Title: COMP316A: Artificial Intelligence
1COMP316A Artificial Intelligence
- Lecturers
- Bernhard Pfahringer bernhard_at_cs.waikato.ac.nz
- Eibe Frank eibe_at_cs.waikato.ac.nz
- Email subject should include COMP316 in
subject heading, or it is likely to be eaten by a
spam filter
2AI work at Waikato CS
- Machine learning/ data mining group
- Geoff Holmes, Eibe Frank, Bernhard Pfahringer,
Mark Hall, John Cleary, Ian Witten, Tony Smith,
Mike Mayo - Associations with Reel 2 (John Cleary)
- Natural language processing Tony Smith
- Robotics Margaret Jefferies
- Intelligent tutoring systems Mike Mayo
3Overview and History of AI
- History http//www.stottlerhenke.com/ai_general/
history.htm - Sample definitions
- The automation of activities that we associate
with human thinking, activities such as
decision-making, problem solving, learning
(Bellman, 1978) - the study of mental faculties through the use of
computational models (Charniak McDermott,
1985) - the study of how to make computers do things at
which, at the moment, people are better (Rich
Knight, 1991) - AIis concerned with intelligent behavior in
artifacts (Nilsson, 1998)
4Historical Attempts - Talos
(by 850 BC, when described in the Iliad) Talos, a
strong man, created by the god of smiths,
Hephaestus, whose job was to protect Crete by
casting stones at passing ships, thus warding off
5The Golem
- GOLEM literally means "inert matter" or
something shapeless. In the Hebrew myth of the
golem, a lump of clay was brought to life by
appeal to the name of God. One of the major golem
legends is the one attributed to Rabbi Judah Loew
of Prague (1513-1609). Loew created Golem to
protect him and his people. He did so for a
while, but, as in other versions of the golem
legend, the artificial clay man ran amok, and
Loew was forced to remove the name of God from
his mouth, and with that, Golems life.
- Novel by Mary Shelley, 1818, describing attempt
by scientist Victor Frankenstein to create life.
7The Turk
- 1921 play, R.U.R (Rossums Universal Robots) by
OUTPUT? ORDER ROSSUM'S ROBOTS" - In the days when Czechoslovakia was a feudal
society, "robota" referred to the two or three
days of the week that peasants were obliged to
leave their own fields to work without
remuneration on the lands of noblemen. For a long
time after the feudal system had passed away,
robota continued to be used to describe work that
one wasn't exactly doing voluntarily or for fun,
while today's younger Czechs and Slovaks tend to
use robota to refer to work thats boring or
uninteresting. (E. Rich)
9Acting humanly the Turing Test
- Presented by Turing (1950), Computing machinery
and intelligence - Can machines think? -- Can machines behave
10Turing Test
- 1990 Loebner Prize established. Grand Prize of
100,000 and a Gold Medal for the first computer
whose responses are indistinguishable from a
human. - (Solid 18 carat, not gold-plated like the Olympic
"Gold" medals)
11How much computing power does it take?
From Hans Moravec, Robot Mere Machine to
Transcendent Mind 1998.
12How much computing power exists?
From Hans Moravec, Robot Mere Machine to
Transcendent Mind 1998.
13Brief history of AI
- 1943 McCulloch Pitts, boolean circuit model
of the brain - 1949 Hebbian learning model (neural networks)
- 1950 Turings Computing Machinery and
Intelligence - 1951 first neural network computer (Minsky
Edmonds) - 1952 Samuals first checkers-playing program
(on TV, 1956)
141950s - 1966 great expectations
- 1956 Dartmouth workshop term AI adopted
- 1950s marked by beginning of AI Hype
- 1950 Turing predicted that in about fifty years
"an average interrogator will not have more than
a 70 percent chance of making the right
identification after five minutes of
questioning". - Newell and Simon predicted that "Within ten years
a computer will be the world's chess champion,
unless the rules bar it from competition." - 1950s, 60s automated language translation was
just around the corner
15great expectations
- Why was the AI hype overly optimistic? Failure
to understand - Need for knowledge (about domains of application,
common sense) - Scalability and problems of complexity and
exponential growth - The need to perceive the world, rather than
working in simulation or limited contexts
16great expectations
- 1958 McCarthy, Lisp programming language
- Start of hype that AI is language-related if
its in Lisp or PROLOG, its AI - Later (1980s) special purpose Lisp or Prolog
171966 - 1973 Dose of reality
- 1969 book, Perceptrons (Minsky Papert)
proves that perceptrons incapable of representing
(and therefore learning) over many classes of
problems funding for neural nets disappears - 1969 Bryson Ho, multilayer NNs discovered,
but languish until 1980s - Natural language processing the limitations
sink in - the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
- Becomes, the vodka is good but the meat is
181969 - 1979 knowledge based systems
- Weak methods use general purpose search,
reasoning to string together steps to find a
solution - Not scalable too many possibilities at any step
- Strong methods include domain-specific
knowledge to help focus
191979 - 1990 Glory times
- Expert systems rule!
- Rule based, human-readable systems that serve as
expert practitioners in narrow tasks (ex
MYCIN, diagnosis of blood infections) - ES for supplemental feed for range cows
- Rule 1 if protein is low and energy is low then
feed is high - Rule 2 if protein is low and energy is high then
feed is low - Rule 3 if protein is high and energy is low then
feed is high - Rule 4 if protein is high and energy is high then
feed is low
20Glory times
- 1986 return of the neural networks
- Parallel Distributed Processing, McClellan
Rumelhart - A very clever precedent a readable book
freely available software
21Glory times
- 1981 - 1991 Japan announces Fifth Generation
project to build intelligent computers running
Prolog - US, European funding agencies pour money into AI
so as not to be left behind - Major hype in software now with AI!
- AI firms pop up everywhere
221991 - 1995 AI Winter
- Hype meets reality Fifth Generation fizzles out
- Much angst will we ever have jobs again?
- Re-focusing of AI in industry goal is no longer
to do AI, but to apply AI techniques when
appropriate to problems - Re-focusing of goal moving from trying to
produce software to replace a human (a la expert
systems, automated translation), to trying to
support a human (for example, machine learning as
support in extracting information from data)
231995 - present Agents rule!
- Agents embedded in real environments with
continuous sensory inputs - WWW a major impetus to development
- AI becomes (more of) a science emphasis in the
research literature on empirical experiments,
statistically analyzed development of common
testbeds for comparing alternative algorithms
24A cynical summary
- What is AI? AI is whatever doesnt work
- Computer vision -- image processing
- Automatic programming -- compilers
- A less cynical summary AI is an attempt to
understand and support people and high-level tasks