Title: Maximizing Your Promotion Efforts with Local Partners
1Maximizing Your Promotion Effortswith Local
- Rita Madison, ARMCA
- Joey DeRoe, Razorback Concrete
2Industry Groups
- Arkansas Chapter ACI
- OK/AR American Concrete Pavement Association
- Ready Mix Producers
- Cement Manufacturers
- Associate Members
- Contractors
- Tennessee Ready Mixed Concrete Association
- Tilt-up Association
3Government Groups
- Arkansas Department of Highway and Transportation
- Center for Training Transportation Professionals
- Technology Transfer (T2)
- Multiple City Offices
- Code Officials of Arkansas
- American Public Works Association
- County Judges Association
- Arkansas Waste Water Water Environment
4Local Groups and Organizations
- AHBA Arkansas Home Builders Association
- Arkansas Environmental Association
- Reciprocal memberships
- American Institute of Architects
- Engineering Associations
- General Contractor Workshops
- Airport Operators Association
- USGBC AR Chapter
5Co-sponsored Seminars
6Maximizing thru Partnerships
- Meeting Rooms multiple locations available now
at no charge - Little Rock (2)
- Fayetteville
- Jonesboro
- Springdale
- Nashville
- West Memphis
7Find members with facilities to use for seminars/
classes. Ask if you can use them. Recognize
their company as a co-sponsor of the
event. Acknowledge their donation of meeting
space during the seminar. If yes, always order
extra food is serving lunch (for their
employees) Always clean the room and put
everything back into place. Thank the
owner/manager in person
8Maximizing Programs Seminars
- Survey attendees for future seminars
- Future Seminar Form
- Well planned agendas with industry experts
- Product education program
- Make registration easy (fax, phone, email)
- Accept credit cards
- Good food
- Order extra
- Ample break time during seminars
- 15 minute break per hour
- Centralized locations
- Certificates of attendance available
9Contractors Presentation co-sponsored with ready
mix producer
10Attending Conventions Conferences
To exhibit or not ? American Public Works
Association County Judges Code Officials of
Arkansas Municipal League
11Final Thoughts
- Inclusive by developing partnerships and sharing
the credit - Be THE Concrete Resource
- We dont know everything about concrete but do
know the people that do.
12 Questions?