Intelligence and Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intelligence and Testing


... paper) IQ tests which are less accurate. What does an IQ score mean? ... Five people complete our 'new IQ test' and an 'established test' (e.g., Stanford-Binet) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intelligence and Testing

Intelligence and Testing
Chapter 8
What is intelligence?
  • intelligence A general term referring to the
    ability to learn and develop adaptive behaviors.
  • intelligence tests Tests designed to measure a
    persons general mental abilities.

Theories of Intelligence
  • Charles Spearmans genreal intelligence g
  • L. L. Thurstones Seven Mental Abilities
  • Raymond B. Cattell's Two-Factor Theory
  • Robert Sternbergs Triarchic Theory
  • Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Charles Spearmans Theory
  • g factor (general intelligence)
    Spearman stressed a general mental
    energy that can be channeled in various
    directions. Intelligent people can perform well
    in many areas.
  • s factors (specific intelligence)
    reflect specific knowledge and
    abilities that are only used when performing
    specific tasks that have been leaarned.

Thurstones Seven Primary Mental Abilities
  • In contrast, L. L. Thurstone said primary mental
    abilities are independent of each other. A
    person could excel in one area and be very
    average in others.
  • Thurstones seven primary mental abilities
  • spatial visualizations
  • verbal meaning word fluency

  • number facility memory
  • reasoning perceptual

Sternbergs Triarchic Theory
We all share these three types of intelligence
but excel in ore or two areas
Sternbergs Triarchic Theory
  • componential Ability to acquire new knowledge
    and solve problems effectively (intelligence as
    we think of it).
  • experiential The ability to adapt creatively in
    new situations (ability to meet new challenges).
  • contextual Ability to select contexts in which
    you can excel (e.g., being able to make the right
    career choice).

Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Much like Thurstone, Gardner suggests, seven
independent areas (types) of intelligence.
  • logical-mathematical - Newton, Einstein
  • linguistic - Whitman, Shakespeare
  • spatial - Picasso, DaVinci, F. L. Wright
  • musical - Mozart, Gershwin, Eric Clapton
  • body-kinesthetic - M. Jackson, M. Jordan
  • interpersonal - Ghandi,Carter, Nixon
  • intrapersonal - to know oneself

Gardners Theory
  • logical-mathematical Ability to handle chains
    of reasoning, numerical relations, and
    hierarchical relations.
  • linguistic Sensitivity to the meaning and order
    of words, as well as the functions of language.
  • spatial Ability to perceive the world
    accurately and to transform and recreate
  • musical Sensitivity to pitch, tone, timbre, and
    musical patterns.

Gardners Theory
  • body-kinesthetic Ability to use ones body or
    to work with objects in highly differentiated and
    skillful ways.
  • interpersonal Ability to notice and make
    distinctions among the moods, temperaments,
    motivations, and intentions of others.
  • intrapersonal Ability to understand ones own
    feelings and use them to guide behavior.

Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence
  • Relatively new area of study
  • understanding and managing ones own emotions is
    probably MORE vital to success than pure
    intellectual ability
  • Many highly successful people are not brilliant
    and many geniuses die in poverty
  • Understanding the emotions of others is also
    important. It allows us to predict how they will
    act in various situations

Raymond Cattell Two Factor Theory(not in book)
  • fluid intelligence General mental energy (like
    g). like a fluid, it shapes itself to the
    task (e.g., math, music, chemistry).
  • crystallized intelligence Knowledge that is
    learned or accumulated over a lifetime.
  • Crystallized intelligence is more stable across
    the lifespan whereas fluid intelligence begins a
    slow decline in middle adulthood.

Cattells Other Contributions
  • Personality A leader in personality theory and
    testing as well
  • Cattell developed the 16 pf (personality factor)
  • He applied the technique of factor analyses
    (deveoped by Spearman) to the study of
    intelligence and personality
  • Factor Analysis statistical (mathematical)
    method for identifying the basic factors of
    intelligence and personality

Intelligence Tests
  • The Binet-Simon Scale
  • The Stanford Binet
  • The Weschler Scales
  • WAIS (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale)
  • WISC (Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children)
  • WPPSI (Weschler Preschool/Primary Scales of
  • culture fair tests
  • performance tests

The Binet-Simon Scale
  • Binet-Simon Scale The FIRST intelligence
    test. Alfred Binet was commissioned by the
    French Government to identify children with
    special learning needs
  • Binet developed the concept of Mental Age
  • mental age a child who scored the same as the
    average child of a given age on a standardized
    test had that mental age
  • example if a 10 year old scored the same as the
    average 12 year old, he had a mental age of 12

