The RadioLoudRadioQuiet Dichotomy of AGN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The RadioLoudRadioQuiet Dichotomy of AGN


The Radio-Loud/Radio-Quiet Dichotomy of AGN. Brandon Kelly. Astro 596. History ... 1963- Maarten Schmidt realized that bright optical point source associated with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The RadioLoudRadioQuiet Dichotomy of AGN

The Radio-Loud/Radio-Quiet Dichotomy of AGN
  • Brandon Kelly
  • Astro 596

  • Radio emission was first distinguishing mark of
  • 1963- Maarten Schmidt realized that bright
    optical point source associated with radio source
    3C 273 had z0.158 (The QSRSs, quasars)
  • 1965- Allan Sandage finds that most quasars are
    radio-quiet (QSG, QSO)
  • Kellermann et al.(1989, AJ, 98) find bimodality
    in radio-loudness, 5-10 times more RQQs and RLQs
  • Existence of bimodality still debated, 10 of
    quasars are radio-loud

  • Kpc scales
  • Radio- Synchrotron Emission
  • X-rays- Compton upscattering
  • Motivating question Why do some AGN develop
    powerful with strong radio emission, while most
    have weak or no jets?

Centaurus A
Red Radio, Blue X-ray
Structure of RLQ
Picture from Marscher, 2005, Mem. S.A.It., 76
Is There a Bimodality in Radio-Loudness?
  • Kellermann et al.(1989) used sample of 114 BQS
    sources with VLA 6 cm observations, inferred
    bimodality in radio loudness
  • Is the observed bimodality real?
  • Some have questioned its existence, e.g., White
    et al.(2000, ApJS, 126), Cirasuolo et al.(2003,
    MNRAS, 346)
  • Selection effects are a concern

Kellermann et al.(1989, AJ, 98)
Bimodality (cont)
  • Ivezic et al.(2004, ASPC, 311) make histogram of
    R for 10,000 sources detected by SDSS and FIRST,
    find support for bimodality
  • Argue that uncertainties in K-corrections, other
    errors will broaden observed R-distribution

Bimodality implies something triggers the
production of powerful jets
Bimodality and Dichotomy Other Issues
  • Possibility of significant Doppler boosting can
    make total LR a poor indicator of jet power
  • Most the energy in the jet not radiated away, but
    transported to lobes
  • Doppler boosting can also affect Lopt
  • Even if no bimodality in R, this does not imply
    that there is no division between quasars with
    powerful jets and quasars with weak jets
  • Probably better to look for dichotomy using more
    fundamental parameters, e.g., ratio of jet power
    to disk luminosity, but observationally difficult
    or impossible

Comparison of RQQ/RLQ SEDs
Mean RQQ (Solid) and RLQ (Dashed) SED, normalized
at 1.25 ?m. From Elvis et al.(1994, ApJS, 95).
Do RQQs Have Jets?
  • Ulvestad et al.(2005, ApJ, 621) observed 5 RQQs
    with the VLBA
  • Four of the images had unresolved radio cores,
    J08046459 has two-sided jet
  • Concluded radio emission in RQQs due to weak jets
  • Recent VLA observations also find evidence for
    jet-like outflows in RQQs (Leipski et al., 2006,
    AA, 455)

Figure from Ulvestad et al. (2005)
Correlation of LR with LOIII
  • Correlation has been found between radio
    luminosity and that of the O III narrow
    emission line
  • Xu et al. (1999, AJ, 118) find similar slope for
    both RQQs and RLQs

Interpretation of the LO III-LR Correlation
  • Xu et al. proposed the following explanation
  • Strong Observational Evidence that O III is a
    good orientation-independent measure of AGN
    intrinsic luminosity
  • Implies
  • Assuming Shakura-Sunyaev thin disk, jet velocity
    Keplerian velocity, and that the vertical
    magnetic field the azimuthal one, this implies
    that mass flux into the jet
  • Then, correlation is expected if
  • Similarity of slopes implies that mechanism that
    generates radio emission is similar for both, but
    RLQs have much larger constant of proportionality

Similar Bimodal Trend Seen with Eddington Ratio
  • Similarly, Sikora et al. (2007, in press at ApJ,
    astro-ph/0604095) find a similar anti-correlation
    between radio-loudness and Eddington ratio, but
    with different normalization

