innovative products ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: G TSSS S S


Presentation of Existing Situation
Analysis Region of Central Macedonia
International Joint Meeting Kladno, 2-12-2005
Katerina Papadopoulou Center for Research and
Development Hellas (CERTH)

  • Specific characteristics of RCM (general
    regional indicators, SWOT analysis)
  • General situation of SMEs
  • Identification of problems
  • SMEs policies available in RCM
  • Financial solutions
  • EU initiatives
  • Raising awareness
  • Conclusions

  • Studies (e.g. Urenio, Observatory for Regional
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Federation of
    Industries of Northern Greece)
  • Internet based search (e.g. CORDIS, EUROSTAT,
  • Conferences proceedings (e.g. conference on
    strategy of RCM development 2007-2013,
    Exploitation of good practices for the assessment
    and development of entrepreneurship)

Investigation of the specific characteristics of
Investigation of the specific characteristics of
Basic Regional Indicators
Investigation of the specific characteristics of
Basic Regional Indicators contribution of
different sectors to RCMs GDP
Investigation of the specific characteristics of
  • Primary sector
  • Basic agricultural products
  • Processed products
  • Animal production
  • Forestry
  • Piscicultures and mollusk culture
  • Manufacturing sector
  • Food
  • Textiles
  • Beverages
  • Chemicals
  • Basic metallurgy
  • Service sector
  • Health
  • Education
  • Research and development
  • Production services
  • Tourism

Investigation of the specific characteristics of
  • Education and Research
  • 2 Universities
  • 2 Technological Educational institutes
  • 1 Research Center
  • Industry
  • 3 Industrial areas
  • 3 Small industry parks
  • Innovation
  • 1 Technology Park
  • 3 Companies Incubators
  • Energy networks
  • Natural gas pipeline
  • Transportation networks
  • Telecommunication
  • networks
  • Telematics Broadband networks

General Findings
  • RCMs potential is above the countrys average
    concerning GDP, employment and exports.
  • The abovementioned finding is rather occasional
    as traditional sectors, and unqualified
    employment characterize RCMs business
  • RCM shift its activities to the tertiary sector
  • Unemployment remains at high level (higher that
    the countrys average for this year)
  • RD and educational infrastructures create
    favorable conditions for innovation and
    entrepreneurship development
  • The completion / integration of all kind of
    networks (transportation, telecommunications,
    energy) will render RCM node of significant
    business initiatives

SWOT Analysis of RCM
  • Its strategic geographical position within the
    general economic area of South Eastern Europe
  • Its participation in European energy and
    transportations networks
  • The concentration of significant economic
    activities (especially of the manufacturing
  • The existence of specialized human resources
  • The existence of significant research and
    educational infrastructures
  • The existence of significant natural, soil and
    water resources

SWOT Analysis of RCM
  • Lag in many administration levels
  • Degradation of the environment
  • Insufficient exploitation of energy resources
  • Deficiencies in existing transport
  • Lack of entrepreneurial culture and willingness
    in undertaking any entrepreneurial risk in
    private sector entailing low levels of innovation
    integration into new businesses
  • Dominance of traditional business sectors
    relying on low labor cost
  • Lag of primary sector concerning new
    technologies and specialized personnel
  • Depreciation of the role and significance of
    human resources training and constant adaptation
    to new challenges

SWOT Analysis of RCM
  • The development of competitive activities in the
    manufacturing sector and in high added value
    services. These could be achieved by exploiting
    the potential of the Region concerning the
    development of human capital and the provision of
    research services as well as the possibility of
    decreasing the cost of labor-intensive activities
    through investments in neighbor countries of
    South Eastern Europe
  • The development of telecommunications
    infrastructures, of transportation networks and
    the complete accession into transeuropean
    networks, create the conditions for rendering RCM
    telecommunication and modern transportation
    center of South Eastern Europe.

SWOT Analysis of RCM
  • Strong dependences of the productive core of the
    region, resulting from the rapid increase of
    public investments in the frameworks of 2nd and
    3rd Community Suport Funds as long as these are
    not replaced by private investments
  • Delays of work progress concerning transports
  • Constant degradation of the environment that
    could undermine the existing development model
  • Weakness concerning technology watch and
    development and or introduction of innovation
    into SMEs.

