Title: Twenty Minutes On KEEPING UP TO DATE Lynn Dunikowski
1Twenty Minutes On KEEPING UP TO DATE
Lynn Dunikowski
- Manitoba College of Family Physicians
- 48th Annual Scientific Assembly April 6-8,
2Four ways to keep up to date
- Set your home page
- Google Health News
- A good blog
- Send yourself e-mail
- Newsletters and alerts
- Medline literature searches
- Electronic tables of contents
- RSS Feeds
- Podcasts
3Health News
Set your home page
Google/Health News
4How to find a blog?
- Blog weblog
- regularly updated page with time stamps
(usually) most recent posts first
- Go to Google more Blog Searchhttp//www.googl
6Send yourself e-mail
- Newsletters
- Alerts
- Regularly updated literature searches
- Electronic tables of contents
- Clinical
- MD Consult
- Special interest topics
- Bulletin on Innovation in Health
- Association
- Commercial
- LexiDrugs, Palm Store
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
- Google News Alerts http//www.google.ca/alerts?hl
- BMJ Updates http//bmjupdates.mcmaster.ca/index.as
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13How to Subscribe to BMJ Updates
- Free
- Evidence-based ratings of clinical relevance
- Tailored to your interest profile
- http//bmjupdates.mcmaster.ca/index.asp
14BMJ Updates in your e-mail
15Further links to abstracts and sometimes full text
16Regularly Updated Literature Searches
- PubMed Alerts http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/q
- Alerts from other databases
- e.g. OVID, EMBASE, Web of Science
- on journals, topics, authors, articles that have
cited an article
17How to get My NCBI and PubMed Alerts
- Need My NCBI account first
- Free from US National Library of Medicine
- Cubby hole to store searches
- Instructions and a flash demohttp//www.ncbi.nlm
18How to get My NCBI and PubMed Alerts
- Run your search in PubMed http//www.pubmed.gov/
- Search on subjects, authors, journals, some
- Save the search
- Fill in search form
19Save Search
20(No Transcript)
21Electronic Tables of Contents
- Dont always have to subscribe
- CMAJ http//www.cmaj.ca/subscriptions/etoc.shtml
- NEJM https//secure.nejm.org/ecom/register/promo/
- Highwire Press http//highwire.stanford.edu/custo
22(No Transcript)
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24Tables of Contents of many journals
25RSS Feeds
- What are RSS feeds?
- Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication, RDF
Site Summary
- Technology allows dissemination of regularly
changing web content
- Video tutorial (3.5 min.) http//reviews.cnet.com/
26RSS Feeds Readers
- Need a feed reader or news aggregator
- Standalone, e.g. Awasu
- Some readers work within browser
- Some readers are web based, e.g.
- Bloglines
27Standalone RSS Reader
- Review at Cnet www.cnet.com
- http//reviews.cnet.com/Awasu/4505-10088_7-3097373
28Web based Reader
- Bloglines
- http//www.bloglines.com/
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30Where to find RSS Feeds
- Websites with an RSS or XML logo
- MedicineNets list of feeds http//www.medicinenet
- CBC http//www.cbc.ca/rss/
- Associations, Journals, Databases
31Set up an RSS feed in PubMed
- Audio video programs over the Internet
- Uses RSS technology
- Subscribe regularly download new files to iPod,
MP3 player, or computer
- Need software most is free
- iTunes (for Mac PC)
- iPodder (for Windows 2000/XP)
- IPodderX (for Mac)
- Whats in a podcast?
- CME lectures, articles, interviews
- News, Music
- Convenient when youre driving or on the
35Where to find Podcasts
- Access Medicine
- http//books.mcgraw-hill.com/podcast/acm/
- CBC http//www.cbc.ca/podcasting/
- Medical Podcasts by Doctors
- http//www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?art
- NEJM http//content.nejm.org/misc/podcast.shtml
- Podcast.net http//www.podcast.net/show/13758
36Thanks! Please send questions/comments to
Canadian Library of Family Medicine