Title: Mrs' Hoppers Classroom
September 21st-25th
- Upcoming Events
- Progress reports are attached!
- We will have a special Literacy Night on
September 28th. This is a night for families to
come and enjoy fun literacy games and share
special projects. Please bring your child for
this fun, free event! - Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on
Thursday, October 8th and Friday, October 9th. I
will send a sign up sheet home in a few weeks. I
look forward to talking with you about your
childs progress!
- Please remember
- Please read The Surprise pages 138-150 with your
child this week. Comprehension test will be on
Friday! - In Math we will be learning about
- Place Value (ones, tens and hundreds places)
- Reading and writing numbers to 100
- Different Ways to Show Numbers
- (Chapter 1)
- In Social Studies we will study
- The seven continents and four oceans-we will
have a test next week and your child needs to be
able to match the continent/ocean name to the
proper place on a map. - In Reading we are learning
- How to make connections within the text to the
- FREE FLU SHOTS on Tuesday, November 17, 2009.
- To pay for school lunches online go to
www.ezschoolpay.com - We are collecting box tops labels, Campbell soup
labels, Tyson A labels, pop tab can rings, empty
juice pouches and ink cartridges. Each month we
will announce which class brought the most. The
winning class will be awarded an inside recess
game! - The Parent Involvement Committee is selling
tattoos each Friday for 1.00 each.
I am sending home a baggie of flashcards. Please
practice these words will your child each night
for about 15 minutes. When you feel like your
child is ready to test on all of the words,
please send me an e mail or note. They should
know the words within 3 seconds of looking at the
word. THANKS!
The Jr. High Cheerleaders will be selling spirit
ribbons each Thursday and Friday for 1.00.
____________ had _________ cards turned last
Check out our classroom website at
www.farmcards.org go to Folsom-then 2nd
grade-then click on Mrs. Hoppers website. All
newsletters and spelling words are posted on the
website. If you need to contact me, the best way
is by e mail. My e mail isjhopper_at_farmcards.org
OR our school phone is (479) 267-6024