Title: Emery Berger
1Operating SystemsCMPSCI 377Lecture 9
Synchronization III
- Emery Berger
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2Last Time Locks Semaphores
- More on hardware support
- Implementing locks
- Test Set
- Busy waiting
- Semaphores
- Generalization of locks
3This Time More Synch Primitives
- Reader-Writer Locks
- Monitors
- Condition Variables
4Reader/Writers Problem
- Suppose one object shared among many threads
- Each thread is either a reader or a writer
- Readers only read data, never modify
- Writers read modify data
- How should we control access to this object?
- Which synchronization primitive?
5Single Lock
thread A Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread B Lock.acquire() Modify
data Lock.release()
thread C Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread D Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread E Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread F Lock.acquire() Modify
data Lock.release()
- Drawbacks of this solution?
6Readers/Writers Optimization
- Single lock safe, but limits concurrency
- Only one thread at a time, but
- Safe to have simultaneous readers!
- But only one writer at a time
- Must guarantee mutual exclusion for writers
7Readers/Writers Example
thread A Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread B Lock.acquire() Modify
data Lock.release()
thread C Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread D Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread E Lock.acquire() Read data Lock.release()
thread F Lock.acquire() Modify
data Lock.release()
- Maximizes concurrency
- Great! But how do we implement this?
8Reader-Writer Locks
- New synchronization operatorreader-writer lock
- Multiple readers, just one writer
- Can be built with standard synch primitives
- E.g., semaphores
9Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
10Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
11Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
12Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
13Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
14Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
15Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
16Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
17Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
18Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
19Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
20Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
21Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
22Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
23Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
24Starvation Problem
- Two possible policies
- No reader waits unless writer is already in
- Waiting writer always gets served first
- Both variants may lead to starvation
- First writers may starve
- Second readers may starve
25Readers/Writers Algorithm
- As long as there are no writers
- Let readers in
- If no readers or writers
- Let one writer in
variant 2
variant 1
26Implementing R/W Locks
- Can implement with two semaphores
- Mutex protect number of readers
- Queue control scheduling of writers
- Control access to a database
- int getValue()
- void setValue (int n)
27Implementing R/W Locks
class RWDatabase private Database db
private int readers private Semaphore mutex
private Semaphore writersSemaphore RWInt()
readers 0 mutex new Semaphore (1)
queue new Semaphore (1) int read()
void write (int n)
28Implementing R/W Locks
void RWDatabasewrite (int v)
writersSemaphore.wait() db.setValue(v) //
Write the value writersSemaphore.signal()
Write value
29Implementing R/W Locks
int RWDatabaseread() int v
mutex.wait() readers if (readers 1)
// Im first reader writersSemaphore.wait()
mutex.signal() v db.getValue()
mutex.wait() readers-- if (readers 0)
// Im last reader writersSemaphore.signal()
mutex.signal() return v
Add a reader
Read, remove reader
30Problems withSemaphores Locks
- Much better than load/store
- Still many drawbacks
- Serve two purposes
- Mutual exclusion
- Scheduling constraints
- Effectively shared global variables
- Access to semaphores may be anywhere
- Not structured
- Not tied to data they control access to
- Invented by C.A.R. Tony Hoare for Mesa
- Also invented quicksort, Hoare triples
- a gt 16 a sqrt(a) a gt 4
- monitor Java class with
- All data private
- All methods synchronized
32Implementing Monitors in Java
class QueueMonitor private queue q public
void synchronized add (Object item) q.add
(item) public Object synchronized remove()
if (q.notEmpty()) Object o
q.remove() return o else //
what should we do here?
33Remove Options
- Options for remove when queue empty
- Return special error value (e.g., NULL)
- Throw an exception
- Wait for something to appear in the queue
- Wait sleep()
- But sleep inside synchronized
- Holds lock
- Goes to sleep
- Never wakes up!
34Condition Variables
- Queue of threads waiting in critical section
- Thread must hold lock when performing
operations - wait(Lock l)
- Atomically releases lock, goes to sleep
- Reacquires lock when awakened
- notify()
- Wakes up one waiting thread, if any
- notifyAll()
- Wakes up all waiting threads
35Implementing Monitors in Java
class QueueMonitor private queue q public
void synchronized add (Object item) q.add
(item) notify() public Object
synchronized remove() while (q.empty())
wait() return q.remove()
36R/W Locks in Java
class RWDatabase private Database db
private int readers private int writers
RWInt() readers 0 public
synchronized int read() public
synchronized void write (int n)
37R/W Locks in Java
public int RWDatabaseread() preRead() int
v db.getValue() postRead() return
v private void synchronized preRead()
while (writers gt 0) wait()
readers private void synchronized
postRead() readers-- if (readers 0)
38R/W Locks in Java
public synchronized void RWDatabasewrite (int
v) preWrite() db.setValue(v)
postWrite() private void preWrite()
writers while (readers gt 0) wait()
private void postWrite() writers--
- Reader-Writer Locks
- Permit concurrent reads
- Implementable with semaphores
- Monitors
- Classes tie data, methods with synchronization
- Condition Variables
- Release lock temporarily
- Waiting inside critical sections
40Next Time