Title: Randomized Algorithms
1?????Randomized Algorithms
- ??? (Hsueh-I Lu)
- http//www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/hil/
- About midterm
- Fingerprinting techniques (?????)
3Yaos ? O(n log n) for randomized sorting
- Find a probabilistic distribution over all
possible inputs and argue that any deterministic
algorithm has expected running time O(n log n)
with respect to this probabilistic distribution.
4Uniform distribution
- There are exactly n! possible ordering for the
length-n input numbers. - Let each possible ordering appears with
probability exactly 1/(n!). - It remains to show that with this probabilistic
distribution, any deterministic algorithm runs in
expected O(n log n) time. - Note that this is about probabilistic analysis
of a deterministic algorithm.
5Sorting by comparison
- Each deterministic algorithm can be described by
a binary tree with exactly n! leaves.
6Sorting by comparison
7Leaf ? an input
- The depth of a leaf is the number of comparisons
required for the corresponding input. - The average depth of all n! leaves is the
expected running time for the deterministic
algorithm described by the binary tree.
8Binary tree with n! leaves
- There can be at most 2k leaves with depth k or
less. - Let k 0.5 log2 n!, so 2k (n!)0.5.
- At most (n!)0.5 leaves have depths 0.5 log (n!)
or less. - At least n! - (n!)0.5 leaves have depths O(n log
n). - The average depth of leaves is O(n log n).
- Let x1, x2, , xn be the nodes of G.
- Let Gi be the sub-graph of G induced by x1, x2,
, xi. - For i 1 to n do
- Assign xi to L or R depending on which choice
maximizes the number of crossed edges in Gi with
respect to the choices made for x1, x2, , xi-1.
11The decision for xi
120.5 Dumb 0.5 Dumber Clever
- Yes, its possible. Just let problem Pi be to
minimize 1 over the number of satisfied clauses. ?
14Is X equal to Y?
15Are Two Matrices Identical?
16The problem
- Input two n-by-n matrices A and B.
- Output determining whether A B?
17Naïve approach
- Comparing all elements.
- Needs n2 comparisons.
Can we reduce the number of comparisons if a
small probability of error is allowed?
18Fingerprinting approach
- Choose an n-element column vector r,
- where each element of r is either 0 or 1
independently and equally likely. - Comment As a matter of fact, 0 and 1 can be any
two distinct numbers. - Compare Ar and Br, and output whether they are
Only n comparisons.
20Error Probability?
22Bounding the probability
24Criticism Computing Ar takes O(n2) time.
Only n comparisons.
25More interesting exampleIs AB C?
- Input three n-by-n matrices A, B, C.
- Output determining whether AB C.
- Naïve approach takes O(n3) time for matrix
multiplication and O(n2) time for comparison. - Or, the fast matrix multiplication takes O(n2.37)
26Fingerprinting approach
- Choose an n-element column vector r,
- where each element of r is either 0 or 1
independently and equally likely. - Comment As a matter of fact, 0 and 1 can be any
two distinct numbers. - Compare ABr and Cr, and output whether they are
Only n comparisons.
Only O(n2) comparisons.
Only O(n2) operations
28Error Probability?
29Are two Polynomials Identical?
30Is A(x)B(x) C(x)?
- Input
- A(x) and B(x) are two degree-n polynomials.
- C(x) is a degree-2n polynomial.
- Output
- Determine whether the product of A(x) and B(x) is
equal to C(x).
31Naïve approach
- Multiplying A(x) and B(x) takes O(n log n) time
- e.g., using Fast Fourier Transform.
- Comparing A(x)B(x) and C(x) takes O(n) time.
32Fingerprinting approach
- Let R consist of arbitrary 4n distinct numbers.
- Choose a number r from R uniformly at random.
- Evaluate A(r)B(r) and C(r), and output whether
they are identical. - Time complexity
- O(n) for computation
- O(1) for comparison.
33Error Probability?
35Are Two Strings Identical?
36The problem
- Input Two n bit strings A and B.
- Output determining whether A B.
- Naïve approach requires comparing all n bits of
both strings.
37????? (Alice and Bob)
38The story
- Each of Alice and Bob maintains a copy of the
same n-bit database. They have to make sure that
both copies are indeed identical. - Can they discover inconsistency with high
probability by comparing only poly-log number of
39Fingerprinting approach
- Let a (resp., b) be the n-bit number whose binary
representation is A (resp., B). - Randomly choose a polylog(n)-bit prime number p.
- (For example, p ?2n2 log2 n.)
- Alice compute the remainder r of a divided by p.
- Bob compute the remainder s of b divided by p.
- Output whether r s.
40Error Probability?
41Two Facts
- Prime Number Theorem
- The number of primes smaller than m is
asymptotically m/ln m. - Observation
- The number of distinct prime divisors of an n-bit
number is O(n). (Why?)
43Verifying the number of satisfying truth
44The SAT problem
46The class NP
- L?NP Each member x of L has a short and easily
verifiable proof for showing x?L (succinet
certificate for membership) - e.g. graph isomorphism ?NP
47SAT belongs to NP,
- because each satisfiable set of clauses has a
polynomial-sized proof for its satisfiability,
i.e., one of its satisfying truth assignments.
48The SAT problem
50SAT belongs to IP
51Proof system
Short proof
- ???
- ????
- unlimited resource
- exp. computing power
52Proof system
Short proof
- ?? completeness
- x?L ? ltP,Vgt(x)1.
- ?? soundness
- x?L ? ltP,Vgt(x)0, ? (malicious) P.
- ??efficiency
- V runs in polynomial time.
53Proof system ? Interactive proof system.
- L?NP ? L has such a proof system
- ? generalization
- Interactive Proof System
- Allowing interaction
- Allowing V to throw dice
- A pair of interactive (randomized) algorithms P
and V forms an interactive proof system for L if - completeness
- ? x?L, PrltP,Vgt(x)1 ?
- soundness
- ? x?L, ? P, PrltP,Vgt(x)1 ?
- tractability
- V runs in polynomial time.
55IP consists of problems having interactive proof
56Interactions in computation can be powerful
- in, e.g., zero-knowledge proofs.
- The Coke Problem
- The Labyrinth Problem
- The Graph Non-Isomorphism Problem.
57The Coke Problem
58The Labyrinth Problem
59Graph Non-Isomorphism
- Input G0 and G1
- Output
- 1, if G0 and G1 are non-isomorphic
- 0, if G0 and G1 are isomorphic.
60GNI belongs to IP
- An interactive proof for GNI
- V1
- Select b from 0,1 uniformly at random
- Select a random permutation ? over 1, 2, , n
- Send G ?(Gb) to P
- P1 compute a number a?0,1, with Ga G
- V2 if a b, then accept otherwise reject.
61Is this an interactive proof system?
- Q1 tractability? Yes!!??verifier???
- Q2 completeness?
- (G0,G1)?GNI G0 and G1 arent isomorphic.
- ? a b ? PrltP,Vgt(G0,G1) 1 1
- Q3 soundness?
- G0 G1
- ?One can prove that
- ?P, PrltP,Vgt(G0, G1) 1 ½.
63Goal SAT belongs to IP
64Technique Representing a clause set by a
66The goal