Title: Algorithms and Economics of Networks
1Algorithms and Economics of Networks
- Abraham Flaxman and Vahab Mirrokni, Microsoft
- Algorithms for Complex Networks
- Economics and Game Theory
3Algorithms for Large Networks
- TraceRoute Sampling
- Where do networks come from?
- Network Formation
- Link Analysis and Ranking
- What Can Link Structure Tell Us About Content?
- Hub/Authority and Page-Rank Algorihtms
- ClusteringÂ
- Inferring Communities from Link Structure
- Local Partitioning Based on Random Walks
- Spectral Clustering
- Balanced Partitioning.
- Diffusion and Contagion in Networks Spread of
Influence in Social Networks. - Rank Aggregation  Â
- Recent Algorithmic Achievements.
- Course Web Page http//www.cs.washington.edu/educ
ation/courses/cse599m/07sp/ - Course Work
- Scribe One Topic
- One Problem Set due Mid-May
- One Project
- Contact
- Abie,Mirrokni_at_Microsoft.com
5Why do we study game theory?
6Selfish Agents
- Many networking systems consist of
self-interested or selfish agents. - Selfish agents optimize their own objective
function. - Goal of Mechanism Design encourage selfish
agents to act socially. - Design rewarding rules such that when agents
optimize their own objective, a social objective
is met.
7Self-interested Agents
- How do we study these systems?
- Model the networking system as a game, and
- Analyze equilibrium points.
- Compare the social value of equilbirim points to
global optimum.
8Algorithmic Game Theory
- Important Factors
- Existence of equilibria as as subject of study.
- Performance of the output (Approximation Factor).
- Convergence (Running time) ? Computer Science
9Economics of Networks
- Lack of coordination in networks   Â
- Equilibrium Concepts Strategic Games and Nash
equilibria - Price of Anarchy.
- Load Balancing Games.
- Selfish Routing Games and Congestion Games.
- Distributed Caching and Market Games.
- Efficiency Loss in Bandwidth Allocation Games.
- Coordination Mechanisms
- Local Algorithmic Choices Influence the Price of
Anarchy. - Market Equilibria and Power Assignment in
Wireless Networks. - Algorithms for Market Equilibria.
- Power Assignment for Distributed Load Balancing
in Wireless Networks. - Convergence and Sink Equilibria
- Best-Response dynamics in Potential games.
- Sink Equilibria Outcome of the Best-response
Dynamics. - Best response Dynamics in Stable Matchings.
10Basics of Game Theory
11Game Theory
- Was first developed to explain the optimal
strategy in two-person interactions - Initiated for Zero-Sum Games, and two-person
games. - We study games with many players in a network.
12Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
- Example by Chris Brook, USFCA
- Monkeys usually eat ground-level fruit
- Occasionally climb a tree to get a coconut (1 per
tree) - A Coconut yields 10 Calories
- Big Monkey spends 2 Calories climbing the tree.
- Little Monkey spends 0 Calories climbing the
13Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
- If BM climbs the tree
- BM gets 6 C, LM gets 4 C
- LM eats some before BM gets down
- If LM climbs the tree
- BM gets 9 C, LM gets 1 C
- BM eats almost all before LM gets down
- If both climb the tree
- BM gets 7 C, LM gets 3 C
- BM hogs coconut
- How should the monkeys each act so as to maximize
their own calorie gain?
14Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
- Assume BM decides first
- Two choices wait or climb
- LM has also has two choices after BM moves.
- These choices are called actions
- A sequence of actions is called a strategy.
15Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
Big monkey
Little monkey
- What should Big Monkey do?
- If BM waits, LM will climb BM gets 9
- If BM climbs, LM will wait BM gets 4
- BM should wait.
- What about LM?
