Title: Register for the Mrs India Queen contest today
1Register for the Mrs India Queen Contest Today
2Mrs India International is a beauty pageant
specially designed for married women. You can be
married, separated, divorced or a widow and you
can participate in the contest. MRS India is an
opportunity for you to change your life. By
participating in the contest, you will look at
yourself more confidently and you will feel pride
in which you are. The contest has changed the
lives of many women and is one of the most
genuine beauty contests. To be a part of Mrs
India Contest, all you need to do is register
yourself by filling up the application form. You
will have to provide your photographs at the time
of registration.
3After registration, you will be called for an
audition and then there will be a workshop in
June. The three-day workshop will be an
opportunity for you to learn from the best in the
industry. You will be able to learn about the
industry and you will be groomed by the best. The
winning prize for Mrs India Queen is INR 1 lac.
It is a platform that will give you an
opportunity to transform your life. Whether you
want to be a part of the glamour industry or
enter Bollywood, you can turn your dream into a
reality. Changing your life is only a few steps
away, start by registering for the beauty pageant
and watch how your life transforms! Register for
the beauty contest today!
4For original source of this document, you can
also visit here http//miiq.mystrikingly.com/bl