Title: Tahoma 20 Pt
1(No Transcript)
2Leonid Brezhnev
Alexander Dubcek
3Soviets in Czechoslovakia Soviet leaders moved
tanks into Prague in August 1968 and ended the
widely admired reform movement taking place in
Czechoslovakia. Though there were protests, as
shown here on August 20, the outcome was a
foregone conclusion once the Soviets decided to
intervene. Although life soon returned to
"normal" in the Czechoslovak capital, the ending
of the Prague Spring proved a watershed for the
fate of communism in Europe.
4Ronald and Nancy Reagan
- Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy celebrate
Reagans inauguration as president.
5President Reagan addressing the Annual Convention
of the National Association of Evangelicals (the
"Evil Empire" speech)
- Branding the Soviet Union as the ''Evil Empire''
in 1983, President Ronald Reagan called for an
American military build-up that included the
''Star Wars'' space-baced missile defense system.
6Ronald Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev
- Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev chat during
the 1985 Geneva Summit.
7April 1986
8Diagram of SDI
December 1988
9Lech Walesa An inspiration for fellow workers at
the Lenin Shipyards in the dramatic and
successful strike against the Communist bosses in
August 1980, Lech Walesa (a feisty Lenin
Shipyards electrician and devout Catholic) played
a key role in Solidarity before and after it was
outlawed. Speaking here to old comrades at the
Lenin Shipyards after Solidarity was again
legalized in 1988, Walesa personified an enduring
opposition to Communist rule in eastern Europe.
10Berlin October 1989
11Fall of Berlin Wall In 1989, when the communist
regime in East Germany collapsed, the East German
government opened the wall on November 9th.
12Vaclav Havel Denied admission to the university
because of his upper-middle-class origins, Vaclav
Havel gravitated to the theater. In 1968 when the
Soviets rolled into Czechoslovakia, Havel threw
himself into the intellectual opposition to
communism and became its leading figure for the
next twenty years. Havel was a voice of hope and
humanity during these years, one that inspired
his compatriots with a lofty vision of a moral
postcommunist society. As president of the Czech
Republic (1989-2003), Havel continued to speak
eloquently on the great questions of our time
13- Timeline
- February 1990 widespread protests in Moscow
- Gorbachev proposes a union, but not under Party
rule - June 1991 Yeltsin elected President of the
Russian Republic - August 1991 communist coup to overthrow
Gorbachev fails, the people support Yeltsin - August 1991 the communist party is dissolved
First ever democratically elected leader in
Russian history Boris Yeltsin
14The August Coup - 1991
15Celebrating victory A Russian soldier flashes the
victory sign in front of the Russian parliament
in August 1991, as the last-gasp coup attempt of
Communist hard-liners is defeated by Boris
Yeltsin and an enthusiastic public. The soldier
has cut the hammer and sickle out of the Soviet
flag, consigning those famous symbols of
proletarian revolution to what Trotsky once
called the "garbage can of history."
16 The Republics of the Former Soviet Union
- In December 1991, the Soviet Union broke up into
its fifteen constituent republics. Eleven of
these are now loosely joined in the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS). Those not in the new
union are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Georgia.