The SME sector in RCM
  • Small and medium sized enterprises dominate
  • Balanced SMEs sectorial allocation
  • The majority of business activity and especially
    innovative one is concentrated round the area of

General Situation of innovative SMEs in RCM
General Situation of innovative SMEs in RCM
Percentage of employed in knowledge intensive
services in RCM
General Situation of innovative SMEs in RCM
Regional distribution of SMEs expenditures on RD
General Situation of innovative SMEs in RCM
Major findings (1/3)
  • RCM is the 4th most innovative region of Greece,
    but at European level is placed among the last
    reaching only 35 of the European average
  • The percentage of personnel employed in
    knowledge intensive services has increased (for
    the period 1998-2000) contrary to the whole of
    the country
  • The research workforce shows increase. This
    concerns only the public sector
  • The research workforce in the private sector
    remains at the same levels
  • RD expenditures of the SME sector reach only
    the 0.1 of the GDP

General Situation of innovative SMEs in RCM
Major findings (2/3)
  • SMEs capacity to innovate almost reaches the
    European average (1997-2002)
  • The percentage of SMEs undertaking innovative
    activities during 2000 reached 85 of the
    European average.
  • Significant number of SMEs stop their efforts to
    innovate due to barriers (75 of the European
  • Innovation related to broadening products or
    services range rather than to increasing quality,
    or widening the market share

General Situation of innovative SMEs in RCM
Major findings (3/3)
  • Development of in-house innovation. A smaller
    percentage develop innovation in collaborations
    with RD organizations and an even smallest
    totally outsource this kind of activity
  • Strong trend towards usurpation of innovation
  • Innovation is introduced through the networks of
    suppliers and clients and not through
    collaboration with RD organizations
  • The gap between investments on modernization and
    increase of the production capacity and these on
    innovations introduction, increases.

Problems faced by Innovative SMEs
General critical issues (1/2)
Internal Environment
  • Developing flexible and dynamic strategy
  • Modernization of production processes
  • Research and development of new and innovative
  • Access to information concerning new
    technologies, markets and competitors
  • Access to funding mechanisms

Problems faced by Innovative SMEs
General critical issues (2/2)
External Environment
  • Complexity of the taxation system
  • Inflexible and outdated labor legislation
  • Centralism, complexity concerning transactions
    with public administration
  • Bureaucracy, existence of too many laws
  • Insufficient support of exports
  • Incomplete transportation networks
  • High energy and telecommunication costs

Problems faced by Innovative SMEs
SWOT analysis (1/3)
Strengths - Opportunities
  • Sufficient number of scientists (2 universities
    and 3 technological institutes, with Aristotle
    University being the biggest university of the
  • Good research infrastructures
  • Research institutes characterized as Centers of
    Excellence at European level in specific
    technological fields

Problems faced by Innovative SMEs
SWOT analysis (2/3)
Weaknesses - Threats
  • Lack of funds
  • Lack of entrepreneurial culture
  • Lack of legal framework for the participation of
    public research organizations in spin-offs
  • Lack of legal framework for participation of
    researchers in spin-offs

Problems faced by Innovative SMEs
SWOT analysis (3/3)
Weaknesses - Threats
  • Bureaucratic procedures of starting
    entrepreneurial activities
  • Difficult procedures of stopping entrepreneurial
    activities if failure
  • Small participation of private funds in research
  • Lack of sufficient number of case studies that
    could serve as best practices

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(national level)
Responsible bodies
  • General Secretariat for Research and Technology
  • General Secretariat for Industry
  • Ministry of Development
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Labor
  • Ministry of education

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(national level)
Operational Program Competitiveness
  • General strategic objective of the Operational
    Program Competitiveness (OP COM) is to
    support quality-orientated competitiveness.
  • Stimulation of business initiative and
    simplification and rationalization of the
    business environment are the main contributors
    towards achieving that aim.
  • OP COM is targeting the sectors / areas of
    processing and services, research and technology,
    tourism and energy - natural resources
  • The OP COM comprises 9 priority axis and over
    30 measures

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(national level)
Operational Program Competitiveness Priority
  • Differentiation of the tourism product
    promotion of Greece as a tourist destination
  • Securing the energy supply and promoting
    liberalisation of the energy market
  • Energy and sustainable development
  • Human resources
  • Technical aid
  • Improving the business environment
  • Support and encouragement of business initiatives
  • Promotion of excellence in business activity
  • Technological innovation and research