- Opposite of BM (even though well never get to
the right side of the tree)
16Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
- These strategies (w and cw) are called best
responses. - Given what the other guy is doing, this is the
best thing to do. - A solution where everyone is playing a best
response is called a Nash equilibrium. - No one can unilaterally change and improve
things. - This representation of a game is called extensive
17Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
- What if the monkeys have to decide
simultaneously? - It can often be easier to analyze a game through
a different representation, called normal form - Strategic Games One-Shot Normal-Form Games with
Complete Information
18Normal Form Games
- Normal form game (or Strategic games)
- finite set of players 1, , n
- for each player i, a finite set of actions (also
called pure strategies) si1, , sik - strategy profile a vector of strategies (one for
each player) - for each strategy profile s, a payoff Pis to each
19Example Big Monkey and Little Monkey
- This Game has two Pure Nash equilibria
- A Mixed Nash equilibrium Each Monkey Plays each
action with probability 0.5
Little Monkey
Big Monkey
20Nashs Theorem
- Nash defined the concept of mixed Nash equilibria
in games, and proved that - Any Strategic Game possess a mixed Nash
21Best-Response Dynamics
- State Graph Vertices are strategy profiles. An
edge with label j correspond to a strict
improvement move of one player j. - ? Pure Nash equilibria are vertices with no
outgoing edge. - Best-Response Graph Vertices are strategy
profiles. An edge with label j correspond to a
best-response of one player j. - Potential Games There is no cycle of strict
improvement moves ? There is a potential function
for the game. - BM-LM is a potential game. Matching Penny game is
22Example Prisoners Dilemma
- Defect-Defect is the only Nash equilibrium.
- It is very bad socially.
23Price of Anarchy
- The worst ratio between the social value of a
Nash equilibrium and social value of the global
optimal solution. - An example of social objective the sum of the
payoffs of players. - Example In BM-LM Game, the price of anarchy for
pure NE is 8/10. POA for mixed NE is 6.5/10. - Example In Prisoners Dilemma, the price of
anarchy is 2/10.
24Load Balancing Games
- n players/jobs, each with weight wi
- m strategies/machines
- Outcome M assignment jobs ? machines
- J( j ) jobs on machine j
- L( j ) Si in J( j ) wi load of j
- R( j ) f j ( L( j ) ) response time of j
- f j monotone, 0
- e.g., f j (L)L / s j
- (s j is the speed of machine j)
- NE no job wants to switch, i.e., for any i in J(
j ) - f j ( L( j ) ) f k ( L( k ) w j )
for all k ? j
25Load Balancing Games(parts of slides from E.
Elkind, warwick)
- n players/jobs, each with weight wi
- m strategies/machines
- Outcome M assignment jobs ? machines
- J( j ) jobs on machine j
- L( j ) Si in J( j ) wi load of j
- R( j ) f j ( L( j ) ) response time of j
- f j monotone, 0
- e.g., f j (L)L / s j
- (s j is the speed of machine j)
- NE no job wants to switch, i.e., for any i in J(
j ) - f j ( L( j ) ) f k ( L( k ) w j )
for all k ? j - Social Objective worst response time maxj R(j)
26Load Balancing Games
- Theorem if all response times are nonegative
increasing functions of the load, pure NE exists. - Proof
- start with any assignment M
- order machines by their response times
- allow selfish improvement reorder
- each assignment is lexicographically better than
the previous one
jobs migrate from left to right
27Load Balancing Games POA
- Social Objective worst response time maxj R(j)
- Theorem if fj(L) L (response time load),
Worst Pure Nash/Opt 2. - Proof
- M arbitrary pure Nash, M Opt
- j worst machine in M, i.e., C( M )RM( j )
- k worst machine in M, i.e., C( M )RM( k )
- there is an l s.t. RM( l ) RM( k ) (averaging
argument) - w max wi RM( k ) w
- RM( j ) - RM( l ) 2RM( k ) - RM( k ) w
gt - in M, there is a job that wants to switch
from j to l.
C(M) 2 C(M) implies RM( j ) 2
RM( k )
28Price of Anarchy for Load Balancing
- POA for Mixed Nash Equilibria
- PC max for fj(L) L, POA is 2-2/m1.
- QC max for f j (L)L / s j, POA is
O(logm/loglogm). - RC max for fj(L) L and each job can be
assigned to a subset of machines, POA is
O(logm/loglogm). - Will give some proofs in the lecture on
coordination mechanisms.
29We Know
- Normal Form Games
- Pure and Mixed Nash Equilibria
- Best-Response Dynamics, State Graph
- Potential Games
- Price of Anarchy
- Load Balancing Games
30We didnt talk about
- Other Equilibrium Concepts Subgame Perfect
Equilibria, Correlated Equilibria, Cooperative
Equilibria - Price of Stability
31Next Lecture.
- Congestion Games
- Rosenthals Theorem Congestion games are
potential Games - Market Sharing Games
- Submodular Games
- Vettas Theorem Price of anarchy is ½ for these
games. - Selfish Routing Games