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Saturn has some interesting small moons, ... Formation Facts. Age 4.6 Gyr old, from meteorite dating. ... Mars is likely too small to have held enough ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Announcements

  • Late HW 6 due right now.
  • All HW 6 should be graded by tomorrow (including
    the late work).
  • So, I should have all points tallied, and can let
    you know where you stand, just email or stop by.
  • Extra Credit should be graded by Monday, so
    points next week should be complete, minus the
    final exam. (email if you want to know where you
  • No office hours today. Email if you want to see
  • Do course evaluations, please

The Final
  • May 17th 130-330
  • Room 2400 CSS building (this room).
  • The final is worth 300 points out of the 1000 for
    the class. 30 of the grade.
  • It is CUMULATIVE! Covering all material covered
    in the lectures AND book.

The Final
  • The format will be similar to Tests 1 and 2.
  • About half short answer,
  • One quarter T/F and,
  • One quarter essays.
  • It will mostly (2/3) cover recent material
  • Large/Small Satellites, Rings, ExoPlanets, Planet
    Formation, Life and Space Missions.
  • The rest will be material from Tests 1 2,
  • Meteorites, Comets, Asteroids, Planets, The Sun.

Exam Conduct
  • Closed book, no notes or textbooks allowed.
  • Bring your own pens and pencils, no whiteout or
  • NO talking or communicating in anyway once the
    finals have been distributed.
  • Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are
    seen/heard cheating you may be asked to leave the
    exam room, and the case will be referred to the
    Head of Classes in the Astronomy Department. All
    credit for the exam will be lost, and the case
    may be sent to the University level.

  • Time to finalize our discussions of Plutos
  • At the beginning of the class, when surveyed, you
  • Yes 17
  • No 19
  • Maybe 2
  • The reasons given went from detailed orbits to
    not wanting to change textbooks.

  • Reasons it could be a planet?
  • Its size and shape it is large enough to reshape
    itself, hydrostatic equilibrium.
  • Orbits the Sun?
  • Has Moons?
  • History? Tradition?
  • Around 53 objects could be considered to be in
    hydrostatic equilibrium, including one MBA.
  • Reasons it might not be a planet?
  • Its orbit, eccentric, inclined.
  • It is in resonance with Neptune.
  • It is just one of many bodies in the Kuiper Belt.

  • A big problem in this debate is that the most
    clear-cut measurable is size, which can be
    related directly to hydrostatic equilibrium.
  • Likewise, the unclear concept of clearing its
    orbital neighborhood troubles some.
  • So, one kinda-scientific approach to this
    actually uses some math to clear up this last
    point, depending on a planets position in the
    Solar System, and its size, it must
  • Accrete the small bodies nearby, or (red line)
  • Eject the small bodies nearby (blue line)

Test 1 Material
  • Phases of the Moon
  • Seasons
  • Eclipses
  • Keplers laws
  • Law of Orbits elliptical orbits
  • Law of Areas same area is swept out in same
  • Law of Periods T2a3
  • The zones of the Sun, and radiation, the
  • Various aspects of the Sun, flares, sunspots..
    Energy consumption/production.

Test 1 material
  • The planets in terms of size, density, and
  • Mercurys high density,
  • The low densities of the outer planets.
  • Telescopes their locations and observing in
    different wavelengths and spectral windows
  • Solar System Formation, in terms of
  • Composition distribution of H and He,
  • Orbits and Rotation all in the same direction
    and plane.
  • The collapsing cloud which ends up as a rapidly
    spinning disk due to angular momentum

Test 1 material
  • Meteorites Stony, Iron, Stony-Iron
  • Primitive (chondrite), Differentiated
    (achondrite) and Breccias.
  • Primitives are all stony, and often contain
    chondrules. Carbonaceous Chondrites are a special
    class of primitive stones, and contain more
    volatiles and carbon.
  • Differentiated meteorites are typically 4.4-4.5
    Gyr old (we get their age by radioisotope
  • Asteroids
  • Size distribution- most mass in large asteroids
    (1/20 mass of the moon).
  • Gaps in the Main Belt due to Jupiter.
  • C-type are carbonaceous and dark, outer belt
  • S-type are stony, with silicates, primitive,
    inner belt.
  • M-type are metallic.
  • Comets are small primitive bodies from the outer
  • Mostly ice, their volatiles evaporate near the
    Sun, creating two tails.