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(national level)
Operational Program Competitiveness Actions
related to Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • PRAXE Programme for the Exploitation of Research
  • ELEFTHO Programme for the creation of ST parks
    and incubators
  • Programme for the Development of Industrial
    Research and Technology (PAVET)
  • Programme for Demonstration Projects (PEPER)
  • HERON Programme for the support of employment of
    research staff in enterprises
  • TECHNOLOGY BROKERAGE Programme for the support
    of intermediary technology transfer
  • AKMON Programme for the development of research
    centres with the participation of users

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(national level)
Operational Program Competitiveness Actions
related to Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Liaison Offices in Research Centres and Higher
    Educational Institutes for the exploitation of
    research results and the matching of researchers
    with potential sponsors
  • International Cooperation in Industrial Research
  • Bilateral and International ST Collaboration
    Programme with bodies from technologically
    developed countries and International
  • European Union Framework Programme and
    development of the European Research Area (ERA)
  • Development of Excellence in the Research
    Centres supervised by the GSRT
  • Concerted Programmes in selected economical,
    scientific, cultural and environmental fields

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(national level)
Operational Program Competitiveness Actions
related to Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Foresight Programme for the selection of research
    and technology policy directions in Greece
  • PENED Programme for the Support of Researchers
    for training young researchers
  • ENTER Programme for the Integration of Foreign
    Researchers (attracting notable researchers from
    abroad and integrating them in the national
    research system for a specific time period)
  • TECHNO LEARNING Programme for the familiarisation
    of pupils and teachers with science and
    technology issues
  • HERMES Programme for increasing public awareness
    in science and technology
  • Programme for improving awareness on patents and
    their use

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(regional level)
Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia
The Central Macedonia Regional Operational
Programme (ROP / 2000-2006) aims at making the
Region more competitive and reducing
intra-regional disparities in order to create
conditions that will ensure sustainable
development and competitiveness in the Region.
The ROP comprises 6 priority axes. The first
focuses on Thessaloniki and on the proper
structures for making the city an international
centre for the promotion of innovation and
entrepreneurship. Three of the priority axes
aim at strengthening the provincial regions of
Central Macedonia, and the remaining axes
comprise horizontal actions.
SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(regional level)
Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia
Types of Action
  • Nurture a spirit of innovation (Development of
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
  • Foster the integrated development of deprived
    urban areas
  • Foster an integrated approach to the problems of
    disadvantaged, problematic rural areas

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(regional level)
Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia
Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Special measures that promote innovation,
    through the cooperation and networking of the
    most dynamic, outward-looking and modernising
    elements of the Regions business, research and
    education spheres, in both the private and the
    public sector
  • Businesses are the focal point of this
    collaboration (with an important role for SMEs
    and including the services and tourism sectors)
  • Objective is to promote specific sectors of
    specialization and excellence as part of the
    image of the Region in the wider and
    international economic environment. 

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(regional level)
Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia
Special Measures
  • Thessaloniki as the centre of productive services
  • Research and development infrastructure
  • Support for innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Combined development of innovation and
  • Aid provided for innovation investments in the
    processing sector under the Development Law

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
(National Legislation)
  • Law 3992/2004 motives for private investments
    for the economic development and the congruity of
    the regions
  • Law 2992/2002 measures for the support of the
    financial market and the development of
  • Law 2919/2001 Liaison of RD and Industry
  • Decree 17/2001 on financial support of NTBFs

SMEs policies in RCM related to innovative SMEs
  • Activities of the Regional Innovation Pole
    concern analysis and planning of long-term
    policies on Innovation, as well as support and
    provision of consultancy services to
    organizations of the region in order to improve
    their competitiveness at international level. One
    task of the Innovation Pole addresses to
    start-ups and spin-offs, as it refers to seed
    capital funds.
  • Development of an Innovation Zone in Eastern
    Thessaloniki. The zone will consist an area of
    constant development of activities related to
    education, training, research and technological
    development, and attraction of innovative
    initiatives. The effort will be based on the
    synergies of all important organizations related
    to knowledge and innovation that are located in
    the specific area. Main objective is rendering
    the area center of excellence in specific

