Title: Introduction to the EnergyPLAN model
1Introduction to the EnergyPLAN model
Aalborg University, September October
2005PhD-course Energy System Analysis I
- Henrik Lund
- Aalborg University
- Denmark
2Content Workshop aproach!!Development
- 1. (23 August) Introduction to studies made by
the use of EnergyPLAN. Discussion of participants
ideas of PhD projects and potential use of the
model. - 2. (30 August) Details inside the model. How
does it work? How are the modelling of specific
components, units etc? Discussion of
PhD-projects Strengths and weakness of the
model? - The period between 23 August and 5 September
Participants install the model and make familiar
with the model and make som preliminary analyses. - 3. (6 September) Discussion of participants
analyses. Results, problems, room for
improvements of the model!!! Etc..
- Download EnergyPLAN
- Download documentation
- Links to journal articles (results)
- Links to research reports (Danish)
- 1. The EnergyPLAN model
- 2. Data and Methodologies
- 3. Example Technical Analysis
- 4. Example Market Economical Analysis
5Electricity Excess Production
6Reference excess production
7The EnergyPLAN Model
- Energy System Analysis Model
- - ExcelVisual BasicDelphi Pascal
- - Main focus Compare different regulation
systems ability to integrate and trade RES (Wind) - - Simplified modelling of energy system.
8Windows program
9EnergyPLAN Model 6.0
Distribution Data
Demands Fixed electricity Flexible electricity
District Heating
Market Prices
District H.
- Results
- (Annual, monthly and hour by hour values)
- Heat productions
- Electricity production
- Electricity import export
- Forced electricity surplus production
- Fuel consumption
- Payments from import/export
- CO2 emissions
- Share of RES
Industrial CHP
Photo Voltaic
RES Wind and PV Capacities (MW) Distribution
Factor Solar Thermal and CSHP (TWh/year)
- Regulation strategy
- 1. Meeting heat demand
- 2. Meeting both heat and electricity demand
- Electricity Market Strategy
- Import/export optimisation
- Critical surplus production
- reducing wind,
- replacing CHP with boiler or heat pump
- Electric heating and/or Bypass
Capacities Efficiencies CHP, Power plant, Heat
Pump, Boiler Heat Storage
Regulation Market prises Multiplication
factor Addition factor Depend factor Marginal
production Cost (Import, export) Stabilisation
Fuel Types of fuel CO2 emission factors Fuel
11EnergyPLAN model
12Energy System
Import Export
Wind Power
Photo Voltaic
Electricity Demand
Power Plant
Transport Flexible
CHP unit CSHP unit
Heat Pump
Heat Demand
Boiler DH-boiler
Heat Storage
Solar Thermal
13Energy System 6.2
Water Storage
Wind Power
Import Export
Photo Voltaic
Wave Energy
Electricity Demand
Power Plant
Transport Flexible
Electro- lyser
Heat Pump
CHP unit CSHP unit
Heat Demand
Heat Storage
Boiler DH-boiler
Solar Thermal
14DESIRE project
- Will include
- Nuclear power..
- Hydro Power
- 1. The EnergyPLAN model
- 2. Data and Methodologies
- 3. Example Technical Analysis
- 4. Example Market Economical Analysis
- Inputs
- Reference energy system (Danish CHP)
- Different share of different RES
- Results
- Rate of excess electricity production
- Ability to decrease CO2 emission
- Ability to exploit exchange on external
electricity markets
17Example of Results
18Wind energy
- Input
- Data from total productions of wind turbines in
the TSO Eltra area (West Denmark).
19Wind power
20Photo voltaic
- Data from the Danish Sol300 project (Total 267
installations, app. 100 included in the data base - Additional synthetic data from Test Reference
21Photo Voltaic
22Wave Power
- Calculated from measurements of Wave height and
periods in the North Sea - 5 percent efficiency
- Max installed capacity
23Photo Voltaic
24Comparison of results
- 1. The EnergyPLAN model
- 2. Data and Methodologies
- 3. Example Technical Analysis
- 4. Example Market Economical Analysis
26Electricity Excess Production
27Reference excess production
28ReferenceÃ…r 2030
29Different Energy Systems
30Electricity Balance and Grid Stability
Active Components
Non Active Components
Centralised CHP and Power Plants
RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
DG (Distributed Generation)
31System 1Activating DG CHP-units
Active Components
Non Active Components
Centralised CHP and Power Plants
DG (Distributed Generation)
RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
32System 2 CHP-units and Heat Pumps
Active Components
Non Active Components
Centralised CHP and Power Plants
DG (Distributed Generation)
Heat Pumps
RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
33System 3 Activating RES via additional demand
Active Components
Non Active Components
Centralised CHP and Power Plants
DG (Distributed Generation)
Heat Pumps
RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
Wind Power
Electricity for Transport
34Principle results of technical analyses
35Excess Electricity 8,4 TWh
Danish Reference 2020
Wind Power
17,7 TWh
Electricity Demand 41,1 TWh
41,1 TWh
31,8 TWh
CHP and Power plants
Coal 26.5 TWh
Fuel Total 200,3 TWh
92,3 TWh
Oil 70,9 TWh
39,2 TWh
District Heating Grid loss 25
31,9 TWh
Heat Demand 62,9 TWh
31,0 TWh
Household Industry
39,9 TWh
Natural Gas 68,4 TWh
50,7 TWh
Transport 50,7 TWh
Biomass 34,5 TWh
17,4 TWh
Refinery Etc. 17,4 TWh
36Danish Alternative 20?0
Transport (50,7 TWh) equvalent
62,3 TWh
17,8 TWh
Wind Power
37,0 TWh
Electricity Demand 37,0 TWh
Photo Voltaic
H2 Electrolyser
14,7 TWh
CHP, HP and Power plants
Solar thermal 2,1 TWh
District Heating Grid loss 25
53,5 TWh
42,8 TWh
Heat Demand 56,8 TWh
Biomass 49,4 TWh
Fuel Total 49,4 TWh
31,4 TWh
14,0 TWh
18,0 TWh
Household Industry
- 1. The EnergyPLAN model
- 2. Data and Methodologies
- 3. Example Technical Analysis
- 4. Example Market Economical Analysis
38Modelling of NordPool
- - Standard system price hour by hour distribution
(based on recent years) - - Construction of Wet Dry and Normal years
(Hydro in Norway) - - Modelling of influence for DK trade and
splitting in price areas due to bottle-neck in
transmission - - Modelling of influence from Trade on the German
39Reference regulation system(CO2 Price 100
40Wind Power Production Costs220 DKK/MWh
41Different Production Costs and CO2 Prices
42Feasibility of Alternative Regulation Systems
43Feasibility of Alternative Regulation Systems
- If wind production exceeds 5 TWh (equal to 20)
investments in CHP regulation and Heat Pumps are
feasible. - Such investments at the same time makes wind
power more feasible. For production costs of 220
DKK/MWh and CO2-prices of 100 DKK/t the
feasibility of wind power raises from 6 TWh in
the reference system to 11 TWh in the Heat Pump
45Sensitivity Analysis
- Increase in Heat Pump Costs
- Variations in CO2 payment
- Change in Wind Power costs
- Change in fuel costs
- Change in CO2 influence on Nordpool
- Change in Nordpool average price
- Change in import/export to Germany
- Change in Nordpool price variations
46Only small changes in the main results
47Introduction to the EnergyPLAN model
Aalborg University, September October
2005PhD-course Energy System Analysis I
- Henrik Lund
- Aalborg University
- Denmark