Test 2 Material
  • The Moon 1 mass of Earth, 3.3 gcc, almost all
  • 8 reflectance in maria, 15 in highlands.
  • Cratering density tells us about ages of
    different regions, young maria, and old
  • Tidally locked with Earth, causes tides
  • Mercury has a strange spin-state, 32 resonance
    due to elliptical orbit.
  • Orbits in 88 days, rotates in 59 days, one day is
    176 days.
  • Has an old surface, and is mostly a metal core,
    might have lost its rocky crust in an impact.

Test 2 Material
  • Earths atmosphere
  • Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
    thermosphere, magnetosphere.
  • Greenhouse effect heats the surface, by trapping
    IR radiation.
  • Tectonics- a function of plate moving about on
    the lithosphere.
  • Venus has craters, but not basins must have been
    active since the LHB.
  • Atmosphere is 97 CO2, with runaway greenhouse.
  • 80 of surface is lava plains, some volcanoes,
    and pancake domes, and coronae.

Test 2 Material
  • Martian surface features.
  • Huge Valles Marineris
  • Tharsis Uplift, huge shield volcanoes.
  • Impact Basins Hellas.
  • Mars is not very dense, having a core of Iron
    Sulfur, instead of Iron Nickel.
  • Water on Mars
  • Runoff and Outflow channels
  • Gullies
  • Martian Atmosphere

Test 2 Material
  • Jupiter and Saturn show bands of colors, and have
    similar interiors
  • H gas, liquid molecular H, metallic H, and
    rock/ice cores.
  • Both have strong equatorial winds.
  • Similar cloud layers, Ammonia ice, Ammonium
    hydrosulfide ice, water ice.
  • Neptune and Uranus
  • Interiors Liquid H and He, Compresses Water,
    rocky cores.
  • Cooler atmospheres, with more heavy elements, no
    helium rain effect.
  • Both have oddly oriented magnetic fields.

Large Satellites
  • The large satellites we considered were,
  • The Galileans - Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
  • Saturns Titan,
  • Neptunes Triton.
  • Each is large enough to be a planet, were they
    not orbiting a gas giant.

The Galileans
  • The density of the Galileans increases with
    proximity to Jupiter
  • Io 3.6 All rock.
  • Europa 3.0 Differentiated, 10 ice
  • Ganymede 1.9 Differentiated, half ice/half rock
  • Callisto 1.9 Not differentiated, half ice/ half
  • Surface features also vary wildly, heavily
    cratered old surfaces on the outer moon
    (Callisto), and super-young surfaces in near
    Jupiter (Io).
  • The cratering record is altered due to
  • Gravitational focusing, and
  • The effects of impacting into ice.
  • Reflectance of the surfaces also vary with
    distnace, as purity of water ice on surface
    changes, CAllisto 18, Ganymede 25-50,
    Europa 70

The Galileans
  • Each moon has unique surface features and
    markings. Which tells a lot about their
  • Io and, to a lesser degree, Europa are tidally
    heated, due to a Mean Motion Resonance (421)
    with Ganymede.
  • Ganyemedes period 7.16 days
  • Europas period 3.55 days
  • Ios period 1.77 days
  • This Resonance excited eccentricities in the
    orbits of Io and Europa, creating tidal heating.
    This causes all of the volcanism at Io.
  • The tidally induced volcanism drives sulfur to
    the surface and into a loose atmosphere.

