Title: Current Projects
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2Current Projects
- Planetesimals formation
- Habitable planet formation
- Origin of Earth water
- Terrestrial/habitable planets in extrasolar
- planetary systems
- - Planet formation in binary star systems
- - Meteorite Constraints on the Early Stages of
- Planetary Growth in Inner Solar System
- - Detection of extrasolar terrestrial planet
- with transit timing
- Dynamics and formation of irregular satellites
- Planetesimal accretion in giant planets
- gaseous envelopes
3Current Projects
- Planetesimals formation
- Habitable planet formation
- Origin of Earth water
- Terrestrial/habitable planets in extrasolar
- planetary systems
- - Habitable planet formation in binary star
systems - - Meteorite Constraints on the Early Stages of
- Planetary Growth in Inner Solar System
- - Detection of extrasolar terrestrial planet
- with transit timing
- Dynamics and formation of irregular satellites
- Planetesimal accretion in giant planets
- gaseous envelopes
4Gas-Density Enhancement and Planetesimal
Formation via Gravitational Instability
-Dust aggregates grow to mm-size while descending
toward the midplane -Millimeter-sized objects
form a dense thin layer on the midplane -The
layer becomes unstable and breaks into km-sized
objects -Gas drag causes particles to migrate and
pile up at smaller radial distances.
The differential shearing motion between solid
particles and the surrounding pressure-supported
gas can cause turbulence and prevent the
particulate layer to reach the critical density
5GJ 86 Separation 20 AU
4 Jupiter-Mass Planet _at_ 0.11 AU ? Cephei
Separation 18.5 AU 1.67
Jupiter-Mass Planet _at_ 2.1 AU
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7(Haghighipour Raymond, ApJ, 2007)
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9Earth-like planet (1.17 Earth-masses)
Semimajor axis 1.16 AU Suns
habitable zone 0.95-1.15 AU
Eccentricity 0.02
Earths orbital eccentricity 0.017
Water/Mass 0.00164
Earths water/mass 0.001
(Haghighipour Raymond 2007)
10It is possible to form habitable planets in close
binary star systems I) The key factor in the
amount of water delivered is Jupiter's
eccentricity II) Dynamics of Jupiter is affected
by the eccentric orbit of the stellar
companion III) It would be important to
understand where giant planets will form in
binary systems and to explore whether there is a
systematic relation between the binary parameters
and the orbit of the outermost giant planet?