Does the Fraction of RLQs Vary with Luminosity
and/or Redshift?
  • Some studies have concluded that the radio-loud
    fraction (RLF) drops with increasing redshift or
    decreasing optical/UV luminosity
  • Artificial correlation of L and z from flux limit
    makes it difficult to interpret simple
    1-dimensional correlations
  • Jiang et al. (2007, in press at ApJ,
    astro-ph/0611453) find that the RLF increases
    with increasing L2500 and decreasing z
  • Unable to conclude if this is a statement about
    the radio-loud tail, or about the entire

Differences in X-ray Properties
  • Early Einstein observations suggested RLQs have
    flatter X-ray spectra
  • Difference in X-ray spectral slopes depends on
    radio spectral slope, confirmed with ASCA and
    BeppoSAX data
  • RLQs also tend to be more X-ray loud, probably
    additional component from Jet
  • RLQs tend to have a weaker reflection component
  • Galbiati et al. (2005, AA, 430) analyzed sample
    of 25 RLQs with XMM data and concluded
  • Average X-ray spectra slope is same for both RLQs
    and RQQs
  • Blazars have larger spread in X-ray spectra
    slope, spread is similar for non-blazar RLQs
    and RQQs

Dependence of R on Black Hole Mass
  • Many studies have found that RLQs tend to have
    slightly larger MBH, but very poor correlation
  • Liu et al. (2006, ApJ, 637) argue that its more
    appropriate to compare the jet power with MBH,
    find significant correlation with

Figure from McLure Jarvis (2004, MNRAS, 353)
Figure from Liu et al.(2006)
Differences In Host Galaxy Morphology
  • Many authors have found that RLQs tend to be
    found in massive ellipticals and richer
    environments, but RQQs can be in elliptical or
    disk galaxies
  • Recently, Best et al. (2005, MNRAS, 362) studied
    a sample of 2215 radio-loud AGN (0.03 from the SDSS, find that the radio-loud fraction
    increases with either stellar or black hole mass
  • Also find that large, concentrated galaxies are
    more likely to house a RLQ, and that RLQs are
    more prefer richer environments
  • Capetti (2006, AA, 453) find that among
    early-type galaxies, RLQs inhabit core galaxies,
    whereas RQQs inhabit power-law galaxies

Origin of RLQ/RQQ Dichotomy The Spin Paradigm
  • Various bimodalities suggest fundamental
    difference between RLQ and RQQ, i.e., what turns
    on RLQs?
  • Difference in spin is a popular mechanism (See
    Sikora et al., astro-ph/0604095 for further
    discussion and references)
  • If jet is powered by the Blandford-Znajek (BZ)
    mechanism, then jet production likely related to
    spin of black hole
  • In this case, the power that can be extracted is

Spin Paradigm (cont)
  • Mergers of galaxies can lead to varying
    distributions of BH spin
  • Sikora et al.(2007) suggest the following revised
    spin paradigm
  • If the accretion history of a galaxy consists of
    multiple accretion events of small mass and
    random orientation of angular momentum vectors,
    then this can lead to a preference for low BH
  • If the accretion history of a galaxy underwent at
    least on major merger, then the galaxy accretes a
    large amount of gas. In this case the accretion
    disk will align with the BH spin, and spin the BH

Support for Revised Spin Paradigm
  • Fueling of AGN is disk galaxies may be via
    accretion of molecular clouds
  • Observations indicate short life-times of
    individual accretion events in Seyfert galaxies
  • BH growth in giant ellipticals likely occurs via
    major mergers
  • BH accretes enough gas to align BH and accretion
    disk angular momentum vectors, spins up BH
  • RLQs preferentially found in massive early-type
    galaxies, which, according to this evolutionary
    scenario, have higher BH spins

More to the Story Than Just Spin
  • Ye Wang (2005, MNRAS, 357) developed a toy
    model combining the BZ mechanism with magnetic
    coupling of the accretion disk
  • Find that radio-loudness depends strongly on
    spin, central concentration of B-lines, and inner
    radius of the disk

  • Quasars show a dichotomy in their radio emission,
    with some having powerful radio-emitting jets
    (radio-loud), and most (90) having weak or no
    jets (radio-quiet)
  • RLQs and RQQs show similar correlations with O
    III luminosity and Eddington ratio, but with
    different normalizations
  • RLQs tend to inhabit massive early type galaxies
    and live in richer environments
  • RLQ/RQQ dichotomy may be related to dependence of
    black hole spin on the host galaxys accretion
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