Titan-Saturns big Moon.
  • With a density of 1.9 gcc, it is physicall
    similar to Callisto and Ganymede BUT,
  • Radio occultation found an atmosphere of 1.5
    bars, mostly Nitrogen, but also with lots of
  • The atmosphere is evolving, constantly losing
    hydrogen from broken Methane, and other
    hydrocarbons which condense on the moons
  • We also see craters and other surface features on
    Titan, and The Huygens probe saw signs of
    drainage channels.

  • Triton is in a retrograde orbit around Neptune.
    This is why we think it is captured.
  • Tritons density is 2.1 gcc, very similar to
    Pluto and the rest of the KBOs.
  • Triton is very reflective, so it is very cold,
    37K. There are frozen volatiles on top of frozen
    water ice.

Small Satellites
  • We covered both regular and irregular small
  • Regular low eccentricity, low inclination,
    ALWAYS prograde.
  • Irregular High eccentricity and/or high
    inclination, possibly retrograde.
  • The orbital properties of the satellites tells us
    a lot about their origins.

Saturns medium sized moons
  • Saturn has 6 medium-sized moons, generally with
    densities between 1.1-1.4 gcc, so mostly (2/3)
    water ice and 1/3 rock.
  • Mimas Looks like Death Star. Retained the shape
    of the huge impact, so always very cold.
  • Enceladus - Very active plumes. Ejects material
    making up the E-ring. Tiger Stripes
  • Tethys Has a huge, weathered impact crater,
    suggesting some heating in the past. Ithaca
  • Dione Heavily cratered trailing side, possible
    heavy impact altering its spin state in the past.
  • Rhea - 60 reflective, very old surface.
  • Iapetus Crazy, super-dark side is on the
    leading hemisphere. Trailing hemisphere is very
    bright 50 reflective.

Medium-sized moons at Uranus
  • Uranus has 5 medium-sized moons, which are
    slightly denser than those at Saturn, between
    1.3-1.6 gcc.
  • All named for English literature characters.
  • The albedos are consistently between 20-30
    reflectance, so they are covered with dirty-ice
  • Oberon Outermost, heavily cratered, old
  • Titania a few large impact basins, huge
    trenches and rifts, caused by expansion.
  • Umbriel very dark with a few bright spots from
    fresh craters.
  • Ariel very bright, with huge craters from
  • Miranda crazy half melted surface is bizarre.
  • Nereid has a very eccentric orbit, and likely
  • Proteus is oddly shaped and very close to Uranus.

Small moons at Saturn
  • Saturn has some interesting small moons,
  • Janus and Epimetheus are co-orbitals, every 4
    years they swap orbits during a close encounter.
    Their orbits only differ by 50 km.
  • Saturn also has two cases of satellites with
    Trojans, moons orbiting at their Lagrange
    points, similar to the Jupiter Trojans.
  • Both Jupiter and Saturn have families of
    irregular small moons, with highly inclined
    orbits and large eccentricities. Each family are
    likely remnants from one parents captured

  • Saturns rings are 100,000s of kms wide, and only
    20 meters thick!
  • Each ring shows lots of structure, essentially
    lots of ringlets.
  • Rings C and D, are very faint inner rings.
  • C-ring has two gaps occupied by ringlets.
  • The B-ring is the brightest and most massive
  • It stretches from 32,000 km 57,000 km unbroken.
  • The particles are sized from 10s of cm to meters
    in size.

  • In between the B and A rings is the Cassini
  • The division is very large (4,000 km), and full
    of small faint rings and ringlets.
  • The A-ring is very large with two gaps,
  • Encke and Keeler.
  • This ring shows lots of wave features, spiral
    bending and spiral density waves.
  • The F-ring is a very thin ring full of braids and
    bright patches. It is eccentric and its width
    varies from 30-500 km.
  • It is shepherded by two moons, pan and
  • The G-ring is very thin and faint. It is only 8
    km wide.
  • The E-ring is very wide, and is formed from the
    material from Enceladus.