The Stanford-Binet
  • Louis M. Terman working at Stanford University,
    developed an English version of the
  • Longitudinal Study Terman also began a long-term
    study of gifted children
  • Intelligence Quotient (IQ) credited to Terman.
    Expesses the relationship between mental age
    and chronological age as a single number (a
  • IQ mental age/chronological age 100

Examples of IQ Computation
  • a ten year old scores at the level of the
    average 12 year old on a given test
  • 12/10 100 120 (a bright 10 year old)
  • a ten year old scores at the level of the
    average 8 year old on a given test
  • 8/10 100 80 (a below average 10 year old)

The Stanford-Binet yields an overall IQ plus four
area IQs
  • 1. verbal reasoning
  • 2. abstract/visual reasoning
  • 3. quantitative reasoning
  • 4. short-term memory

The Stanford-Binet overall IQ and area IQs have a
mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15
David Wechslers Contribution
  • Wechsler noted that the Stanford-Binet was
    designed primarily for children
  • Weshsler developed a test for adults (the WAIS)
    Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
  • The WAIS yields an overall IQ plus two area
    IQs verbal and performance
  • Like the Stanford-Binet, the WAIS overall IQ and
    area IQs have a mean of 100 and standard
    deviation of 15

Wechsler Extends His Work
  • Wechsler developed a test for (1) older children
    and adolescents (WISC) Wechsler Intelligence
    Scale for Children and (2) young children (WPPSI)
    Wechsler Preschool/Primary Scales of
  • Because each test covers a narrow age range and
    is easier to use, the Wechsler scales have
    surpassed the Stanford-Binet as the most widely
    used IQ tests

Test Administration
  • The Stanford-Binet, Wechsler Scales, and other IQ
    test are administered individually (one examiner
    to one test taker). One takes about 90 minutes.
  • The testing process can be lengthy and tiring for
    examiner and test taker
  • There are group (pencil and paper) IQ tests which
    are less accurate

What does an IQ score mean?(See Appendix A in
  • To answer this we need to know a little bit about
  • Statistics branch of mathematics used to
    organize and analyze data
  • 3 important statistical concepts
  • measures of central tendency
  • measures of variability
  • the normal or bell curve

Three Measures of Central Tendency
  • 1. Mode the most frequently occurring score
    (2,3,5,2,4,6) the mode is 2
  • 2. Median score that divides the distribution of
    scores in half (2,4,5,8,9) the median is 5
  • 3. Mean the arithmetic average (2356) / 4

Two Measures of Variability
  • 1. Range difference between the highest and
    lowest scores in a distribution (2,5,3,9,7) the
    range is 9 -2 7
  • 2. Standard Deviation a more useful measure the
    average distance that a group of scores are from
    their mean
  • 7 scores (85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115) What
    is the average distance that these scores are
    from their mean (100)?

Computing the standard deviation
85 - 100 -15 (-15)2 225
90 - 100 -10 (-10)2 100
95 - 100 - 5 (-5)2 25
100 -100 0 (0)2 0
105 -100 5 (5)2 25
110 -100 10 (10)2 100
115 -100 15 (15)2 225
? 700
700 / 7 100
100 10
The standard deviation is 10
The Normal Distribution (Bell Curve)
  • Is a hypothetical bell shaped curve that
    approximates the distribution of scores
    (characteristics) found among most naturally
    occurring variables
  • some naturally occurring variables are height,
    weight, personality traits, and IQ!
  • The normal distribution is marked off in
    standard deviations with 0 at the center
  • IN the next slide, the percentages for each part
    of the curve are shown. Note, they add up to 100

The Normal Distribution (Bell Curve)marked
off in standard deviations (SD)
  • Intelligence is a naturally occurring
    variable. IQ is, therefore, normally
    distributed. recall, Mean 100, SD 15
  • So, for all people in the U.S. (or any other)
  • 68 have IQs between and - 1 SD (85 - 115)
  • 95 have IQs between and - 2 SD (70 - 130)

2.5 13.5 34
34 13.5
-2 -1 0
1 2
70 85 100
115 130
a more complete distribution of IQ scores going
out to about and - 4 standard deviations
Performance and Culture-Fair Tests
  • performance tests Intelligence tests that
    minimize the use of language.
  • culture-fair tests Intelligence tests that
    eliminate cultural bias by minimizing skills
    and values that vary from one culture to another
    (e.g., what to do if another child hits you?)
    Children of different Social Classes would
    answer differently.
  • Progressive Matricesan example of a test that is
    both a performance test and a culture-fair test

What Makes a Good Test Psychometrics
  • 1. reliability Ability of a test to produce
    consistent and stable scores.
  • 2. validity Extent to which the test measures
    what we think it measures.
  • correlation Statistical measures of the
    strength and direction of the relationship
    between two variables. Correlation ranges from
    -1 to 1
  • Both reliability and validity are established via

  • Five people take the same test twice on Monday
    and again on Friday
  • person Monday Score Friday Score
  • A 100
  • B 140
  • C 75
  • D 80
  • E 150
  • Correlation is low Reliability is poor

  • Five people take the same test twice on Monday
    and again on Friday
  • person Monday Score Friday Score
  • A 100
  • B 140
  • C 75
  • D 80
  • E 150
  • Correlation is high Reliability is good

  • carry over effects can occur when the first
    administration of a test influences the score on
    a second testing.
  • split-half reliability A method of determining
    test reliability by dividing a test into two
    halves and correlating the two halves.
    Eliminates carry over effects.

