Title: Plug In Prompts
1Plug In Prompts
2Choose a prompt topic
- All About Me!
- A Day in My Life
- Deep Thoughts
- School Stuff
- Theres always a first time!
3All About Me!Click a title and use a dry erase
marker to write detail sentences onscreen.
- Ill never forget the worst day in my life.
- Last night I had the most unbelievable dream.
- _____ is the hardest thing I've ever done.
- Whenever I have free time, I love to ____.
- The most unforgettable member of my family is
4Ill never forget the worst day in my life.
5Last night I had the most unbelievable dream.
6_____ is the hardest thing I've ever done.
7Whenever I have free time, I love to
8- The most unforgettable member of my family is...
9A Day in My Life Click a title and use a dry
erase marker to write detail sentences onscreen.
- I have a secret desire to _____.
- My pet has an interesting life.
- If I were in charge of school ___.
- The one thing I would change about myself is
____. - The one thing that really upsets me is______.
10I have a secret desire to
11- My pet has an interesting life.
12If I were in charge of school
13- The one thing I would change about myself is..
14- The one thing that really upsets me is..
15Deep Thoughts Click a title and use a dry erase
marker to write detail sentences onscreen.
- If I could change one thing in the world ____.
- I feel a good citizen is ____.
- The qualities of a good friend are ___.
- Everyone makes mistakes.
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20School Stuff Click a title and use a dry erase
marker to write detail sentences onscreen.
- My best class ever _____.
- A school program I really enjoyed was ____.
- If these walls could talk _____.
- If I ran the school ________.
21My best class ever _____.
22A school program I really enjoyed was
23If these walls could talk
24If I ran the school ________.
25Theres always a first time! Click a title and
use a dry erase marker to write detail sentences
- The one time I was really brave
- If I had a million dollars to give to a friend
- If I were the parent instead of the child
- When I grow up
26The one time I was really brave ___.
27If I had a million dollars to give to a friend
28If I were the parent instead of the child
29When I grow up