Title: 1 of 30
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- Practicum Assignments, Competencies, and
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- Short Version p. 10 of the Practicum Handbook
- Long Version p. 57 of the Practicum Handbook.
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- 50 seminar work
- 49 evaluation of field work
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Seminar Assignments
- Backward Design Plan (Feb. 8)
- 1st set of lesson plans (March 1)
- 2nd set of lesson plans (April 5)
- 3rd set of lesson plans (May 3)
See the Practicum Handbook, page 41, for
assignment descriptions and grading criteria.
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Cover Sheets
- All assignments must include a completed and
signed cover sheet. - If you dont understand any of the items, check
with us before turning in your assignment. - If your assignment does not meet all of the
minimum criteria, dont turn it in. Fix it and
turn it in late.
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Late Assignments
- Assignments are due by the beginning of class.
Papers turned in after the start of the class
period will be considered late. - Every day late 1 point deduction.
- Assignments more than 1 week late will not be
accepted, except in the case of significant
illness (doctor's note required) or major family
emergency. - Assignments may not be turned in by e-mail.
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Field Evaluations
- We will average the best 2 out of the last three
observations of the semester. - An A is possible with an average rating of
above 2 (Apprentice I). - A rating of 0 (Unacceptable) on any competency
during either of the last 2 observations F.
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Field Evaluations
- 0 Unacceptable
- 1 Novice
- 2 Apprentice I
- 3 Apprentice II
- 4 Practitioner
- 5 Expert
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Field Evaluations
- See p. 16-17 of the Practicum Handbook for the
rubric describing each of these performance
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- Competencies
- A set of 10 professional standards to guide
instructional practices, with accompanying
performance indicators.
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Competency 1
- Individualized Educational Plans Legal
Responsibilities - Teachers ensure that each student has an
up-to-date IEP in which all applicable legal
requirements are applied.
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Competency 2
- Lesson Planning
- Teachers develop and implement appropriate lesson
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Competency 3
- Documentation and Communication
- Teachers communicate accurately and provide
effective documentation to support student
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Competency 4
- Scheduling
- Teachers coordinate effectively with related
service providers.
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Competency 5
- Individualization Least Restrictive Environment
(LRE) - Teachers provide opportunities for all of their
students to engage with general education peers
in multiple and sustained contexts.
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Competency 6
- Curriculum Pedagogy
- Teachers provide age-appropriate instruction,
which is referenced to the general education
curriculum and functional objectives, and
individualized to each students needs,
abilities, and interests.
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Competency 7
- Classroom-based Assessment
- Teachers incorporate a variety of classroom-based
evaluation measures and techniques into a system
of ongoing assessment for each student. This
system will include measures and techniques used
in program planning and evaluation of
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Competency 8
- Classroom Management
- Teachers foster learning for all students by
providing an engaging and positive classroom
climate, including the use of positive behavioral
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Competency 9
- Collegiality Collaboration
- Teachers demonstrate the professional attitudes
dispositions necessary to work effectively in a
school environment with colleagues, students with
severe disabilities, their families.
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Competency 10
- Ethics Professionalism
- Staff members demonstrate the professional
attitudes and dispositions necessary to provide
effective and appropriate instruction to students
with mental retardation and severe disabilities.
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Expectations Policies
- Protect your students confidentiality at all
times. - Avoid practices that might be considered acts of
academic dishonesty. - Turn in assignments within 1 week of due date.
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Expectations, cont.
- No re-writes make sure your assignments meet the
minimal criteria when you turn them in. - Come to seminar, arrive on time. Stay until the
end. - Participate in all seminar activities in a way
which supports the learning of everyone.
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Revised Attendance Policy
- Second absence 5 points will be deducted from
your final grade. - Third absence 10 points will be deducted from
your final grade. - Fourth absence You will be dropped from the
course. - Missing more than 50 minutes of any class session
will be considered an absence.
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- Contact Julia (if not an intern) or Kelley (if
intern) ASAP. - If the problem isnt resolved, contact your
faculty advisor. - If problem continues, contact
- Susan Copeland (Concentration I Coordinator),
- Liz Keefe (Special Education Coordinator), or
- Ruth Luckasson (Department Chair).
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Your Supervisors
Kelley Julia
Other Faculty
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Professional Development Snapshots
- 7-10 minutes.
- 1-2 times per semester.
- Teaching tips, helpful hints, fun activities.
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Snapshot Schedule
Jan. 25 1. Kendel 2. Lava 3. Janita
Feb. 8 1. Kate 2. Janita 3. Julie H.
Feb. 1 1. Joan 2. Julie F. 3. Rachel
Feb. 15 1. Gabi 2. Jeff 3. Jon-Carl
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Snapshot Schedule
Feb. 22 1. Lila 2. Nikki 3. Cyndie
March 8 1. Jason 2. Deedra 3. Evan
March 1 1. Nathan 2. Carla 3. Heather
March 22 1. Cyndie 2. Tamara 3. Mike
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Snapshot Schedule
March 29 1. Jeff 2. Julie H. 3. Sainaz
April 12 1. Joan 2.Julie 3. Rachel
April 5 1. Tanya 2. Carla 3. Tamara
April 19 1. Wanda 2. Evan 3. Jason