Establishing Validity of a New Test
  • Five people complete our new IQ test and an
    established test (e.g., Stanford-Binet)
  • person New Test Established
  • A 70
  • B 140
  • C 75
  • D 80
  • E 150
  • Correlation is low Validity is poor

Establishing Validity of a New Test
  • Five people complete our new IQ test and an
    established test (e.g., Stanford-Binet)
  • person New Test Established
  • A 100
  • B 140
  • C 75
  • D 80
  • E 150
  • Correlation is high Validity is good

Types of Validity
  • content validity extent to which a test contains
    questions that cover all aspects of the subject
    being tested
  • criterion validity the new test is compared to a
    criterion or standard to establish its
  • face validity what the questions are measuring
    is very obvious (e.g., Are you depressed?).
    Sometimes a problem in personality, attitude, or
    clinical testing

Positive Aspects of Individual Testing
  • problems (lack of motivation) can be detected
  • tests can be tailored for those with special
  • tests are quite accurate and reliable

Criticisms of Individual Testing
  • possibility of Halo Effect (a positive or
    negative bias on the part of the examiner)
  • tests are time consuming and expensive
  • tests can give an unfair advantage to those of
    higher SES in school placement situations
  • tests may contain cultural-ethnic biases

What Determines Intelligence?(Nature vs. Nurture)
  • Heredity
  • Tryons maze bright and maze dull rats
  • IQ correlations in humans
  • Environment
  • Tryons and Rosenzweigs rat studies
  • H. M. Skeels study of mentally retarded orphans

Evidence for Heredity
  • Robert Tryon taught rats to run a maze
  • He bred the fastest learners with other fast
    learners over several generations
  • He did the same with the slowest learners
  • After several generations, he had two distinct
    populations maze bright rats who learned
    quickly and maze dull rats who learned slowly

Evidence for HeredityIQ and Familial
Evidence for Environment
  • Research by both Robert Tryon and Mark
    Rosenszweig showed that rats raised in a
    stimulating environment had more well developed
    brains and were brighter than rats raised in a
    plain and boring environment

Evidence for Environment
  • H. M. Skeels studied two groups of below average
    IQ orphans
  • One group was placed in a setting where they had
    attention from adult patients (also below
    average IQ)
  • The other group remained in the orphanage,
    receiving little attention
  • IQ scores INCREASED for the group placed with
    the adults

The Flynn Effect
  • Professor James Flynn has noted that IQ scores
    worldwide have been increasing several points per
    decade since the 1930s
  • However, nobody, as yet, is sure exactly why.
  • Are we getting more intelligent, and if so why?
  • Maybe just getting better at taking tests.

Gender Differences in Intelligence
  • Recent research finds little difference in the
    math and verbal abilities of males and females.
  • Males do have better spatial ability than
  • The average male and female IQ is about the same,
    but there is a higher proportion of men at the
    two extremes.

Extremes of Intelligence
  • mental retardation The condition of
    significantly subaverage intelligence (IQ below
    70) combined with deficiencies in adaptive
  • giftedness Refers to superior IQ combined with
    demonstrated or potential ability in such areas
    as academic aptitude, creativity, and leadership.

Levels of Mental Retardation
Mild - 50 through 70 may be able to function in
dependently Moderate 35 through 50 will nee
d some level of care and supervision
Severe 20 through 35 will need extensive car
e and supervision Profound 0 through 20 inca
pable of the even the simplest tasks
Some Genetic Causes of Retardation
  • Down syndrome results from an extra defective
    21st chromosome (also called Trisomy 21).
  • phenylketonuria (PKU) An enzyme needed for
    metabolizing certain foods is absent. Toxins
    collect and damage the nervous system
  • fragile-X syndrome due to a defect on the X

Other Causes of Retardation
  • alcohol or other drugs during pregnancy
  • exposure to toxins or radiation during pregnancy
  • maternal illness during pregnancy
  • birth trauma
  • malnutrition/deprivation during childhood
  • numerous other causes

  • The ability to produce novel and socially valued
    ideas or objects.
  • Creativity differs from giftedness
  • One can be very creative without having superior
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