Financial solutions and Tools in RCM
Direct support
  • Numerous banks leasing companies operating at
    national level
  • New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) operating
    at national level
  • 2 companies incubators
  • Several VC companies operating at national level
    and in traditional way as they originate from

Financial solutions and Tools in RCM
Indirect support
  • Thessaloniki Technology Park / companies
  • Technopolis S.A.
  • Organizations for entrepreneurship support
  • Consulting companies
  • Liaison offices
  • Chambers
  • Business Associations

EU programs / initiatives available in RCM
  • Gate2Growth a network of innovation financing
    bodies, intermediary organizations in the field
    of innovation and technology transfer and public
    research organizations aiming at strengthening
    the liaisons between public and private sector.
  • Gate2Growth addresses to well established
    innovative enterprises all over Europe that seek
    European venture capital for their further
    development. The Greek contact point for G2G is
    located in RCM (Thessaloniki Technology Park)
  • The network of Innovation Relay Centers consist
    a starting point for innovative SMEs that need
    assistance in developing transnational
    collaborations with special regard to technology
  • Two IRCs operate in Greece having as well
    antennas in the region of Central Macedonia
    providing a range of specialized business support
    services to technology oriented SMEs.

EU programs / initiatives available in RCM
Initiatives referring to the improvement of the
business and innovation environment through the
development of specific strategies and policies
  • Innovative Actions give disadvantaged regions
    the opportunity to implement specific projects in
    order to respond to the challenges set by the new
    economy. Excellence in Central Macedonia was
    implemented under Innovative Actions
  • Objective was to make the companies and
    technology intermediary organizations of the
    Region familiar with the latest, on a world
    scale, advances in business, technological,
    production, and manufacturing practices.

EU programs / initiatives available in RCM
Initiatives referring to the improvement of the
business and innovation environment through the
development of specific strategies and policies
  • Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) network, is
    the joint platform for collaboration and exchange
    of experience for regions that are developing or
    implementing regional innovation strategies and
  • Aim is to give member regions access to new
    tools, schemes and inter-regional learning
    opportunities on innovation promotion, in order
    to improve their ability to boost innovation and
    competitiveness among regional companies.  

EU programs / initiatives available in RCM
Initiatives referring to the improvement of the
business and innovation environment through the
development of specific strategies and policies
  • INTERREG IIIC program helps Europes regions
    form partnerships to work together on common
    projects. By sharing knowledge and experience,
    these partnerships enable the regions involved to
    develop new solutions to economic, social and
    environmental challenges.
  • Under INTERREG IIIC East, several projects are
    being implemented in the Region of Central
    Macedonia aiming at improving the effectiveness
    of policies and instruments for regional
    development and cohesion through large scale
    information and know-how exchange and sharing of
    experiences among European regions.

Awareness raising
  • Raising awareness on the creation prospects of
    new innovative start-ups and spin-offs is still
    at low levels
  • CERTH will try to mobilize key players through
    the following activities
  • The main conclusions of this report will be
    presented during experts group meetings, with the
    aim of identifying areas and ways of intervention
  • Networking with other regional policy related
    projects (other INTERREG IIIC projects running in
    RCM, the forthcoming Innovation Pole initiative
    etc) will be a means of information diffusion to
    a larger audience of regional experts.

  • RCMs research and innovation capital is
    remarkable BUT its capacity to transform it into
    innovative entrepreneurial activity remains at
    low levels.
  • Limited existence of venture capital and the
    total inexistence of seed capital
  • The effectiveness of all interventions (through
    regional / national initiatives) is not secured
    to the extend that their sustainability strongly
    depends on financing from the public sector.
  • The participation of the private sector in the
    effort to foster innovative entrepreneurship is
    very limited
  • The public character of RD structures favored
    the development of culture and practices that far
    differ from these of the private sector
  • Weak coordinated actions of both sectors for the
    exploitation of research results through the
    development of start-ups and spin-offs

Questions / Topics for discussion
  • What kind of motives does the research community
    need in order to develop entrepreneurial culture?
  • What kind of motives does the private sector
    need in order to invest in the exploitation of
    research result?
  • How to address the issue of legal framework
    between research organization and spin-off

Center for Research and Technology
Hellas (CERTH) www.certh.gr
Katerina Papadopoulou Responsible for SEED-REG
implementation ?el 30 2310 498206 Fax 30
2310 498280 E-mail kpap_at_thestep.gr
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