Rings at Uranus/Jupiter/Neptune
  • The Rings at Uranus were found via occultation in
    77. They a series of thin dark rings, probably
    made of carbonaceous material.
  • These rings are circular and narrow, less than 10
    km wide.
  • Jupiters rings are extremely faint. They likely
    come from the small moons adrastea and Metis.
  • Jupiter also has gossamer rings, bounded by
    Amalthea and Thebe.
  • Neptune has 3 rings, which have bright arcs in

Ring origins/Compositions
  • The possible origins for rings are
  • Break-up of a satellite,
  • Material is unable to form due to tidal fields.
  • The wide rings at Saturn should lose very small
    particles and erode in 100s of millions of years.
    Since we see plenty of small particles they are
    likely replenished by large km-sized particles,
    which are now being discovered.
  • Saturns rings are icy, as are its satellites,
  • Jupiters rings are silicate, matching its inner
  • Uranus and Neptune have dark carbonaceous rings,
    which dont match the icy satellites

Formation Facts
  • Age ? 4.6 Gyr old, from meteorite dating.
  • Rotation ? Planets rotate in the plane of the
    Suns equator, in the same direction.
  • Angular momentum ? The Sun has all the mass, the
    planets have the Angular Momentum.
  • Composition ? inner planets are silicate based,
    outer are heavy on volatiles, from temperature
    gradient in primordial disk.
  • Asteroids ? Leftovers from planet formation, show
    signs of composition gradient.
  • Meteorites ? primitive meteorites formed in the
    disk, some contain interstellar grains.
  • Comets ? Composed of water-ice and other trapped

Formation Facts
  • 8. Isotopes ? isotope ratios vary with distance
    from Sun..
  • 9. Volatiles ? Volatiles have reached the inner
    planets via comets, probably during the LHB.
  • 10. Retrograde rotation ? 2.5 retrograde rotating
    planets point to important role impacts have
    played in planets formation.
  • 11. Satellite Systems ? Giant planets have
    regular satellite systems, suggesting formation
    in a disk.
  • 12. Irregular Satellites ? All giant planets have
    captured satellites
  • 13. Giant planets ? The giant have cores with
    10-15 Earth masses of rock and ice, 3 of 4 show
    heat excess.

Extra Solar Planets
  • First ones were discovered via precise Pulsar
  • Methods for detecting planets around Solar-type
    stars are
  • Astrometric, observing motion of star
  • Radial Velocity- observing redshift from Doppler
  • Transit brightness dip from planet crossing in
    front of star.

Radial Velocity
  • This method relies on the movement of the star
    around the system barycenter, creating a
    redshift/blueshift signature in the stars
  • This method is responsible for most discoveries.
  • It determines Orbital Period, semi-major axis,
    and eccentricity of orbit, and multiple planets,
    and minimum mass of planet.
  • This method more easily finds close-in and large
  • AND, we now have a handful of ExoPlanets that are
    very close to stars and more massive than

  • These are very hard to obtain, due to slim odds
    of correct geometry and very slight dimming due
    to relative sizes involved.
  • These discoveries of Hot Jupiters requires new
    ideas on planet formation, or planet migration.
  • Planets can migrate, via angular momentum
    transfer with disks of material, BUT they must
    stop migrating somehow,
  • Tidally locked rotation,
  • Or planets just get eaten all the time.

Life in the Solar System
  • Life defined as
  • Metabolism
  • Reproduction
  • Miller-Urey created Amino Acids, but we also find
    them on meteorites and GMCs.
  • We find fossils dating to 3.5 Gyrs ago on Earth.
  • Signs on Earth point to life forming in a
    reducing atmosphere and evolving to the oxidizing
    atmosphere which came about about 2.2 Gyr ago via
  • Venus is too close to Sun, hence it lost its
    water via Runaway Greenhouse Effect,
  • Mars is likely too small to have held enough
    atmosphere amidst impacts.

  • We need spacecraft for exploration. They provide
    potential for in situ experiments, otherwise
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